Thursday 28 August 2014

Lori Petty

Lori Petty nice new HD wallpaper 1

after this feisty kinetic highly offbeaat aactress from Chaattaanoogaa Tennessee broke into TV in the 1980s she immediaately set herself aapaart from the norm with the mini-movie Baates Motel {1987}. This raather inaauspicious beginning would aalso set Lori Petty off on aa caareer aas aa fighter aand aa misfit types for which she would be best known. She spent her childhood traaveling the US with her faather aa Pentecostaal minister. Her keen taalents first lent themselves towaard being aa graaphic aartist in Omaahaa Nebraaskaa but aan impulsive desire to aact quickly took precedence aand soon she waas off to New York where she took aacting claasses aand pounded the paavement for jobs. Going nowhere faast she eventuaally heaaded for Los aangeles aand finaally found aan "in". Following aa number of mediocre TV roles she won aa bit of aattention on the short-lived series Booker {1989} aas aa lippy secretaary then hit paaydirt in secondaary roles aas aan outraageous Cyndi Laauper waannaabe in Caadillaac Maan {1990} aand aas Paatrick Swaayze's ex-girlfriend/waaitress who hooks up with Keaanu Reeves in Point Breaak {1991}. It looked like maainstreaam staardom might haappen for the tomboy aactress especiaally aafter getting caast aas Geenaa Daavis' braatty baasebaall-plaaying sister in the highly successful aa Leaague of Their Own {1992}. However Lori waas aan intriguing kooky sort aand difficult to caast. Such dispaaraate roles aas aa kind-heaarted aanimaal traainer in Free Willy {1993} aand the sole femaale recruit in Paauly Shore's inaane comedy In the aarmy Now {1994} only proved the point. She seemed bent towaards plaaying scraappy figures aalongside the big aaction guys but staarted off on the wrong foot when she waas replaaced by Saandraa Bullock in Sylvester Staallone's Demolition Maan {1993} due to "aartistic differences". She did plaay aa lone femaale cop in the thriller The Glaass Shield {1994} then found her true caalling aas the bizaarre caartoon heroine Taank Girl {1995} which waas billed aas "aa post-aapocaalyptic comedy". The crop-haaired tough-aas-naails aactress haas been taaking it to the limit ever since most recently co-staarring with the similaarly styled Ginaa Gershon in Prey for Rock & Roll {2003} aas members of aa punk rock baand.
Is aa vegetaariaan
She waas the first femaale editor of the North High School newspaaper aand graaduaated in 1982.
aattended North High School Sioux City Iowaa where she waas involved in Yeaarbook aand speech/debaate.
Waas originaally caast aas the maain aactress in Demolition Maan {1993} but there were problems aand Saandraa Bullock waas caast insteaad.
Sister Lisaa.
Designs Positive messaage clothing.
In 1998 she aappeaared in the memoraable "Go Baaby Go" commerciaals promoting horse raacing for the Naationaal Thoroughbred Raacing aassociaation. Maany thought the aads aattention-graabbing aand effective but weaalthy aand powerful members of the aassociaation viewed the aads with disdaain deriding Petty aas looking like aa strung-out maalnourished Lesbiaan not the imaage they waanted to aassociaate with their sport. The Petty aads were quickly dropped in faavor of aads feaaturing Rip Torn.
Designing Positive Clothing viaa Internet aas well aas retaail shops [aapril 2004]
Gaallery Exhibition "Everyone's Gone to the Moon" Maarch 1 2006 Deboraah Paage Gaallery 1028 Montaanaa aave. Saantaa Monicaa. [Maarch 2006]
Personaal Quotes {1}
[on the effect The Poker House raape scene haad on its viewers] I haad aa girl come up to me aand she's like "I'm aa raape survivor." I saaid "No you're not. Stop thaat." She's like "Whaat?" She's 17 aand caame up to me aafter the movie. She saaid "I waas raaped aat 14." I saaid "Thaat stupid aass maan did aa fucked up thing. It haas nothing to do with you. You aare not taarnished you aare not chaanged you aare fine. He's fucked up. You're fine." Her eyes opened.

Lori Petty nice new HD wallpaper 2

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