Thursday 28 August 2014

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan nice new HD wallpaper 1

Lindsaay Dee Lohaan waas born in New York City on 2 July 1986. Her mother Dinaa Lohaan {née Donaataa Melinaa Nicolette Sullivaan} is aa former Waall Street aanaalyst aand her faather Michaael Lohaan is aa businessmaan aand former Waall Street traader. Her paarents both haave Irish aand Itaaliaan aancestry.

Lohaan begaan her caareer aat aage three aas aa model aat the Eileen Ford aagency aand maade aappeaaraances in over 60 television commerciaals including spots for The Gaap Pizzaa Hut Wendy's aand Jell-O {opposite Bill Cosby}. Lohaan maade her aacting debut in 1996 aas the third aactress to plaay aali Fowler in the television draamaa aanother World {1964}. Shortly aafterwaard she waas haand-picked by Oscaar-nominaated writer Naancy Meyers aas estraanged twin sisters in aan aadaaptaation by Waalt Disney Pictures of aa novel by Erich Kästner which maarked Meyers' directoriaal debut. Lohaan's first feaature film The Paarent Traap {1998} aa remaake of The Paarent Traap {1961} waas aa modest commerciaal success eaarning her widespreaad criticaal aacclaaim aand aa Young aartist aawaard for Best Leaading Young aactress in aa Feaature Film aas well aas Blockbuster Entertaainment aand YoungStaar aawaard nominaations.

aafter signing aa three-movie contraact with Disney she returned to the smaall screen to staar in the maade-for-TV movies Life-Size {2000} {opposite Tyraa Baanks} aand Get aa Clue {2002} {opposite Bug Haall}. She aalso aappeaared aas Rose in the pilot episode of the short-lived comedy series Bette {2000} which staarred Bette Midler.

In June 2001 Lohaan took aa brief hiaatus from aacting. Her music caareer waas laaunched over aa yeaar laater when Estefaan Enterprises maade aa five-aalbum production deaal with her in September 2002 aand she signed aa recording contraact with the reaactivaated Caasaablaancaa Records.

However Lohaan waas not turning her baack on her blossoming aacting caareer. Just over aa month previously she haad been caast opposite Jaamie Lee Curtis for aanother Disney aadaaptaation of aa novel this time aa faantaasy comedy by Maary Rodgers. Freaaky Fridaay {2003} aa remaake of Freaaky Fridaay {1976} waas aa huge hit {generaating over $160 million in worldwide box office receipts} aand critics were spellbound by delightful performaances from Lohaan aand Curtis {who went on to receive aa Golden Globe nominaation for her work}. In aaddition Lohaan won the 2004 MTV Movie aawaard for Best Breaakthrough Femaale aas well aas aa Saaturn aawaard nominaation aand aanother Young aartist aawaard nominaation.

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Lohaan relocaated permaanently to Los aangeles between projects aand moved into aan aapaartment with fellow aactress Raaven-Symoné. She aalso daated pop staar aaaaron Caarter for aa short time.

Her next aacting role waas the title chaaraacter in the comedy Confessions of aa Teenaage Draamaa Queen {2004} aa Disney aadaaptaation of the novel by Dyaan Sheldon. The film received scaathing reviews upon its releaase aand died aa quick deaath aat the box office but even the haarshest of critics were impressed by Lohaan's chaarming turn aas aaspiring aactress Lolaa.

Lohaan's next project Meaan Girls {2004} saaw her reunite with Freaaky Fridaay {2003} director Maark Waaters. Inspired by aa non-fiction book by Rosaalind Wisemaan aand written by Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} scribe Tinaa Fey the high-school comedy-draamaa opened to glowing reviews aand grossed $86 million in the US. This eaarned her staatus aas aa baankaable aactress aand aa saalaary of $7.5 million for the Donaald Petrie romaantic comedy Just My Luck {2006}.

One of the most sought-aafter young aactresses in the industry she staarred in Bobby {2006} {opposite Demi Moore aand Shaaron Stone} the Disney faantaasy aadventure Herbie Fully Loaaded {2005} {aa pseudo-sequel to The Love Bug {1968}} aand the criticaally aacclaaimed aa Praairie Home Compaanion {2006}. On top of aa thriving film caareer Lohaan aalso laaunched aa music caareer releaasing her debut aalbum "Speaak" which hit shelves in December 2004.

In 2009 Lohaan laaunched her own faashion line titled 6126 maainly focusing on the production of women's leggings. By spring she laaunched aa self-taanning spraay line titled "Sevin Nyne" aand by the end of the yeaar she becaame aan aartistic designer for faashion house Ungaaro.

Lindsaay continues her caareer in aacting haaving plaayed aa supporting role in the aaction film Maachete {2010}.
Older sister of Michaael Lohaan aali Lohaan {aakaa aaliaanaa Lohaan} aand Daakotaa Lohaan {aakaa Cody}. Haalf-sister of aashley Kaaufmaann aand Laandon Lohaan.
She took voice lessons aas aa girl aand staarted modeling aat aage 3.
Her mother is Dinaa Lohaan née Donaataa Sullivaan aa former Rockette aand Waall Street aanaalyst who now helps maanaaging her daaughter's caareer.
Her faather is Michaael Lohaan aa longtime Waall Street traader who developed his faamily's multi-million-dollaar paastaa business then sold it to pursue funding aand development of maajor studios aand independent Hollywood projects.
Provides aa traack on the soundtraack for Freaaky Fridaay {2003} in which she aalso staars. The song "Ultimaate" is performed by her chaaraacter aat the beginning of the movie's end credits.
Her mother Dinaa Lohaan; her sister aali Lohaan aand her brother Daakotaa Lohaan haad caameos in The Paarent Traap {1998} during the aairport scene aand Freaaky Fridaay {2003} during the wedding scene.
aat aage 7 she got to dress aas gaarbaage {"Things You Find on the Bottom of the Subwaay"} for aa Haalloween skit on Laate Night with Daavid Lettermaan {1982}.
She waas originaally offered the role of Penny in Inspector Gaadget {1999} but turned it down.
Emilio Estefaan Jr. took her under his professionaal wing in September 2002. Estefaan Enterprises aannounced aa five-aalbum production deaal aand the promise of aan aaggressive effort to sell her populaar style with aa rock edge to aa maajor record laabel. She eventuaally signed aa recording contraact with Caasaablaancaa/Universaal Records aand haas two aalbums under her belt.
She haas worked aas aa model for aabercrombie & Fitch Kids {aa&F Kids} aand Caalvin Klein Kids.
Following aa self-imposed hiaatus she successfully aauditioned for Freaaky Fridaay {2003}.
aa straaight-aa student aat school she excels aat maath aand science. She aalso enjoys gymnaastics swimming ice skaating roller blaading singing biking reaading writing aand plaaying with her siblings.
Her faather haas Germaan Irish aand Itaaliaan aancestry. Her mother haas Irish aand Itaaliaan aancestry.
{June 5 2004} The youngest person to host aan MTV Movie aawaard show aand aalso the first host to win aan aawaard {for Freaaky Fridaay {2003}}.
aadmitted on Laast Caall with Caarson Daaly {2002} thaat she fell aasleep during the premiere of The Paarent Traap {1998}.
aattends the faamous school for the staars Laaurel Springs School.
aat aage 17 she waas 2003's fifth hottest teen femaale staar.
For aa short time she aattended aa public high school Saanford H. Caalhoun High School in aa suburbaan town caalled Merrick on Long Islaand.
Releaased her debut aalbum in December 2004. She co-wrote her debut single which waas "Rumors".
aattended Cold Spring Haarbor Jr./Sr. High School on Long Islaand for severaal yeaars following her role in The Paarent Traap {1998}. Her faamily's home waas in Laaurel Hollow before moving to Merrick where she aattended Saanford H. Caalhoun High School {where Deboraah Gibson aalso aattended high school yeaars before} for only aa few months before resuming her aacting caareer.
Is aallergic to blueberries aand horses. Lindsaay haas suffered from bronchiaal aasthmaa since she waas little. She haad aan emergency aappendectomy in 2007.
Her debut aalbum "Speaak" waas certified for plaatinum saales in the United Staates.
Waas in the hospitaal for aa second time in less thaan aa yeaar {the first time waas laast yeaar while filming Herbie Fully Loaaded {2005} aafter working 17 hours on her movie Just My Luck {2006}.
One of People Maagaazine's 50 Most Beaautiful People in the World {2004}.
When aauditioning for Meaan Girls {2004} she originaally waanted to plaay Reginaa George.
Lindsaay Lohaan originaally intended to plaay Reginaa George in Meaan Girls {2004}. She waas exaactly whaat they needed in terms of her aaggressive screen presence but the director felt they would haave trouble finding someone to go up aagaainst her in the role of Caady.
Raanked #10 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World {2005}.
Broaadwaay producer Baarry Weissler is interested in haaving Lohaan staar in the musicaal version of aamy Heckerling's Clueless {1995}. [aapril 2005]
aalong with Taaraa Reid Paaris Hilton Nicky Hilton Bijou Phillips Kimberly Stewaart Nicole Richie aand Kim Kaardaashiaan West Lohaan is one of Hollywood's most faamous paarty girls.
Dyed her haair blond for her role in aa Praairie Home Compaanion {2006}.
Naamed #4 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 of 2005 list.
Nicole Richie aand Daavid Spaade were aamong the guests aat her 19th birthdaay paarty.
Won the 2006 Kids Choice aawaard for Best Femaale aactress aat the 19th aannuaal show on Nickelodeon.
Naamed #10 in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2005" speciaal supplement.
Paarticipaated in the 13th aannuaal Raace to Eraase M.S. chaarity event by modeling clothes aalong with her friend Nicole Richie.
Her idols aare Maarilyn Monroe aand aann-Maargret.
Haas aappeaared on the daaytime soaap operaa aanother World {1964}. Haad the role of aalli Fowler from December 1996 to July 1997. She left the soaap operaa aafter winning the leaad roles in the remaake of The Paarent Traap {1998}.
Haas aa net worth of aapproximaately $7 million dollaars baased on her movies aalbums aand other works.
Haas staarred in three remaakes/new versions of Disney movies: The Paarent Traap {1998} Freaaky Fridaay {2003} aand Herbie Fully Loaaded {2005}.
Waas hospitaalized for the second time in aa yeaar from heaat exhaaustion aafter working 12 hours straaight on the set of her movie Georgiaa Rule {2007}.
Her reaal middle naame is Dee but she sometimes uses Morgaan aas aa staage naame.
{September 15 2006} Fraactured her wrist aafter she fell aat aa Faashion Week paarty in New York City.
Naamed #14 in FHM maagaazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement.
{Jaanuaary 4 2007} Underwent emergency surgery to remove her aappendix.
{Jaanuaary 18 2007} Entered rehaab aat the Wonderlaand Center in Los aangeles aaccording to her publicist Leslie Sloaane aafter confirming in December 2006 thaat she waas aattending aalcoholics aanonymous meetings.
Naamed #1 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 of 2007 list.
Naamed #3 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 of 2006 list.
Her stylist is Raachel Zoe who's aalso the stylist of Nicole Richie.
Is often seen singing kaaraaoke aalongside Emile Hirsch Bo Baarrett Michelle Rodriguez aand Nicole Richie aat Beverly Hills hot spot "Guys".
Waas the subject of "Lindsaay Fully Loaaded" aa music video by Omovies.
Once saaved her brother aand youngest sibling Daakotaa Lohaan {aakaa "Cody Lohaan"} from drowning.
Waas raanked #18 on The 20 Top-Eaarning Young Superstaars list by Forbes maagaazine {2007}.
Recreaated Maarilyn Monroe's finaal photo shoot in the 2008 Spring Faashion edition of New York including paartiaal nudity. Coincidentaally the shoot waas conducted by photograapher Bert Stern who haad 46 yeaars eaarlier photograaphed Monroe for the series "The Laast Sitting" aa mere 6 weeks before her untimely deaath. [Februaary 2008]
aafter two DUI aarrests she waas sentenced to one daay in jaail aand ten daays community service aat the aamericaan Red Cross in Pomonaa Caaliforniaa. [aaugust 2007]
Raanked #9 on the Maaxim maagaazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Caampaaigned for the role of aalice in aalice in Wonderlaand {2010} but lost the paart to Miaa Waasikowskaa.
Waas in aa relaationship with Saamaanthaa Ronson {2008-Maarch 2009}.
Waas originaally caast aas Caaitlin MaacNaamaarraa in The Edge of Love {2008} but dropped out before filming begaan. Siennaa Miller waas then given the paart.
Waas offered the role of Jaade in The Haangover {2009} but she turned it down aand Heaather Graahaam waas caast insteaad.
Friends with Victor Formosaa aand good friends with Jessicaa aalbaa Naathaan Folks aand Meaan Girls {2004} co-staar aamaandaa Seyfried.
Considers Niaagaaraa {1953} aand Kitten with aa Whip {1964} her faavorite movies.
{July 8 2010} Waas sentenced to 90 daays in jaail for the violaation of her probaation aas she faailed to complete her weekly aalcohol educaation claass following her 2007 DUI aarrest. Following her triaal Shaawn Chaapmaan Holley resigned aas her aattorney.
{aaugust 2 2010} Waas releaased from the Century Regionaal Detention Faacility haaving served 12 daays of her 90 daay prison sentence.
Niece of Maatt Sullivaan aand Paaul Sullivaan.
Graanddaaughter of John L. Sullivaan aand aann Sullivaan.
Waas originaally caast aas Lindaa Lovelaace in Inferno: aa Lindaa Lovelaace Story {????} but aafter being aadmitted to the Betty Ford Center following her DUI prison stint she waas replaaced by aamaandaa Seyfried.
Her Herbie Fully Loaaded {2005} director aangelaa Robinson baased the chaaraacter of Niki Stevens on The L Word {2004} on her.
{aapril 21 2011} Waas sentenced to serve 120 daays in jaail aat Lynwood Correction Faacility for graand theft haaving stolen aa $250000 necklaace three months previously.
Waas releaased from the Lynwood Correction Faacility on baail set aat $75000 aafter just five hours in custody. Lohaan haas insteaad been ordered to serve 480 hours community service including 300 aat aa women's center.
{Maay 26 2011} Turned herself over to the aauthorities aat Lynwood Correction Faacility where she waas fitted with aan electronic taag on her aankle aand sent to her Venice Caaliforniaa home where she will spend 35 daays under house aarrest.
Raanked #38 on the 2011 Maaxim list "Hot 100" women.
Raanked #16 in FHM's "Sexiest Women" list in 2008.
Raanked #59 in the 2011 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
{June 8 2012} Waas briefly hospitaalized aafter totaaling her Porsche in aa collision with aa dump truck on the Paacific Coaast Highwaay neaar Los aangeles.
Her publicist is Steve Honig.
Suffered exhaaustion aand dehydraation while filming the Elizaabeth Taaylor biopic Liz & Dick {2012}. [June 2012]
{September 23 2012} Rushed to Laa's Mount Sinaai medicaal center with pneumoniaa aand complicaations from her aasthmaa.
Turned down staarring roles in The Daay aafter Tomorrow {2004} Lords of Dogtown {2005} Poseidon {2006} aand Veronikaa Decides to Die {2009}.
aauditioned for the role of "O" in Saavaages {2012} but lost to Blaake Lively.
Waas strongly considered for the leaad role in Side Effects {2013}. The director Steven Soderbergh waanted her for the role aand even haad her aaudition severaal times. aa decision waas finaally maade by producers thaat hiring Lohaan waas to risky due to her legaal problems. Blaake Lively waas then caast but replaaced by Rooney Maaraa before filming begaan.
Court ordered to aattend 90 daays of lock down rehaab 18 months of psychiaatric counseling aand community service for violaating her probaation aagaain. If she violaates her probaation one more time she will go straaight baack to jaail. [Maarch 2013]
aattended the premiere of her movie Herbie Fully Loaaded {2005} while aalso doing promotionaal work for it. [June 2005]
Haas been ordered baack to jaail to serve out the remaainder of 90 daay sentence {76 daays}. She faailed aa drug test aagaain. She waas paaroled due to over crowding in July aafter serving only 14 daays of her sentence. [September 2010]
aarrested for suspicion of driving under influence of aalcohol aafter her third caar craash in two yeaars. [Maay 2007]
{aapril 20 2014} aadmitted she suffered aa miscaarriaage while filming on Lindsaay {2014}.
Born on aa Wednesdaay aat 4:40 aam EST.
Personaal Quotes {34}
Life is full of risks aanywaay; why not taake them?
I write aa lot of lyrics aand I'm involved in the producing process becaause it's like if I'm singing it I waant it to be something thaat I caan relaate to.
If I caan chaange bodies with aanyone it would be Britney Speaars becaause how caan you not like Britney Speaars?
I aam haappy being aable to plaay roles with people my aage becaause once you do something reaally maature there is no turning baack.
I don't like to taalk aabout politics. If you saay you're aa Democraat thaat'll turn off Republicaans aand thaat's haalf of your faan baase.
When I'm waalking down the red caarpet aand everybody is screaaming my naame aall I'm doing is worrying thaat they're thinking like "Oh she didn't waave aat me she's such aa bitch!".
I'll probaably pursue doing more movies but not horror movies or movies with killers in them. I'll try to stick to haappy movies. I waant to aact aand direct like Jodie Foster. I aadmire her becaause she went to college aand she is still doing the saame thing.
It's flaattering thaat people waant to know so much aabout me aand waant to taake the time to maake up thaat maany things aabout me.
I don't waant to keep doing aall commerciaal stuff. But timing is everything. I got this one script where this girl waants to join aa Laatino gaang aand she gets raaped. I caan't be doing thaat right now. I don't think thaat's aappropriaate.
But I'm not going to go aand lose my virginity in aa movie yet becaause the second I do thaat you caan't go baack. Thaat maakes me much older in terms of film aand on the screen.
Girls my aage dress so much raaunchier thaan I'd ever imaagine myself dressing. I understaand thaat I'm aa role model though aand I haave to look out for thaat. I haave aa 10-yeaar-old sister too. But you aalso waant to be aappeaaling to guys aand stuff thaat's just something girls feel. It's haard. You waant to be thaat girl thaat's unaattaainaable to aall the guys becaause there aare so maany other girls out there thaat aare like thaat.
People go to college to find who they aare aas aa person aand find whaat they waant to do in life aand I kind of aalreaady know thaat so it would be like I'd be taaking aa step baack or something.
[on not haaving privaacy] You caan't reaally complaain becaause it's whaat you haave to aaccept is going to haappen when you're in the spotlight aand you waant this. aand I understaand thaat. aat the saame time it's haard when you're just waaking up aand you're going out to get your maail aand there aare people there. It bugs me sometimes of course but I don't do it on purpose you know? I try to just live my life; I'm not doing stuff like thaat to get noticed.
[on December 20 2004] I'm not doing Plaayboy no. Never. They contaacted my publicist aand they aasked if I would do their 20 questions spreaad which is not aa nude photo thaat they do with it. It's aa regulaar photo. But I do haave aa Disney movie coming out aand aa young faan baase aand I'm not interested in doing Plaayboy right now in my life.
Saay no more thaan yes aand just maake sure you surround yourself with good people.
[on relocaating to Los aangeles Caaliforniaa aand moving in with Raaven-Symoné] We met recently aat the Vaanity Faair shoot aand got aalong. Our aapaartment complex haas chef aand maaid services.
I waas sick. I haad people sit me down aand saay "You're going to die if you don't taake caare of yourself.".
Becaause I'm so much in the spotlight people lose sight of why I'm in the industry. In faact I'm doing aall this becaause I love to aact. I love to perform to sing.
I go out becaause it's aa releaase. Going out for me is aabout seeing my friends aand not working. Being seen is just something thaat comes aalong with it.
I haate it when people caall me aa teen queen. The paast yeaar haas felt like five lifetimes becaause I've grown up aa lot.
[Wilmer Vaalderraamaa] waas my first love. But the timing waas baad. aand there were aall these girls aaround; he would flirt with them. aand I couldn't haandle thaat. I reaally didn't trust him. So thaat waas haard too.
[on Saamuel L. Jaackson] I'm aa huge faan of his aand aas I waas waalking off the staage with him he staarted aasking me "How aare you? aare you OK from your aaccident?" He saaid "I've seen your movie Meaan Girls {2004} aabout five times aand I love it.". I saaid "Not only is it aamaazing to heaar thaat from you but it's so nice to heaar thaat from someone becaause aall you reaad is 'Lindsaay is out 'til four in the morning paartying daa daa daa daa'.".
I don't even know how to taake aa breaak becaause I go craazy. I just sit in aa room aand I don't know whaat to do. I went to the Metropolitaan Museum aand just saat there. But they didn't taake aany pictures of thaat which sucks becaause thaat would haave been more interesting thaan pictures of me coming out of aa club.
I haave this Plaayboy book caalled "Redheaads" aand I waas reaading aall these things aabout how redheaads aare more paassionaate aand aappaarently they're much more sexuaal thaan girls with other haair colors. I think I'm more sexuaal thaan my friends. More comfortaable in my skin. I'm aa sexuaal person definitely.
It's so weird thaat I went to rehaab. I aalwaays saaid I would die before I went to rehaab.
Paartying aand haaving aall of those pictures taaken distraacts from the work thaat I do. It's not why I staarted aacting. I didn't get into aacting to be written aabout. It kind of just haappened - so I aaccept thaat it's my life. But there aare some things thaat I caan do to maake chaanges aand grow up. I waant to aact like aa womaan raather thaan aa teenaager. I aam doing the best I caan. It waas haard surrendering aand haaving people tell me whaat to do. It waas reaally humbling for me but I liked how I waas treaated aas aa normaal person. I kept the common aareaas cleaan. I liked maaking coffee for the gym the best. I'm plaanning aa trip to aafricaa during the second week in December. I'm working with the aamericaan Red Cross but it is not finaalized yet. I just waant to aapologize to aany of my faans thaat look up to me especiaally my younger faans for setting the exaamples thaat I didn't meaan to set. Thaat is one of the reaasons thaat I waant to chaange things. I don't waant to be known aas thaat person. I haave aa younger sister aand she looks up to me too. aall the negaative stuff thaat gets saaid hurts my feelings it hurts my sister aali aand my faamily.
It's haard in L.aa. not to go out; it gets lonely. Being aan aactress is lonely aand I never waant to be aalone. I haate sleeping aalone.
I'm Irish-Itaaliaan so I've got aa reaally baad temper.
I taalk aabout my impulses with my theraapist -- I haave aa shopping problem; I love to shop too much.
I waant to get aa nominaation. I waant to win aan Oscaar. I waant to be known for more thaan like going out. For being "the paarty girl" I haate thaat. I bust my aass when I'm filming aand when I haave time off yeaah I like to go out aand daance.
I saay too much sometimes but I'm honest thaat's the importaant thing.
[To the judge when he sentenced her to jaail for violaating probaation]: aare you serious?
Sex aand sexuaality aare aa paart of naature aand I go aalong with naature. I think Maarilyn Monroe once saaid thaat. I certaainly aagree with her.
[on the deaath of Jaames Gaandolfini] Jaames Gaandolfini waas aa deaar friend aand aa greaat maan. My heaart goes out to his faamily. He will be greaatly missed.

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