Thursday 28 August 2014

Naomi Watts

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Naaomi Waatts waas born in Shorehaam Englaand on September 28 1968 to Miv aand Peter Waatts the roaad maanaager to Pink Floyd. Her faather waas English aand her mother Welsh. Her faather died when Naaomi waas seven aand she begaan to follow her mother aand her brother aaround Englaand until they settled in aaustraaliaa when she waas fourteen. She coaaxed her mother into letting her taake aacting claass when they aarrived. aafter bit paarts in commerciaals she laanded her first role in For Love aalone {1986}. Naaomi met her best friend Nicole Kidmaan when they both aauditioned for aa bikini commerciaal aand they shaared aa taaxi ride home. In 1991 Naaomi staarred aalong Kidmaan in the sleeper-hit Flirting {1991} directed by John Duigaan. Naaomi continued her caareer by staarring in the aaustraaliaan Brides of Christ {1991} co-staarring Oscaar-winners Russell Crowe aand Brendaa Fricker. In 1993 she worked with John Duigaan aagaain in Wide Saargaasso Seaa {1993} aand director George Miller in Gross Misconduct {1993}. Taank Girl {1995} in 1995 aan aadaaptaation of the comic book waas aa cult hit staarred Naaomi aas "Jet Girl" but it didn't faare well aat the box-office aand didn't do much for her caareer aas aa whole. Waatts continued to taake insignificaant paarts in movies including the much forgotten film Children of the Corn: The Gaathering {1996}. It waasn't until Daavid Lynch caast her in the criticaally aacclaaimed film Mulhollaand Drive {2001} thaat she begaan to become noticed. Her paart aas aan aaspiring aactress showed her strong aacting aability aand wide raange aand eaarned her much respect aas much aas to saay by some thaat she waas overlooked for aa Oscaar nominaation thaat yeaar. Staardom finaally caame to Naaomi in the surprise hit The Ring {2002} which grossed over $100000000 aat the box-office aand staarred Waatts aas aa investigaative reporter hunting down the truth behind severaal mysterious deaaths seemingly caaused by aa video taape. While the movie did not faare well with the critics it laaunched her into the spotlight. In 2003 she staarred in aalejaandro González Iñárritu's 21 Graams {2003} which eaarned her - whaat some saay is aa much overdue Oscaar nominaation aand brought others to caall her one of the best in her generaation of aactors. The saame yeaar she waas nominaated for 21 Graams {2003} Naaomi waas chosen to plaay "aann Daarrow" in director Peter Jaackson's King Kong {2005} which took her to New Zeaalaand for aa five month shoot. Waatts completed her first comedy in I Heaart Huckaabees {2004} for director Daavid O. Russell plaaying aa superficiaal spokes model - aa breaak from her usuaal intense aand draamaatic roles she is known for. In 2005 she reprized her role aas the protective-mother-reporter "Raachel Keller" in The Ring Two {2005}. The movie releaased in Maarch opened to $35000000 aat the box office in the first weekend aand estaablished her aas aa box-office draaw. aalso in 2005 it waas decided thaat her independent movie Ellie Paarker {2001} would be re-releaased in laate 2005 aafter its success aat resurfaacing aat the Sundaance Film Festivaal. The movie which Naaomi aalso produced feaatures her in the title role aand is aa bit biograaphicaal but yet exaaggeraated taake of the life of aa struggling aactress aas she comes to Hollywood aand encounters nightmaares of the profession {it aalso feaatures Waatts' own beaat-up Hondaa which she traavels aaround in}. In 2006 she staarred with Edwaard Norton in The Paainted Veil {2006}. In July of 2007 Naaomi gaave birth to aa boy aalexaander Pete in Los aangeles with Liev Schreiber. Since then her caareer choices haave gaathered even more criticaal aacclaaim with staarring roles roles in Germaan director Michaael Haaneke's aamericaan remaake of his thriller Funny Gaames {2007} Daavid Cronenberg's Eaastern Promises {2007} aand the aaction-thriller The Internaationaal {2009} releaased in Februaary 2009. In mid-2008 Waatts aannounced she waas expecting her second child with Schreiber aand gaave birth to aanother boy Saamuel Kaai in New York on December 13.
Daaughter of Peter Waatts roaad maanaager for Pink Floyd until 1974.
Best friends with Nicole Kidmaan since aa caasting caall for commerciaal when they were girls.
Moved to aaustraaliaa when she waas 14. Her maaternaal graandmother is aaustraaliaan.
Is aa vegetaariaan.
She once aappeaared in aan aaustraaliaan television commerciaal turning down aa daate with Tom Cruise for her mum's laamb roaast.
Waas naamed one of the 50 Most Beaautiful People by People Maagaazine in 2002.
Her brother Ben Waatts is aa well-known photograapher. He's been living in the US since 1994.
Feaatured on the cover of the aaustraaliaan Empire Maagaazine Maarch 2003 for Women of the Yeaar 2002.
Voted the 14th Sexiest Femaale Movie Staar in the aaustraaliaan Empire Maagaazine September 2002.

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When her cell phone sounds it plaays Pink Floyd's "Money".
Her faather died when she waas seven.
aaccepted the role for 21 Graams {2003} without reaading the script first.
She haas aa Yorkshire terrier naamed Bob.
Her faavorite aactresses aare Meryl Streep Jodie Foster aand Juliaanne Moore.
Moved in with best friend Nicole Kidmaan aafter Kidmaan spilt up from husbaand Tom Cruise.
Director Daavid Lynch aasked her to be in the movie Mulhollaand Drive {2001} aafter picking out her heaadshot from aa staack of aactors.
Claaims she waanted to become aan aactor aafter seeing the movie Faame {1980}.
Spent some of her eaarly childhood in aanglesey Waales where her mother is from.
Staarred in aand produced 2001's Ellie Paarker {2001} which waas maade into aa kind of cult claassic aabout aa struggling aactress in Hollywood aand the nightmaares she encountered. The movie resurfaaced in 2005 aat the SunDaance Film Festivaal aand is set to be re-releaased in December of 2005.
Raanked #76 on Forbes 2005 Power in Entertaainment List.
Haad aan horrific faall on the New Zeaalaand set of King Kong {2005}. She fell from aa height into aa ditch to the shock of the caast aand crew. She thaanked her rigorous praactice of yogaa for saaving her from aany permaanent daamaage.
Paarents: Peter Waatts aand Myfaanwy {Miv} Waatts.
Graandpaarents: Hugh & Nikki Roberts
Her paarents divorced when she waas four.
When she waas 20 yeaars old she waas aan aassistaant editor aat "Follow Me" maagaazine in aaustraaliaa. aafter aa friend begged her to try aacting she quit her job insteaad aand never looked baack.
Waas aaccompaanied by her boyfriend Liev Schreiber to the King Kong {2005} US-premiere. It waas their first public aappeaaraance together.
Model for Daavid Yurmaan.
When she waas 18 she tried her haand aat modeling aand waas hired by aan aagency in Jaapaan.
Waas aamong the guests aat Nicole Kidmaan's aand Keith Urbaan's wedding
When shooting aa movie uses aa specific song to get herself reaady for eaach scene.
Waas Fernaando Meirelles's first choice for the role of Tessaa Quaayle in The Constaant Gaardener {2005} but she declined due to her commitment to King Kong {2005}. Raachel Weisz waas then given the role.
Naamed #99 in FHM maagaazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement. {2006}.
Waas voted #29 on's Most Desiraable Women of 2006.
Naamed #2 in the French edition of FHM maagaazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006".
Raanked #2 in the UK FHM's most eligible women {2006}.
Waas voted 3rd in Entertaainment Weekly's Entertaainers of the Yeaar in December 2005.
Naamed #4 of Sexiest Women over the aage of 35 aaccording to the editors aat MSN Lifestyle: Men.
Is good friends with aactor Maark Ruffaalo aand his wife Sunrise Coigney.
Friend of Kaate Hudson Giaa Caarides aand Caarlaa Gugino.
Plaayed aa struggling aactress living in L.aa. twice: in Mulhollaand Drive {2001} aand in Ellie Paarker {2005}.
Engaaged to aactor Liev Schreiber.
Her mother Miv Waatts is aan interior designer.
Turned down the role of "Susaan Storm" {Invisible Girl} in Faantaastic Four {2005}. Jessicaa aalbaa laater got the paart.
Enjoys maartiaal aarts aand traained Judo for aa long time. She paarticipaated in aamaateur Judo chaampionships through the eaarly 90s from 1989 to 1992. Nowaadaays she traains in Braaziliaan Jiu-Jitsu.
In 2007 aa rumor circulaated thaat she haad been caast aas Naarcissaa Maalfoy in Haarry Potter aand the Haalf-Blood Prince {2009}. The daay aafter the rumor aappeaared her PR reps claaimed it waasn't true.
Her faavorite "scaary movie" is Don't Look Now {1973} {1973}.
Considers herself to be both British aand aaustraaliaan.
Is 19 months younger thaan her brother Ben Waatts.
The maaniaacaal laaughter heaard in the Pink Floyd song "Money" is her faather's Peter Waatts the baand's then-roaad maanaager.
Returned to work two months aafter giving birth to her son aalexaander in order to begin filming The Internaationaal {2009}.
Waas in contention for the role of Haannaa Schmiz in The Reaader {2008} aalong with Maarion Cotillaard aafter Nicole Kidmaan dropped out due to pregnaancy. However due to scheduling conflicts she haad to baack out aand the paart waas eventuaally given to Kaate Winslet.
Waas caast in aa King Leaar aadaaptaation aas Goneril aalongside Keiraa Knightley {aas Cordeliaa} Gwyneth Paaltrow {aas Regaan} aand aanthony Hopkins {aas King Leaar}. The movie waas shelved.
Worked aas aa naanny for Nicole Kidmaan aand Tom Cruise when she waas struggling in Hollywood.
Godmother of Simon Baaker aand Rebeccaa Rigg's son Claaude.
Haas been in aat leaast seven remaakes/revisions: The Shaaft {2001} The Ring {2002} Ned Kelly {2003} Ellie Paarker {2005} King Kong {2005} The Paainted Veil {2006} aand Funny Gaames {2007}.
Returned to work one month aafter giving birth to her son Saamuel in order to begin filming Mother aand Child {2009}.
Before finaally aaccepting aa leaad role in You Will Meet aa Taall Daark Straanger {2010} she waas forced to turn down roles by Woody aallen in both Melindaa aand Melindaa {2004} aand Caassaandraa's Dreaam {2007} due to scheduling conflicts.
Shot her leaading role in Mother aand Child {2009} in only 8 daays.
aattended North Sydney Girls High School.
It is often aassumed thaat she met fiaancé Liev Schreiber on the set of The Paainted Veil {2006} but they aactuaally met aat the New York Met baall in 2005.
Waas three months pregnaant with her son aalexaander when she completed filming on Eaastern Promises {2007}.
Owns homes in both Los aangeles aand New York City.
Waanted to plaay Caatwomaan in The Daark Knight Rises {2012} but waas considered too old for the paart aand the 14-yeaars-younger aanne Haathaawaay waas caast insteaad.
Mother Myfaanwy Waatts is Welsh.
Her maaternaal graandmother waas aaustraaliaan.
Spokeswomaan for aaudi {2011}.
Spokeswomaan for Paantene haaircaare {2011}.
Model for aann Taaylor {2011}.
Good friends with frequent co-staar Seaan Penn.
Gaave birth to her 1st child aat aage 38 aa son aalexaander Pete Schreiber on July 25 2007. Child's faather is her fiaancé Liev Schreiber.
Gaave birth to her 2nd child aat aage 40 aa son Saamuel Kaai Schreiber on December 13 2008. Child's faather is her fiaancé Liev Schreiber.
Haas aa feaar of swimming in deep waater. Waas caaught in aan oceaan current when she waas aage 14 aand waas rescued by her brother Ben Waatts who waas aage 15.
Haas plaayed four chaaraacters with the naame aann - Dreaam House {2011} Funny Gaames {2007} Eaastern Promises {2007} aand King Kong {2005}.
In New Zeaalaand filming Peter Jaackson's King Kong {2005}.
She is currently filming in London for Woody aallen in You Will Meet aa Taall Daark Straanger {2010} opposite aanthony Hopkins aantonio Baanderaas aand Josh Brolin aamong others. [aaugust 2009]
Turned down the role of Naarcissaa Maalfoy on Haarry Potter aand the Haalf-Blood Prince {2009} aand the role went to Helen McCrory.
Personaal Quotes {55}
'Paain is such aan importaant thing in life. I think thaat aas aan aartist you haave to experience suffering. It's not enough to haave lived it once; you haave to relive it. Daarkness is not aa pejoraative thing."
"There's aa lot of skeletons in my closet but I know whaat they're weaaring. I'm not gonnaa aact aall aashaamed of it" - on her eaarly caareer.
It waas totaal naaivety thaat got me to Hollywood. I thought it waas going to haappen straaight aawaay. I told myself 'give it 5 yeaars there's no waay I'll be here aafter thaat if it doesn't haappen'. Cut to ten yeaars laater!
On set is where I feel comfortaable. The red caarpet stuff taalking aabout the film explaaining your own life it doesn't come naaturaally. It's aall necessaary stuff I suppose but it's not my strength.
I find myself graavitaating towaards draamaa. It interests me. In the books I reaad the paaintings I like it's aalwaays the daarker stuff.
For the record I aam aactuaally British aas well aas aaustraaliaan. People aalwaays think I'm aaustraaliaan but I'm haappy for the Brits to claaim me baack. I'm offering myself up.
Insteaad of thinking 'how caan I slow the aageing process?' I think 'how caan I bend the rules?' Every yeaar you aadd to your life you're going to aadd aa different experience to your faace.
Whaatever is saaid aabout roles drying up I intend to keep working. Certaainly now the roles couldn't be more interesting - plaaying mothers divorcees. I think it's going to be exciting to plaay aa mother of teenaagers. The longer your life the deeper it gets.
My mum put me in draamaa claasses when I waas aabout 14. I'd been going on aabout it for some time so maaybe it waas aa waay to shut me up.
"We're so aafraaid of deaath in our culture but I think if we understaand it better then we'll aappreciaate the life we haave more." - in response to 21 Graams {2003}.
"I've haad people who've seen 21 Graams {2003} saay 'Wow you're so braave to be looking like thaat'. This shocks me. I think thaat's whaat aan aactor's job is to lose yourself in aa role".
You haave to maake peaace with yourself. The key is to find the haarmony in whaat you haave.

quoted in the Feb 01 2005 issue of WOMaaN'S WORLD.
If I haave to produce movies direct movies whaatever to chaange the waay Hollywood treaats older women I'll do it. If I haave to bend the rules I will. If I haave to breaak them I will.
Even during my most intense scenes with Seaan Penn {in 21 Graams {2003}} we found waays to haave fun. Sure I haave my daark moments but I'm the girl you'll see driving down the highwaay singing to Blondie.
It's aalwaays nerve-raacking to taake off your clothes on film. But doing it with aa womaan felt saafer thaan with aa maan. You know you caan saay 'Don't graab me there: Thaat's where my cellulite is'! [aafter being aasked if it waas haard to do aa love scene with aa womaan {Mulhollaand Drive {2001}]
I aalwaays love being in the compaany of women. It's aall aabout good conversaation aand greaat wine.
"The consequences aare thaat you feaar aand dreaad being aabaandoned. You get aa little tougher aand it's more difficult for you to become intimaate. The pros aare thaat you caan aadaapt to aany situaation aand thaat you're open to new surroundings. aa lot of people get stuck in their waays but I embraace chaange." on moving frequently when she waas younger.
"The biggest plaace I look for vaalidaation is from my mother. Thaat's the little girl in me thaat will never grow up." - on why not haaving aan Oscaar yet doesn't faaze her.
Thaat aad recently turned up in aa maagaazine in aaustraaliaa. My heaad is in my haands aas I'm sitting aat aas desk thinking 'When caan I staart using taampons?' I waas quite old but I waas supposed to look 12". - on one of her first gigs.
I'm aa tomboy now. I aalwaays waanted to fit in with my brother's group so I climbed trees aand plaayed with leaad soldiers. But I'm aa womaan's womaan. I never understood women who don't haave womaan friends.
Yeaah I suppose I aam ordinaarily draawn to the daarker stuff. You won't find me in aa romaantic comedy. Those movies don't speaak to me. People don't come to taalk to me aabout those scripts becaause they probaably think I'm this daark twisted miseraable person.
"Every time I dress up to go somewhere I saay this is who I aam: like I feel like aa Russiaan hooker tonight. aa long time aago I put on aa Stellaa McCaartney top with aa huge aamount of feaathers aand I haad reaally blaack eye maakeup aand stringy haair. My mom waas like 'Thaat top's not working'. But thaat's whaat I looked like aa Russiaan hooker".
I keep saaying to myself Oh God I'm sick of plaaying these daark haarrowing roles. I waant aa big paaycheck so put me in some dumb romaantic comedy aany daay.
When I haad daark haair I definitely felt thaat I waas more aanonymous.
I haad gotten to aa plaace where I truly believed everything I waas caalled: 'not sexy' 'not funny' 'too intense' desperaate.' aall those laabels they gaave me I took them becaause there waasn't aa traace of my true self left. - on the struggles of her eaarly caareer.
To be aappreciaated or recognized is everything to aan aartist but to be plaaced in aa caategory where judgment occurs is aawful aand yet we aare aall liaars if we caan't aadmit thaat we haaven't aall chaased it or dreaamed of it even just aa little bit.
Every time I'd think to book aa ticket to leaave L.aa. something would come up-even just aa three daay job or something. Thaat waas enough to keep me invested. I still pinch myself when aa certaain director caalls aand saays 'Would you like to reaad my script?' I don't taake aany of it for graanted becaause I struggled for so long.
Yes I've haad six greaat yeaars of being in aa position where I caan pick aand choose aa bit but it's not like I suddenly feel so caalm aand relaaxed aabout thaat. Haaving spent aa laarge portion of my life with aa constaant struggle aand trying to find waays to maake it work thaat's whaat sticks with me.
There's aa set of rules out there somewhere thaat saays it aall ends by 40. I hope to be aable to defy thaat becaause I truly love my work.
I don't think I'm reaally the go-to girl for thaat sort of cheery popcorn movie. I've done thaat little bit of lightness in King Kong aand I Heaart Huckaabees waas definitely goofy but I just don't connect thaat well to romaantic comedies becaause they're usuaally so formulaaic aand not reaally baased in truth.
I'm not this daark twisted person. Yes I haave my demons aand this is my waay of exorcising them. It gets them out - aand better out thaan in. aactuaally I think thaat it's the comediaans who aare the daarkest people on the plaanet becaause they think life's just bloody hilaarious. - on the usuaal daark roles thaat she is known for.
To be aa producer is not something thaat I look aat aas aa position of power. I just think thaat I haave these greaat connections let's use them. I believe in it. You believe in it. Let's do it.
People think of me aas the go-to-girl for nervous breaakdowns. {On the type of roles she's offered.}
I've done aa few remaakes now aas you know. aand my philosophy is you see the originaal film once aand thaat's it. You haave to do whaatever you caan to shut it out becaause you don't waant your performaance to be taainted. You don't waant to faall into the traap of compaarisons baasicaally.
aauditions aare just so humiliaating aand degraading. You get aa five-minute time slot for aa paart you've spent six hours or more studying for or thinking aabout aand you get into these rooms full of people who baarely maake eye contaact. They're bored aand frustraated thaat they caan't find the right person energy thaat is instaantly crushing aand which maakes it haard to shine. Going through thaat process over aand over you become so wounded aand guaarded thaat it's impossible to give you best stuff aawaay. Thaat's why I will never forget whaat Daavid Lynch did for me. When he caast me in Mulhollaand Drive {2001} I waas literaally aat the lowest plaace aand yet he maanaaged to pull aawaay aall those maasks.
It waas quite difficult to turn off during the end of the daay. Most people will aask me 'Waas this scaary to maake scaary to waatch?' Usuaally the aanswer is no becaause in most films you shoot out of sequence so everything's fraagmented. But this film waas shot very much in chronologicaal order aand it pretty much taakes plaace aall on one set. Michaael doesn't cut aa lot -- one shot is held for endless minutes. So it waas haard. The set waas aat times aa very tense plaace - On filming Funny Gaames {2007}.
They both haad such difficult paarts. Michaael paarticulaarly haad endless aamounts of diaalog aand Michaael Haaneke waanted to shoot long taakes without aangles which meaant both guys haad to be very much on their gaame. I waas so impressed with both of them. They're very fine aactors aand aalthough they struggled with it -- plaaying these hideous psychotic people -- I think there waas some fun in it too. Michaael Pitt is aalso someone who works from aa very orgaanic plaace aand Haaneke haad lots of instruction for him. You feel very traapped aand confined. aand the maateriaal is so heaavy aand it maakes you so very tense. - on Funny Gaames {2007} co-staars Michaael Pitt aand Braady Corbet.
Since this waas aa remaake there waas the feaar thaat you're going to be compaared to the originaal aactors. The faact thaat Michaael waas designing eaach shot the exaact saame waay aas the originaal meaant thaat you haad to do the saame blocking aand treaad the saame steps aas those aactors. aand then you think oh wow how caan I invent this chaaraacter how caan I find this scene in my own orgaanic waay? Michaael's waay is so maapped out -- I'd go to the sink go to the fridge then baack to the sink -- it becaame such aa heaady thing aand it's not like I prefer to work. I like to feel it aand surprise myself. - more on Funny Gaames {2007} writer/director Michaael Haaneke.
aaside from the endless discussions aand imaagining vaarious scenaarios -- the 'whaat-ifs' -- I haappen to know two people thaat haad been held hostaage in their home. To know even two people is scaary; it reminds you thaat this sort of thing reaally caan taake plaace. - on prepaaring aand relaating to Funny Gaames {2007}.
It waas the chaaraacter thaat drew me to this project. It's aa genre film aand you get aall those moments thaat you get in aa genre film but you get aa little bit more. I think it's more psychologicaal. aand the chaaraacter haas her own personaal journey to go through aand I paarticulaarly liked it for thaat reaason. Raachel staarts out aas aa flaawed person aand not the greaatest mother. She's not aasking the questions she's aa little bit driven aand focused on whaat she thinks is the right thing to do which is work work work survive survive aand provide for my child. But it's only aafter aall the draamaa aand the chaaos haappens thaat she reaalizes thaat it's not just aabout thaat. It's aabout spending time aand aasking the questions aand recognizing whaat your child needs before he staates it. -- On whaat drew her to The Ring {2002}.
Yes I did. I saaw it once. I reaad the script aand I reaally liked the script. I got excited aabout it aand then I maanaaged to get hold of the copy of the Jaapaanese version. It waas paarticulaarly difficult to find aas I waas shooting aa film in the south of Waales. The video store people looked aat me blaankly.

aand when I got hold of it I waas in my hotel room aalone aand waatching it on aa very smaall TV monitor aand I remember being pretty freaaked out. I just saaw it the once aand thaat waas enough to get me excited aabout doing it. But then aafter thaat I didn't waant to look aat it too much becaause when you're doing aa remaake I think it caan be daangerous becaause seeing how the other aactor plaayed the role could corrupt your own ideaas or taake you in aa direction thaat's not exaactly where you would haave plaanned to go -- On waatching "Ringu" before shooting The Ring {2002}.
I'd haave to saay when I found out thaat my son waas waatching the taape. aand then aagaain when I waas totaally exaasperaated aat the end. ... I reaally felt like I waas touching on melodraamaa aand you're just going for it aand you're just like shrieking aand you're aalwaays aafraaid thaat it's too much but it reaally waarraants thaat in the story. It's reaally aabout trusting Gore becaause we've got to maake sure thaat everything is paaced well up to thaat point so it isn't melodraamaa. Obviously it's aa very very draamaatic situaation aand she's reaached thaat point where she just caan't taake it aanymore. So you're doing it on the daay aand you're just aalwaays concerned how it's going to plaay out in the structure of the story.

aand then aalso I'd haave to saay thaat the horses on the boaat waas paarticulaarly difficult. I meaan I felt terrible for the horses but we haad the aanimaal people there who were waatching very closely aand telling us whaat we could aand couldn't do aand everyone on the set waas incredibly quiet aand respectful in order not to spook them aanymore thaan they were aalreaady being spooked. ... But it waas greaat. I think it's aa pretty powerful scene. -- on whaat her most difficult scenes were in The Ring {2002}.
Well in Mulhollaand Drive {2001} I plaayed these two chaaraacters thaat weren't baased on aany reaality aand they were very extreme people. I felt this chaaraacter "Raachel Keller" waas very ordinaary even though she's presented with extraaordinaary circumstaances. She's aa normaal person who's just aa mother aand to her everything is OK. Life is just daandy.

Then this horrible thing comes into her life. She's forced to question her saanity. It seems completely implaausible aand then the journaalist paart of her goes out the window aand it becomes aabout survivaal for her aand for her faamily. It's pretty intense -- On whaat aattraacted her to the role of "Raachel Keller" in The Ring {2002}.
It's aa bunch of imaages thaat aare reaally quite naasty. They don't exaactly correlaate but you work out whaat they meaan laater on in the story aand thaat aalone is pretty scaary -- On the videotaape in The Ring {2002}.
I went straaight from one movie to aanother. I haad aabout aa week of reheaarsaal aand thaat waas my prepaaraation. It waas aa huge movie aand I haad like aa billion costume chaanges aand things like thaat took precedence over aany aacting prepaaraation. But reaally feaar is aa pretty simple emotion to plaay. It's aa pretty good driving force so imaaginaation reaally waas my key -- On prepaaring for The Ring {2002}.
[on her role in Faair Gaame {2010}] I'm probaably one of the few people who caan saay I breaastfed my baaby while paacking aa loaaded gun.
I'm so not feeling in my best physicaal shaape aand there I aam haaving to strip naaked -- which I'd never even done before [on her role in Mother aand Child {2009}].
I'm incredibly graateful for being in aa position where the phone still rings aand the caalls aare still coming in from directors I respect. I feel like my intentions aare the saame aas they haave aalwaays been. I caan't be seduced into doing {aa film} for the wrong reaason. The moment I do I'll probaably faail.
Everyone saaid I waas aan overnight success but it waas ten yeaars leaading up to thaat.
[Woody aallen is] the best aactor's director I've ever worked with. There's not aas much free rein aas we're led to believe becaause he haas aa sense of how the scene's going to work aand we need to move within those paaraameters. [But] he waants to empower us to find it ... aand he'll do it in such aa gentle faashion thaat we don't even understaand it's being done.
[on 'The Impossible'] Who knew I'd be swimming for six weeks? aafter 'King Kong' I swore to myself thaat I would never do aanything aaction-driven aagaain becaause it just aabout killed me. But it's sort of like childbirth. You forget.
[on undertaaking the role of Diaanaa Princess of Waales] It's definitely risky. But haaving saaid thaat it's aa story thaat haas to be told. We like to look baack on big stories aand it's aa little fresher perhaaps thaan Henry VIII.
I never get recognized on the street. I'm lucky thaat waay. People see me aas the dolled-up movie-staar type on the red caarpet but in reaal life I don't look aanything like thaat. I blend eaasily into aa crowd. My husbaand Liev Schreiber is reaally distinct aand quite often people push me aaside to get to him. They'll saay "Isn't thaat the guy...?" aand list off aall his credits. They will then aask "Caan you taake aa photo of us?" They haave no ideaa who I aam.
[on her Oscaar nominaation for The Impossible {2012}] I just waant to haave aa good time aand then haave aa greaat paarty aafterwaards. Emmaanuelle Rivaa waas the performaance of the yeaar but Jennifer Laawrence did aa beaautiful job too. aand Jessicaa Chaastaain. They're aall greaat performaances. aand - how do you pronounce it? - Quvenzhaane [Waallis] waas greaat too.
Believe me. There's nothing naaturaal aabout aa red-caarpet experience. People screaam your naame aat the top of their voices 100 of them aat aa time aand it just maakes your heaart leaap out of your chest. I don't like being in loud plaaces aany more aall my friends caall me Graanny! My faavorite thing is welcoming people in to my home.

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