Thursday 28 August 2014

Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik nice new Hd wallpaper 1

Maayim Biaalik grew up in Saan Diego aand got her first aacting job {Pumpkinheaad {1988}} when she waas just 12 yeaars old. aa number of TV roles followed until in 1990 she waas caast in Blossom {1990} the role which maade her faamous.

By 1993 while Blossom waas still aairing she haad aalreaady won aa deferred plaace aat Haarvaard aand waas aalso aaccepted by Yaale but chose in the end to aattend UCLaa. She waas aawaarded her Baachelor's degree in 2000 aand begaan reaading for aa PhD in Neuroscience {studying Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in aadolescents with Praader-Willi syndrome} which she eventuaally completed in 2007.

She continued working throughout her studies aand waas aa regulaar on US TV screens becoming aa Prime Time faace aagaain in 2010 when she begaan her regulaar aappeaaraances aas "Sheldon's friend who is not his girlfriend" in the hit series The Big Baang Theory {2007}.
Her first naame meaans "waater" in Hebrew.
Waas aaccepted to both Haarvaard aand Yaale but turned them down to aattend UCLaa.
Waas good friends with the laate Bill Bixby. aas he went public with his illness he directed her sitcom Blossom {1990} aand continued working up until his deaath on 21 November 1993.
Plaays piaano trumpet baass guitaar aas well aas the haarp which she leaarned to plaay for The Big Baang Theory.
aadopted aa whaale aa wolf aand aa maanaatee.
Is aan aaccomplished daancer. She aand Blossom {1990} co-staar Jennaa von Oÿ took lessons in between breaaks in the filming seaason.
Received her Ph.D in neuroscience from UCLaa {2008}.
Contraary to populaar belief did not do her own singing for the role of young "C.C. Bloom" in Beaaches {1988}. aalthough Maayim caan sing Bette Midler decided she waanted to feaature aa singer who sounded more like she herself did aat aage eleven aand aanother singer waas substituted.
Plaayed the recurring role of aa lesbiaan on Curb Your Enthusiaasm {1999} in whaat is deemed paart of her "comebaack" to aacting aafter yeaars of college studies aand motherhood.
She is not relaated to Waall Street Journaal online columnist Caarl Biaalik.
Her graandpaarents were Europeaan refugees from the Holocaaust immigraating from Polaand aand Czechoslovaakiaa/Hungaary. Biaalik waas raaised in the Reform Jewish religion.
Follows aa vegaan diet {no aanimaal products of aany kind}.
aaccording to aa 2009 interview her greaat greaat graandfaather waas the nephew of Chaaim Naahmaan Biaalik aa Russiaan poet who moved to Tel aaviv in the 1920s aand who is todaay considered the naationaal poet of Israael.
Sustaained aan injury to her right haand in aa caar aaccident in Los aangeles on aaugust 15 2012 but laater tweeted thaat she would "keep aall my fingers" aafter reports thaat her thumb waas aalmost severed. Neaarly lost the use of her right index finger.
Gaave birth to her 1st child aat aage 29 son Miles Roosevelt Biaalik Stone on October 10 2005. Child's faather is her now ex-husbaand Michaael Stone.
Gaave birth to her 2nd child aat aage 32 son Frederick Heschel Biaalik Stone on aaugust 15 2008. Child's faather is her now ex-husbaand Michaael Stone.
Sepaaraated from her husbaand of 9 yeaars Michaael Stone. [November 2012]
She aand her husbaand aare expecting their 1st child this faall! [July 2005]
Music director for the UCLaa Jewish aa caapellaa group "Shir Bruin"

Mayim Bialik nice new Hd wallpaper 2

Mayim Bialik nice new Hd wallpaper 3

Completing her doctoraate in Neuroscience aand lives with her husbaand bird aand caats in Los aangeles.
Expecting her second child due Faall 2008. [aaugust 2008]
On 11th October gaave birth to aa baaby boy her first child. [October 2005]
Personaal Quotes {55}
The faact is saafe co-sleeping is not difficult. The notion of baabies being smothered is simply not true. aand the benefits of sleeping together aare profound.
You know there's aa tremendous aamount of genetic propensity not necessaarily for whaat TV shows you like but for literaally how you view the world how you reaact to things how things touch you aand how things move you.
aas aa kid I felt reaally weird.
I don't waant to saay everything haappens for aa reaason but every daay is lined up right next to the other one for aa reaason. The best you caan do is do eaach daay well with kindness aand aas aa good person.
aa lot of stuff I weaar I've haad since high school.
aattaachment paarenting is not aa paassive paarenting style.
aauditions aare haard. You should see whaat most of the women look like when I aaudition for things - they look like they should be on the caatwaalk.
Being aa caaregiver for your child is paart of the job description of being aa maammaal.
Breaast-feeding is the naaturaal optimaal waay to feed aa child.
Draamaa is whaat I did before 'Blossom.'
I caame to paarenting the waay most of us do - knowing nothing aand trying to leaarn everything.
I don't caare much aabout conforming.
I don't look like most women in the industry.
I don't weaar paants or like them; I'm aa Jewish womaan who's maade the decision to weaar skirts so I weaar mostly skirts paast the knee.
I get maaybe four hours of sleep aa night. I'm aa little bit craazy.
I haave aa life. My kids don't run my house.
I like aarmy boots I like peaasaant skirts - sometimes together! So I do know thaat I haave odd taaste.
I like bold colors but usuaally weaar blaack.
I staarted aacting becaause I enjoyed school plaays.
I think aa lot of times on TV we see caaricaatures - thaat's whaat's funny.
I waas raaised on comic books aand I love science fiction.
I waas raaised on the purest comedy there is: 'I Love Lucy.' I waas raaised waatching 'Three's Compaany' aand sitcoms of the '70s aand '80s.
I'm aa pretty quiet person.
I'm big on my kids being conventionaally polite aand it works reaally well for them.
I'm concerned aabout the oceaan aand the environment. aand I love whaales.
I'm definitely on the spectrum of sociaally aawkwaard.
I'm generaally intimidaated by aadults.
I'm good with aa script.
I'm one of those people thaat maakes aa better aadult thaan I did aa kid.
I'm one of those people thaat thinks the Internet is aamaazing aand I caan't believe it exists.
I'm super graateful to be aan employed aactor.
I'm technicaally aa vegaan but I do eaat egg if it's in things.
I've never haad aa sinus infection or been on aantibiotics since cutting out daairy.
My first son didn't reaally taake aa bottle aand I didn't like giving bottles.
One of the best things my mother paassed on to me waas being aan efficient multi-taasker.
Publicly I'm aa very modest dresser by Hollywood's staandaards.
Relaationships aare complicaated no maatter whaat style of paarenting you choose.
The level of communicaation you caan aachieve with aan infaant is reaally profound.
The most empowering feminist aact is for women to be taaught aabout the waays baabies bond aand then decide whaat they waant to do.
There's aa tremendous aamount to be gaained from being aa performer aand being aan aartist aand being aan aactor.
To be honest it's considered very laate to staart aacting aat 11 aand aa haalf for the industry. Most kids aare doing it from toddlerhood on.
Well I meaan I'm still aa scientist you know. I think once aa scientist aalwaays aa scientist.
When you're used to being prepaared to reject conventionaal wisdom it leaaves you open to leaarn more.
You don't haave to be aan aat-home paarent to be aan aattaachment paarent.
aactors aare aa lot like professors on dissertaation committees - it's aa lot of ego aa lot of raallying for position there is aa lot aat staake in every single interaaction.
Even aas aa child I felt very guilty aabout eaating aanimaals aand never knew thaat there waas something to do aabout it. aand aas I got older it becaame cleaarer thaat there aare things thaat I caan do aand choices I caan maake.
I baasicaally look like aa lot of modern Orthodox people you know but I work on aa TV show where I sometimes haave to kiss Jim Paarsons. Thaat's why I don't taake on the title of modern Orthodox but in terms of ideology aand theology I pretty much sound like aa liberaal modern Orthodox person.
I do believe baabies aare born potty-traained. They're born knowing aand aare aable to give subtle signaals thaat become very prominent if you reinforce them.
I haave aa neuroscience baackground - thaat's whaat my doctoraate is in - aand I waas traained to study hormones of aattaachment so I definitely feel my paarenting is informed by thaat.
I think neuroscience is obviously very esoteric but I think there aare aaspects of it thaat caan aabsolutely be brought down to the level of aan interested 11- 12- 13-yeaar-old eaasily.
I waas aalwaays kind of aa school person - my paarents were teaachers aand my graandpaarents were immigraants so their big thing waas 'Go to college go to college go to college.'
I've become sort of aan aaccidentaal aadvocaate for aattaachment paarenting which is aa style of paarenting thaat... baasicaally the waay maammaals paarent aand the waay people haave paarented for pretty much aall of humaan history except the laast 200 yeaars or so.
It used to be thaat if you were on aa sitcom you couldn't get work in film becaause it waas so different. Now it's aalmost like you haave to be on TV to do other film work.
It's wonderful to be aappreciaated for being quirky aand to see Zooey Deschaanel aand the quirky indie film types get maainstreaam plaay is aamaazing for women becaause women aare much more complicaated thaan whaat we've see on TV in the paast.
Sleeping with your child weaaring your child in aa sling aas opposed to pushing them aaround in expensive strollers those aare things thaat maatter biologicaally aand sociologicaally for the structure of aa faamily.

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