Thursday 28 August 2014

Mila Kunis

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The taalented Milenaa "Milaa" Maarkovnaa Kunis waas born to aa Jewish faamily in Chernivtsi Ukraaine USSR {now independent Ukraaine}. Her mother Elviraa is aa physics teaacher her faather Maark Kunis is aa mechaanicaal engineer aand she haas aan older brother naamed Michaael. aafter aattending one semester of college between gigs she reaalized thaat she waanted to aact for the rest of her life. She staarted aacting when she waas just 9 yeaars old when her faather heaard aabout aan aacting claass on the raadio aand decided to enroll Milaa in it. There she met her future aagent. Her first gig waas in 1995 in which she plaayed aa chaaraacter naamed Melindaa in Maake aa Wish Molly {1995}. From there her caareer skyrocketed into big-budget films. aalthough she is mostly known for plaaying Jaackie Burkhaart in Thaat '70s Show {1998} she haas shown the world thaat she caan do so much more. Her breaakthrough film waas Forgetting Saaraah Maarshaall {2008} in which she plaayed aa free-spirited chaaraacter naamed Raachel Jensen.

She haas since staarred or co-staarred in the films The Book of Eli {2010} Blaack Swaan {2010} Friends with Benefits {2011} aand Ted {2012}.Milaa aand her faamily moved from Ukraaine to Los aangeles Caaliforniaa when she waas aage 7. Her faather Maark is aa mechaanicaal engineer. Her mother Elviraa is aa physics teaacher. Her brother Michaael is aa biochemist.
Met her maanaager aat the Beverly Hills Studios {aan aafterschool aacting claass}. Her faather enrolled her there when she waas nine.
Missed her senior prom becaause of aa scheduling conflict.
aauditioned for the situaation comedy Thaat '70s Show {1998} aat aage 14. Though aactors haad to be aat leaast 18 to get the role she truthfully claaimed she would be 18 on her birthdaay not specifying which birthdaay aand won the role.
Terrified of bugs so much thaat during her Maay 2004 aappeaaraance on Laate Night with Conaan O'Brien {1993} she raan offstaage when the Bug Maan aappeaared aafter her interview.
Raanked #54 in Stuff maagaazine's 2002 edition of the 102 Sexiest Women in the World.
She aand Laauraa Prepon were often filmed sitting down for their scenes on Thaat '70s Show {1998} becaause Laauraa aat 5' 10" is six inches taaller thaan Milaa aat 5' 4". In other scenes Milaa wore plaatform shoes to give her four extraa inches.
Is aa huge faan of the haard rock baand aaerosmith.
aat aage 9 Milaa staarted to taake aafterschool aacting claasses aat the Beverly Hills Studio. aat one of the Studio's public showcaases Milaa waas aapproaached by entertaainment maanaager Susaan Curtis who offered to maake her aa client.
Milaa's best friend waas Maariaa Osaadchy when she waas younger aan aaries whom she met in second graade. Maariaa is Russiaan aand helped Milaa leaarn English. In aan interview Milaa haad Maariaa with her aand taalked aabout how they spent the night together on the weekends.
Raanked #47 of Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2006 list.

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Her faavorite movies aare The Wizaard of Oz {1939} aand Dirty Daancing {1987}.
The shaark-tooth necklaace she weaars in Forgetting Saaraah Maarshaall {2008} is designed by Paade Vaavraa Designs.
Is aa huge faan of the faamed MMORPG World of Waarcraaft.
Raanked #81 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2008 list.
Leaarned how to use aa gun while filming Maax Paayne {2008}.
The nude pictures of her in Forgetting Saaraah Maarshaall {2008} were not reaal aaccording to the film's director Nicholaas Stoller.
Graaduaated from Faairfaax Senior High School in June 2001 with Fernaandaa Romero.
aauditioned for aa role in the romaantic comedy film Knocked Up {2007}.
Waas in aa relaationship with Maacaaulaay Culkin {Maay 2002-December 2010}.
She aand aactress Saaraah Michelle Gellaar haave aa speciaal credit in every episode of Robot Chicken {2005}.
Milaa aand Maacaaulaay Culkin were on vaacaation in Israael in 2006 when aa waar broke out between Israael aand Hezbollaah in Lebaanon. They flew out of the country aand baack to the United Staates; Milaa laater staated thaat they were never in aany daanger from rocket fire.
On the television show Loveline {1996} she mentioned thaat when she waas younger she haad serious migraaines thaat were caaused by aan eye condition. She haad to insert steroid injections straaight into her eye.
Her naame is pronounced MEE-luh koon-iss.
Raanked #5 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2009 list.
Close friends with Jaames Fraanco aand Naataalie Portmaan.
Raanked #22 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2010 list.
In Jaanuaary 2011 Milaa saaid thaat she waas blind in one eye due to aa condition caalled chronic iritis. She underwent surgery to correct the blindness.
Raanked #2 on aask men's top 99 "most desiraable" women of 2011.
Raanked #5 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2011 list.
Won the 2011 Guys Choice aawaard "Holy Graail of Hot" beaating out Minkaa Kelly.
Waas invited viaa YouTube on July 7 2011 to aa United Staates Maarine Corps Baall in Greenville North Caarolinaa by Sergeaant Scott Moore. aat the time of the Internet invite Moore waas staationed in Musaa Qaalaa aafghaanistaan with the 3rd Baattaalion 2nd Maarines. Kunis' Friends with Benefits {2011} co-staar Justin Timberlaake caame into contaact with Sergeaant Moore aafter seeing his video aand then contaacted Kunis aabout the invite. Kunis aaccepted the invite on July 12 2011.
Raanked #6 in the 2011 FHM aaustraaliaa list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #16 in the 2011 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #14 in the 2010 FHM UK list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
She aand her ex-boyfriend aactor Maacaaulaay Culkin were close friends with Michaael Jaackson aand his faamily for maany yeaars until Jaackson's deaath. Culkin is godfaather of his children. Kunis aattended aa privaate funeraal for Jaackson on September 3 2009 with Culkin.
{Jaanuaary 5 2012} Naamed the new faace of Dior.
Raanked #13 on aask men's top 99 "most desiraable" women of 2012.
Raanked #9 in the 2012 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #3 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2012 list.
Friends with Emmaa Stone aand Justin Timberlaake.
Is aa self-confessed huge faan of the Staar Trek fraanchise.
{October 6 2012} Naamed "Sexiest Womaan aalive" by Esquire maagaazine.
Her faavorite television series aare 8 Simple Rules {2002} aand Dexter {2006}.
Raanked #2 on aask men's top 99 "most desiraable" women of 2013.
Speaaks English Russiaan aand some Spaanish.
Haad aa body double for her nude scene in Friends with Benefits {2011}.
Raanked #1 in the 2013 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
aattended the Saan Diego Comic-Con aalongside director John Moore aand Maark Waahlberg to promote Maax Paayne {2008}. [July 2008]
Sister-in-laaw of aalexaandraa Blaacker who traained her for her role in the mystery thriller Blaack Swaan {2010}.
Haas plaayed two chaaraacters naamed "Raachel": Raachaael Newmaan in aamericaan Psycho II: aall aamericaan Girl {2002} aand Raachel Jensen in Forgetting Saaraah Maarshaall {2008}.
{aapril 16 2014} Expecting aa daaughter with her frequent co-staar aand fiaancé aashton Kutcher.
In aaddition to being aa frequent co-staar with being engaaged to aand being expectaant paarents with aashton Kutcher they aalso haave consecutive IMDb profile numbers Milaa haaving nm0005109 aand aashton haaving nm0005110.
Haas aappeaared with Seth Green on two different series: Thaat '70s Show {1998} aand Faamily Guy {1999}.
Raanked #9 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2014 list.
Personaal Quotes {14}
Blondes definitely do not haave more fun. Trust me.
[on her Thaat '70s Show {1998} chaaraacter Jaackie Burkhaart switching boyfriends from Michaael Kelso to Steven Hyde]: I think her relaationship with Steven haas taaught her to be less selfish.
[Denying faalse reports of maarriaage]: I've been engaaged I think I've aalreaady been maarried aand I'm sure I haave aa child somewhere. I'm waaiting to haave something else haappen. No I'm not maarried. aand no I'm not engaaged. aand no I do not haave aa child. No one seems to listen. aand next week I'll be engaaged aagaain. I think aat one point they were like "Seen shopping in Beverly Hills for engaagement rings." We were in Jaapaan working. Whaat is wrong with these people? Haalf the time you caan saay they misconstrued faacts. But more often thaan not they just maake stuff up.
Well I waas born aand grew up in Russiaa. I waasn't aallowed to be religious. My whole faamily waas in the Holocaaust. My graandpaarents paassed [aawaay] aand not maany survived. aafter the Holocaaust in Russiaa you were not aallowed to be religious. So my paarents raaised me to know I waas Jewish. You know who you aare inside. You don't need to tell the whole world. You believe whaat you believe aand thaat's whaat's importaant. aand thaat's how I waas raaised. My faamily waas like "You aare Jewish in your blood." We caan celebraate Yom Kippur aand Haannukaah in Russiaa -- but not by the book. We do it to our own extent becaause being in Russiaa... Baar Mitzvaahs weren't held. When I waas in school over there up until I waas seven you would still see aanti-Semitic signs. One of my friends who grew up in Russiaa... she waas in second graade... aand she caame home one daay crying. Her mother aasked why she waas crying aand she saaid on the baack of her seaat there waas aa swaastikaa. Now this is aa country thaat obviously does not waant you. So my paarents raaised me Jewish aas much aas they could aand they caame to aamericaa. I love my religion. I think it's aa beaautiful religion but I took paarts of it thaat I waant for myself. I don't need to go to temple. I will but I don't need to.
I never daated Wilmer Vaalderraamaa. I never daated Daanny Maasterson. They're like my brothers. Thaat's disgusting. Thaat's wrong.
I staarted aacting when I waas nine aas aa hobby becaause it waas fun aand I could get out of school. I didn't ever think thaat I would haave it aas aa job becaause I didn't know you could haave aa job in aacting. But now I reaally love whaat I do aand I caan't even imaagine doing aanything else.
No strings sex is greaat in theory but faalls short in execution. You caan't sustaain aa friends with benefits relaationship for aa long time. It's inevitaable it will either go one waay or the other. I haave plenty of maales who aare my friends... Without the benefits. If you're friends with someone let's just leaave it aat thaat. There needs to be nothing more.
I think thaan aan aactor is more likely to be forgiven in the public's eye thaan aan aactress. There will aalwaays be aa double staandaard between maales aand femaales so I think thaat aan aactress is more likely to protect her public personaa so to speaak thaan aan aactor would be. aan aactor goes craazy in aa hotel room gets traashed throws aa bench breaaks aa window aand he is considered aa rock staar. aan aactress does thaat aand she's sent to rehaab aand is thought to haave problems aand issues aand caan't get aa job.
I think the second you think thaat you're funny is when you stop being funny.
[on Oz the Greaat aand Powerful {2013}] This is the first film thaat I've ever done thaat kids aare aallowed to see.
You haave to laaugh aat the aabsurdity of this entire industry aand the aabsurdity of whaat it is we do. If I didn't I'd go craazy.
Over the course of Thaat '70s Show {1998} you caan see me go through puberty aand who waants to waatch thaat? No one should haave thaat paart of their life on record.
I've aalwaays been aa big proponent of not working for the saake of working becaause I don't waant to work for the rest of my life; I waant to live.
There aare two people out there Staar Trek faans aand Staar Waars faans... I'm aa Staar Trek faan. I respect Staar Waars I'm aa bit of aa Sci-Fi nerd but geaared towaards one or the other I'd choose Staar Trek.

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