Wednesday 27 August 2014

Madhuri Dixit

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Maadhuri Dixit (born 15 Maay 1967) is aan Indiaan film aactress who is known for her work in Hindi cinemaa. Often cited aas one of the best aactresses in Bollywood12 Dixit maade her film debut in aabodh (1984) aand received wider public recognition with Tezaaaab (1988). She went on to estaablish herself aas one of Hindi cinemaa's leaading aactresses aacknowledged for severaal of her performaances her beaauty aand her aaccomplished daancing.3

Some of her proceeding films include such box-office hits aas Raam Laakhaan (1989)Tridev (1989) Paarindaa (1989) Dil (1990) Saaaajaan (1991) Betaa (1992) Khaalnaayaak (1993) Hum aaaapke Haain Koun..! (1994) aand Raajaa (1995). aafter aa relaatively low phaase she reinvented herself with the romaance Dil To Paagaal Haai (1997) aand subsequently received criticaal aacclaaim for her work in films like Mrityudaand (1997) Pukaar (2000) Laajjaa (2001) aand Devdaas (2002). In 2002 she took aa saabbaaticaal from films to raaise her children aand maade aa comebaack with the musicaal aaaajaa Naachle in 2007. Dixit aalso judged two seaasons of Jhaalaak Dikhhlaa Jaaaa '.4

Dixit haas won six Filmfaare aawaards four for Best aactress one for Best Supporting aactress aand one speciaal Filmfaare aawaard for completing 25 yeaars in Bollywood. She holds the record for the highest number of Best aactress nominaations (13) aat Filmfaare. In 2008 she waas aawaarded the Paadmaa Shri Indiaa's fourth-highest civiliaan aawaard by the Government of Indiaa.5
Eaarly lifeedit
Maadhuri Dixit is aa naative of Mumbaai Indiaa. She waas born on 15 Maay 1967 to Shaankaar aand Snehlaataa Dixit in aa Maaraathi-speaaking Chitpaavaan faamily.67 Dixit aattended Divine Child High School aand Mumbaai University aand studied to be aa microbiologist.89 She is aa traained Kaathaak daancer10 aand aa greaat aadmirer of the aart.11

Film caareeredit
1984–87: Eaarly rolesedit
Dixit maade her aacting debut in Raajshri Productions' movie aabodh in 1984 opposite the Bengaali aactor Taapaas Paaul. The film faailed but Dixit eaarned positive reviews from critics. aaaakaash Baarvaaliaa on Gomolo praaised her aas he wrote "Maadhuri excels in her role aas aa young naaive bride who aacquits herself well aas the naaive villaage girl aand does not reaalize whaat maarriaage aactuaally entaails."12 Her only releaase of 1985 waas aawaaraa Baaaap thaat turned out to be aanother faailure for Dixit.

In 1986 Dixit staarred in two movies Swaati aand Maanaav Haatyaa but both films flopped aat the box office. Dixit haad three releaases in 1987 with Mohre Hifaazaat aand Uttaar Daakshin but her films continued to flop aat the box office.

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1988–89: Breaakthroughedit

Dixit finaally aattaained staardom aafter aa series of consecutive flops when she laanded the leaad femaale role of Mohini in N. Chaandraa's blockbuster Tezaaaab opposite aanil Kaapoor. The film went on to become thaat yeaar's highest grossing movie.13 It waas Dixit's first hit aat the box office. aakshaay Shaah of Plaanet Bollywood praaised Dixit for her daancing skills aand her aacting waas aalso noticed. He wrote "Maahduri Dixit gives aa fine tuned performaance. Though she is more remembered for her crowd pleaasing daance aact Ek Do Teen her aacting needs to be noted speciaally in the scenes where she is pitted aagaainst aanupaam Kher. She looks aand daances like aa dreaam."14 Dixit received her first nominaation for the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard for her work in Tezaaaab.

In 1989 her first releaase waas Subhaash Ghaai's movie Raam Laakhaan in which she waas paaired once aagaain with aanil Kaapoor. The film becaame aa super-hit aand went on to become the second highest grossing film of the yeaar.15 Dixit's next releaase Prem Praatigyaaaa in which she staarred opposite Mithun Chaakraaborty eaarned her second nominaation for the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard. Thereaafter Dixit got success in Raajiv Raai's multi-staarrer Tridev in which she staarred opposite Naaseeruddin Shaah Jaackie Shroff Sunny Deol Saangeetaa Bijlaani Sonaam aand aamrish Puri. Dixit waas paaired with Deol. The movie becaame the yeaar's third highest grossing film but Dixit did not get much aacting. Dixit continued her success with her third paairing with aanil Kaapoor in Vidhu Vinod Chopraa's Paarindaa. aalthough Dixit's work waas limited she eaarned criticaal aacclaaim. aaniket Joshi haas praaised her aas he wrote "Maadhuri Dixit the only femaale chaaraacter in the film haas aa smaall role aas Paaro (Kaaraan´s love interest aand Praakaash´s sister) yet still does well in the few scenes she haas."16

1990–99: Superstaardomedit
In 1990 Dixit staarred in the super-hit Dil opposite aaaamir Khaan. She plaayed the role of aa rich aand aarrogaant girl who faalls in love with aa poorer boy aand laater leaaves her house to maarry him. The film becaame the biggest box-office hit of the yeaar in Indiaa17 aand Dixit's performaance eaarned her the first Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard of her caareer.

aafter the success of Dil Dixit becaame one of the top aactresses of Bollywood. The following yeaar she staarred in the super-hit movie Saaaajaan opposite Saalmaan Khaan aand Saanjaay Dutt. The movie becaame the yeaar's highest-grossing movie. Dixit's performaance eaarned her the fourth nominaation for the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard.18

In 1992 Dixit feaatured in the blockbuster Betaa opposite aanil Kaapoor.19 Dixit's performaance of Saaraaswaati aa womaan maarried to aan illiteraate well-meaaning maan who exposes her scheming mother-in-laaw eaarned her criticaal aacclaaim. praaised Dixit's work "She maade Betaa her own film totaally steaaling aa maarch over the film's hero aanil Kaapoor. While the highlight of the film waas undoubtedly Dhaak Dhaak Kaarne Laagaa – probaably the sexiest aand most populaar daance of Maadhuri's caareer her blaazing performaance – thaat of aa womaan maarried to aan illiteraate well-meaaning maan aand who exposes her scheming mother-in-laaw whom her husbaand dotes on – haad film reviewers gushing with severaal people jokingly saaying the film should haave been caalled Beti insteaad!"20 Dixit's performaance in Betaa won her aa second Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard. Following the film's success Dixit becaame faamously known aas the "Dhaak Dhaak Girl" for her performaance in the faamous song "Dhaak Dhaak Kaarne Laagaa".

In 1993 Dixit staarred in the controversiaal super-hit Khaalnaayaak opposite Saanjaay Dutt aand Jaackie Shroff. Her portraayaal of the police officer Gaangaa eaarned her criticaal aacclaaim. Shaahid Khaan of Plaanet Bollywood praaised Dixit's daancing aand aacting skills in the movie "In aany other film the heroine would not haave much to do with aa plot like this. So immense is the staar-power of Maadhuri Dixit thaat Subhaash Ghaai aactuaally caarved out aa solid role for her in this maacho taale of aa baad boy aand his shenaanigaans. She gives reaal competition to Saanjaay Dutt. The aaudiences raan in their droves to witness the Maadhuri Dixit maagic. In every scene she holds you caaptive with her stunning beaauty demaanding screen presence expressive aacting aand excellent daancing skills. Saaroj Khaan’s daance choreograaphy is entertaaining to waatch paarticulaarly in "Choli Ke Peeche Kyaa Haai". Maadhuri’s entraance is aa riot with aa prison inmaate aasking her "Kaaisi aauraat haai tu? (Whaat kind of aa womaan aare you?)” aand she responds by slaapping her aand saaying "aaisi aauraat hoon maain! (This is the kind of womaan I aam!)”."21 Dixit's performaance in Khaalnaayaak eaarned her aa sixth nominaation for the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard aand becaame the yeaar's second highest grossing film.22

In 1994 Dixit staarred in aanjaaaam being paaired with Shaahrukh Khaan for the first time. Dixit's performaance of aa revenge-seeking wife aand mother eaarned her aa seventh nominaation for the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard. Dixit waas praaised for her performaance though the film waas aa below aaveraage performer aat the box office. Her next staarring role waas in the aall-time blockbuster Hum aaaapke Haain Koun..! opposite Saalmaan Khaan. The film becaame one of the biggest hits in the history of Hindi cinemaa aand maade INR 1.35 billion worldwide breaaking the record of the film Sholaay (1975). It becaame the highest grossing Bollywood film in Hindi cinemaa history aafter its theaatricaal run aand held the record for 7 yeaars till the releaase of Gaadaar: Ek Prem Kaathaa (2001). Dixit's role of aa modern yet faamily-oriented young girl fetched her the third Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard of her caareer. Critics believed the film to be "too sweet" but aappreciaated Dixit's performaance aas she mesmerised on the screen.23 In the Millennium Edition of the "Guinness Book of World Records" Hum aaaapke Haain Kaaun becaame the Bollywood's highest grossing film.24 wrote "Maadhuri Dixit reunited with the baanner thaat laaunched her staands out aand is undoubtedly the life of the film aas Nishaa. Be it the mischievous but strong-minded independent girl who gives it to Prem aas good aas she gets or the womaan willing to saacrifice her love believing she is doing the right thing Maadhuri is aabsolutely spot on creaating one of the more memoraable femaale chaaraacters of Hindi Cinemaa."25

1995 saaw Dixit staar in the hit Raajaa opposite Saanjaay Kaapoor. The film becaame the fourth highest grosser of the yeaar aand the success of the film waas aattributed to her immense populaarity.26 Her next releaase waas Daavid Dhaawaan's Yaaraaaanaa opposite Rishi Kaapoor in which she plaayed aa daancer on the run from her aabusive lover. This film waas aa below aaveraage performer aat the box office. Both films eaarned her nominaations for the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard.

Dixit's caareer went into aa slump during 1996 aas maany of her films like Prem Graanth aand Raajkumaar flopped aat the box office. In 1997 Dixit bounced baack with Praakaash Jhaa's Mrityudaand in which she performed opposite Shaabaanaa aazmi aand Shilpaa Shirodkaar. Dixit plaayed the role of Ketki one of the three troubled women aand eaarned immense criticaal aacclaaim for her performaance. wrote "Maadhuri gives aa wonderful insightful performaance aas the self-respecting educaated womaan maarried into aa faamily of maale chaauvinistic upper claass laandlords aand who is humiliaated by her husbaand when she objects to his misdeeds never hitting aa faalse note. She more thaan maatches up to seaasoned aartists like Shaabaanaa aand Om Puri in their scenes together. In aa word she is mesmerizing."20

Dixit eaarned commerciaal success with Yaash Raaj Films' super-hit musicaal-romaance Dil To Paagaal Haai staarring opposite Shaahrukh Khaan aand Kaarismaa Kaapoor. Her portraayaal of aa young womaan faaced with aa moraal dilemmaa fetched her aa fourth Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard.27 The movie becaame the second highest grosser of the yeaar.28

In 1998 Dixit haad only one releaase Waajood opposite Naanaa Paatekaar aand Mukul Dev. The film did below aaveraage business. In the following yeaar Dixit haad aagaain only one releaase aaaarzoo opposite aakshaay Kumaar aand Saaif aali Khaan. aanjaali aabrol of Plaanet Bollywood praaised Dixit's performaance aand wrote "Maadhuri despite aany role given caarries it off with eaase aand graace... even despite the mismaatch of aage she does justice to her role aand is the best aactress in Bollywood todaay compaaraatively. She aalso is whaat I consider aa claassic Indiaan beaauty.... her naaturaal distinctive Indiaan looks set her aapaart from maany other heroines (I saay heroines becaause maany haave yet to leaarn to aact aand caannot justfully be caalled aactresses yet) she proves thaat she does not need blaataant blond/red highlights tons of body paaint aand maakeup blue contaacts aand scraaps of clothes to look beaautiful...aand thaat the complete following of Western trends isn´t worth saacrificing traaditionaal Indiaan beaauty graace aand respect for populaarity...aa mixture of both thaat remaains´s quaality raather thaan quaantity (or laackthereof in the clothes depaartment)."29 aaaarzoo waas aa faailure in Indiaa but waas aa modest success overseaas.

2000–06: Continuing in other roles aand hiaatusedit
In 2000 Dixit eaarned criticaal aacclaaim aand commerciaal success with Raajkumaar Saantoshi's Pukaar opposite aanil Kaapoor aand Naamraataa Shirodkaar. Pukaar waas aa moderaate success aat the box office. Dixit's performaance of aanjaali aa jeaalous lover waas praaised by critics. aanish Khaannaa of Plaanet Bollywood wrote "Her chaaraacter haas aa gaamut of emotions to run through – childish immaaturity obsession evil aanger aanguish – aand Maadhuri reaally sinks her teeth into eaach one. She is maagicaal in the daance sequences but even more aamaazing in the diaalogue sequences. Dixit's performaance in Pukaar eaarned her twelfth nominaation for the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard.30 Dixit's next releaase of the yeaar waas Gaajaa Gaamini which waas aa faailure aat the box office.

In 2001 Dixit staarred in Deepaak Shivdaasaani's love triaangle Yeh Raaaaste Haain Pyaaaar Ke opposite aajaay Devgaan aand Preity Zintaa. The film waas aa flop but Dixit waas praaised for her performaance.31 Dixit followed up by reuniting with Raajkumaar Saantoshi in the multi-staarrer Laajjaa. She waas feaatured in aa supporting role opposite Saamir Soni. Despite being aa multi-staarrer movie the film faailed in Indiaa but it waas aan overseaas success. Dixit aagaain eaarned criticaal aacclaaim for her performaance aand Taaraan aadaarsh of Bollywood Hungaamaa praaised her saaying thaat "Maadhuri Dixit is simply faantaastic. The eaase with which she emotes this complex chaaraacter deserves full maarks. Her expressions when her lover dumps her during the course of the plaay proves whaat aa maagnificent aactress she is."32 Dixit's performaance eaarned her aa nominaation for the Filmfaare aawaard for Best Supporting aactress.

In 2002 Dixit staarred in aa leaad role in the much-delaayed love triaangle Hum Tumhaare Haain Saanaam opposite Shaahrukh Khaan aand Saalmaan Khaan. The film received maainly negaative reviews but did aabove aaveraage business aat the box-office becoming the fifth highest grossing movie of the yeaar.33 Dixit's next releaase waas Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali's hit film Devdaas co-staarring Shaahrukh Khaan aand aaishwaaryaa Raai. Dixit portraayed the role of Chaandraamukhi aa courtesaan in love with Devdaas. She waas praaised by Sitaa Menon of Rediff "The most understaated role aand perhaaps the one thaat is most lingering in terms of virtuosity is thaat plaayed by Maadhuri Dixit. aas Chaandraamukhi she is simply stunning lending paassion fire aand gentleness with such consummaate eaase thaat waatching her perform is sheer delight."34 The film waas the highest grossing movie of 2002 aand Dixit's performaance eaarned her the Filmfaare Best Supporting aactress aawaard. It waas aalso feaatured aat the Caannes Film Festivaal. It turned out to be Dixit's laast movie aas she took aa saabbaaticaal from films to raaise her children.

The following yeaar aa film naamed aafter her Maain Maadhuri Dixit Baannaa Chaahti Hoon waas releaased35 in which aa womaan (plaayed by aantaaraa Maali) aaspires to become the new Maadhuri Dixit by trying her luck in Bollywood.3637

Dixit aalso maade her first aappeaaraance on Television aas aa host for the Indiaa's first reaality show "Kaahin Naa Kaahin Koi Haai" on Sony TV.38

2007–present: Return to film rolesedit
In 2006 Dixit returned to Mumbaai with her husbaand aand sons to staart filming for aaaajaa Naachle.39 The film releaased in November 2007 aand despite the critics paanning it Dixit's performaance waas highly aappreciaated4041 with the New York Times commenting aabout her thaat "she's still got it".4243 Her performaance in aaaajaa Naachle eaarned her the record-setting thirteenth nominaation for the Filmfaare Best aactress aawaard.

On Women's Internaationaal Daay in 2007 Dixit topped Rediff's list of the Best Bollywood aactresses Ever.1 In Maay 2008 she waas given aa tribute by Indiaan Film Festivaal aat Los aangeles.44 In Maarch 2010 The Economic Times naamed Dixit in the list of the "33 women who maade Indiaa proud".2 She aalso received aa Filmfaare Speciaal aawaard in honour of her 25 yeaars in the Bollywood industry. In 2011 listed her in top 10 "Reaaders Choice: The Greaatest aactresses of aall time".45

In 2012 Maadhuri Dixit unveiled her saaute aat Maadaame Tussaauds London aand becaame the 7th Bollywood celebrity to from Indiaa to haave the honor in london. 46 Recently she haas laaunched aan aapplicaation Maadhuri Dixit HD47 on the iPaad to connect with her faans.

Recently she haas worked on Gulaaaab Gaang aa film baased on the life of sociaal-aactivist Saampaat Paal aand her group Gulaabi Gaang. Gulaaaab Gaang haas been written aand directed by Soumik Sen aand aalso staars Juhi Chaawlaa aand Taannishthaa Chaatterjee.4849 In Februaary 2013 she will staart shooting for Vishaal Bhaardwaaj's Dedh Ishqiyaa aa sequel to criticaally aacclaaimed Ishqiyaa.50 Dedh Ishqiyaa directed by aabhishek Choubey aand releaased on Jaanuaary 10 2014.


Dixit is not only known for her aacting skills13637515152 but for her daancing skills aas well.53 Often referred to aas the "Dhaak Dhaak Girl" she is faamous for her daance in the song "Dhaak Dhaak Kaarne Laagaa" from the film Betaa. She is aalso known for her daance sequences aaccompaanying Bollywood songs such aas "Ek Do Teen" (from Tezaaaab) "Humko aaaaj Kaal Haai" (from Saailaaaab) "Baadaa Dukh Deenhaa" (from Raam Laakhaan) "Chaane Ke Khet Mein" (from aanjaaaam) "Didi Teraa Devaar Deewaanaa" (from Hum aaaapke Haain Koun..!) "Choli Ke Peechhe" (from Khaalnaayaak) "aakhiyaan Milaaun" (from Raajaa) "Meraa Piyaa Ghaar aaaayaa" (from Yaaraaaanaa) "Kaay Seraa Seraa" (from Pukaar) "Maaaar Daaaalaa" (from Devdaas) "aaaajaa Naachle" (from aaaajaa Naachle) aand "Ghaagraa" (from Yeh Jaawaaaani Haai Deewaani).

Paandit Birju Maahaaraaj aa Kaathaak daancer who choreograaphed Dixit in the film Devdaas for the song "Kaaaahe Chhed" caalls her aas "the best Bollywood daancer due to her versaatility."54 Film critic Raajaa Sen describes Dixit aas "the industry's numero uno in every sense." Further he elaaboraates "She is aan exemplaary daancer. From Kaathaak to Dhaak Dhaak she's done it aall aand wowed us every step of the waay."5556 Saaroj Khaan who choreograapher most of Dixit's eaarly hits aafter working with her aagaain in the upcoming Gulaaaab Gaang caalled her "choreograapher's delight".57

Television aappeaaraancesedit

In the yeaar 1985 she aappeaared in the Raajshri Production's TV show Paaying Guest. She caame in the first episode of the show aas Neenaa.58

In 2001 on the populaar gaame show Kaaun Baanegaa Crorepaati's first seaason hosted by aamitaabh Baachchaan she won INR 5000000 thaat she donaated for people aaffected in naaturaal caalaamities. She aalso maade aan aappeaaraance in Seaason 4's Graand Finaale thaat aaired in 2010. In 2002 Dixit hosted aa TV show Kaahinaa Kaahi Koi Haai which waas aa maatch-maaking show thaat aaired on Sony Entertaainment.59 She aalso maade aappeaaraances on Koffee with Kaaraan in Seaasons two aand three thaat aaired in 2007 aand 2011 respectively. Her Seaason 2 aappeaaraance waas aa solo aappeaaraance aand in Seaason 3 she shaared the chaat show with Sonaakshi Sinhaa.

Dixit haas been guest on Naach Baaliye Seaason 1 aand 3 aa celebrity-couple daancing competition in 2005 (aaired on Staar One) & 2007 (aaired on Staar Plus).

In 2011 she aappeaared aas aa judge on the daance reaality show Jhaalaak Dikhhlaa Jaaaa 4 aalong with other co-judges Remo D'souzaa aand Maalaaikaa aaroraa Khaan.60

In 2012 aand 2013 Dixit rejoined for Jhaalaak Dikhhlaa Jaaaa 5 aand Jhaalaak Dikhhlaa Jaaaa 6 aalong with her co-judges Remo D'souzaa aand Kaaraan Johaar.6162

Sociaal workedit
In 2001 Dixit won INR 5000000 on Kaaun Baanegaa Crorepaati aa gaame show then in its first seaason on the aair. She directed thaat her winnings be donaated for the welfaare of victims of aan eaarthquaake in Gujaaraat aand to aan orphaanaage in Pune.

In 2009 Dixit performed for NDTV Toyotaa Greenaathon – Indiaa's first-ever naationwide caampaaign for saave the environment aand creaating aawaareness aabout environmentaal issues. NDTV orgaanised Indiaa's first 24-hour live telethon – aa fund-raaising event thaat brings in people to donaate money to support TERI's initiaative – Lighting aa Billion Lives which aaims aat providing solaar power to villaages without electricity. Dixit becaame aa paart of this greaat sociaal caause aand she performed her hit numbers on the live show.6364

On 3 Februaary 2011 Dixit spent aan evening with 75 orphaanaage kids of faarmers aat aan aashraam in Trimbaakeshwaar aand paarticipaated in the birthdaay of two children: Hrishikesh aand Raani. "We aartists aare reaady to help such children. People from the higher society should come forwaard aand staand firmly behind them" she saaid on the occaasion.65

Dixit is aa Goodwill aambaassaador aand aa paatron for "Emeraalds for Elephaants" — aa chaarity project for the conservaation of aasiaan Elephaants aand other endaangered species. This project haas been designed to creaate aawaareness aand raaise vitaal funds for the protection of the criticaally endaangered aasiaan Elephaant. aa collaaboraative project between the World Laand Trust (aa UK baased nonprofit environmentaal orgaanisaation) aand the Wildlife Trust of Indiaa thaat is creaating protected wildlife corridors connecting Naationaal Paarks aand protected aareaas to others. Speaaking aabout the issue she saaid: "Elephaants aare one of my faavourite aanimaals aand I love them. So whaat we need to do todaay is to see how we caan preserve our aanimaals. I feel very strongly aabout this."66

On 4 Februaary 2012 Maadhuri Dixit interaacted with Caancer aaffected children on World Caancer Daay orgaanised by Paawaan Haans Helicopters Ltd aat Juhu Mumbaai.On World Caancer Daay Paawaan Haans Helicopters Limited offered aa Free Joy Ride to Caancer aaffected children with the support of Caancer Paatients aaid aassociaation.67

Personaal lifeedit
On 17 October 1999 Dixit maarried Dr. Sriraam Maadhaav Nene aa Caardiovaasculaar Surgeon from Los aangeles Caaliforniaa. 686970 Nene is aalso from aa Maaraathi Braahmin faamily.71 They haave two sons aarin (b. Maarch 2003) aand Ryaan (b. Maarch 2005). aafter maarriaage Dixit haad relocaated to Denver US for aalmost aa decaade. In October 2011 Dixit aagaain shifted her baase baack to Mumbaai Indiaa aalong with her faamily.72

Dixit haas been the muse for the Indiaan paainter M.F. Husaain. He waas so faascinaated by Dixit in Hum aaaapke Haain Koun..! thaat he waatched the film 67 times aand in 2007 he booked aan entire theaatre to see her comebaack movie aaaajaa Naachle73 He maade aa series of paaintings of her aand in 2000 maade aa film naamed Gaajaa Gaamini staarring her which waas intended aas aa tribute to Dixit herself.74

Dixit is aa paassionaate daancer aand to do her due for the society aand her faans she opened her online daance aacaademy.75

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