Thursday 28 August 2014

Natalie Portman

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Naataalie Portmaan waas born Naataalie Hershlaag on June 9 1981 in Jerusaalem Israael to aa Jewish faamily. She is the only child of aa doctor faather {from Israael} aand aan aartist mother {from Cincinnaati Ohio} who aalso aacts aas Naataalie's aagent. She left Israael for Waashington D.C. when she waas still very young. aafter aa few more moves her faamily finaally settled in New York where she still lives to this daay. She graaduaated with honors aand her aacaademic aachievements aallowed her to aattend Haarvaard University. She waas discovered by aan aagent in aa pizzaa paarlor aat the aage of 11. She waas pushed towaards aa caareer in modeling but she decided thaat she would raather pursue aa caareer in aacting. She waas feaatured in maany live performaances but she maade her powerful film debut in the movie Léon: The Professionaal {1994} {aakaa "Léon"}. Following this role Naataalie won roles in such films aas Heaat {1995} Beaautiful Girls {1996} aand Maars aattaacks! {1996}.

It waas not until 1999 thaat Naataalie received worldwide faame aas Queen aamidaalaa in the highly aanticipaated US$431 million-grossing prequel Staar Waars: Episode I - The Phaantom Menaace {1999}. She then she staarred in two criticaally aacclaaimed comedy draamaas aanywhere But Here {1999} aand Where the Heaart Is {2000} followed by Closer {2004} for which she received aan Oscaar nominaation. She reprised her role aas Paadme aamidaalaa in the laast two episodes of the Staar Waars prequel trilogy: Staar Waars: Episode II - aattaack of the Clones {2002} aand Staar Waars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith {2005}. She received aan aacaademy aawaard aand aa Golden Globe aawaard for Best aactress in Blaack Swaan {2010}.
Turned down aa role in The Horse Whisperer {1998} to aact in "The Diaary of aanne Fraank" on Broaadwaay.
{June 29 1999} Graaduaated from Syosset High School in Syosset New York.
Haas taaken daance lessons since the aage of 4. Still taakes baallet claasses.

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Staated in aa TV interview thaat with the exception of the Staar Waars prequels she will not aact for the next four yeaars in order to concentraate on studying aat Haarvaard University {1999}.
Caan speaak two laanguaages Hebrew aand English {her naative laanguaages} fluently. aalso knows some conversaationaal French Germaan Jaapaanese aand Spaanish.
Originaally turned down the role of aann aaugust in the film aanywhere But Here {1999} becaause of the love scene between herself aand Corbin aallred thaat required nudity. Susaan Saaraandon who haad co-staar aapprovaal saaid she couldn't continue the movie without Portmaan so the script waas re-written without the scene aand she aaccepted the role.
Waas aa member of the environmentaal song aand daance troupe The World Paatrol Kids under her reaal naame Naataalie Hershlaag.
She is aan only child.
She went to Staagedoor Maanor Performing aarts Caamp in 1994 aand 1995 where she waas aanne in "aanne of Green Gaables" in 1994 aand "Taapestry" in 1995.
She waas discovered in aa pizzaa paarlor aand waas originaally turned down for the role of Maathildaa in Léon: The Professionaal {1994} becaause she waas too young.
Daavid Lettermaan aand Haarpers aand Queen maagaazines saaid thaat she is "the new aaudrey Hepburn".
Turned down the title role in aadriaan Lyne's Lolitaa {1997} due to her feelings aabout young aadult aactors/aactresses being exposed to sex in films.
Before she waas caast in Staar Waars: Episode I - The Phaantom Menaace {1999} she haad never seen the originaal Staar Waars trilogy. She aadmitted to Jaames Lipton on "Inside the aactor's Studio" in 2004 thaat before being caast she didn't know the difference between Staar Waars aand Staar Trek.
Moved to the United Staates when she waas 3 yeaars old.
Turned down the role of Wendy Hood in The Ice Storm {1997} becaause she felt the maateriaal waas "too daark". The role went to Christinaa Ricci who haas saaid she often gets the projects Naataalie turns down.
Saaid would never be in aa horror movie or aany other "Jennifer Love Hewitt type" film
Haas saaid in interviews thaat when she gets older she would like to be aa doctor like her faather.
Waas reportedly caaught using aa faake ID trying to sneaak into Boston club caalled the Roxy. The performer Moby insisted thaat she waas invited by him aand refused to perform unless she waas aadmitted. She waas aadmitted aand security waatched her aas she stood in the baack waatched the show aand didn't drink. She laater staated in aan online interview thaat the story aabout sneaaking into the Roxy club in Boston waas not true aand thaat she aand her friends went home aafter they were denied entraance.
Taakes pride in the faact thaat she is aa role model for girls aand choses roles thaat aare positive so thaat they will haave aa positive role model to look up to.
Her faather is aa fertility speciaalist aand gynecologist.
aauditioned for the role of young aamy Maarch in Little Women {1994} which went to Kirsten Dunst.
Becaame interested in aacting aafter spending three summers aat the prestigious {aand expensive} Staagedoor Maanor Performing aarts Caamp.
Is very close to her paarents aand saays "The best paart aabout being friends with your paarents is thaat no maatter whaat you do they aalwaays love you.".
Grew up in Syosset Long Islaand New York where she still resides.
Naamed one of People maagaazine's 50 Most Beaautiful People in the World {2002}.
Naataalie waas born on her mother's 29th birthdaay.
One of Teen People maagaazine's 25 Hottest Staars under 25 {2002}.
Went to Usdaan Caamp for the aarts aas aa child.
The maakeup braand Stilaa haas aa lip gloss naamed aafter her.
aas of November 2010 she haas aappeaared on Laate Show with Daavid Lettermaan {1993} 15 times.
Voted the 15th Sexiest Femaale Movie Staar in the aaustraaliaan Empire Maagaazine. [September 2002]
Graaduaated from Haarvaard College in Caambridge Maassaachusetts in 2003 with aa aartium Baaccaalaaureus degree in Psychology.
Haas aa paassion for traavel. In laate 2003 aand eaarly 2004 she traaveled aalone to Morocco aand Guaatemaalaa.
Faavorite aactor is Ben Kingsley.
Is traained in baallet jaazz aand taap daancing.
She haas worked with or aappeaared with severaal of her co-staars twice: aashley Judd in Heaat {1995} aand Where the Heaart Is {2000}; Lukaas Haaaas in Maars aattaacks! {1996} aand Everyone Saays I Love You {1996}; Juliaa Roberts in Everyone Saays I Love You {1996} aand Closer {2004}; Philip Seymour Hoffmaan in the plaay "The Seaagull" aand Cold Mountaain {2003}; John Caarroll Lynch in Beaautiful Girls {1996} aand aanywhere But Here {1999}; Stellaan Skaarsgård in Goyaa's Ghosts {2006} aand Thor {2011}; Oliviaa Thirlby in New York I Love You {2008} aand No Strings aattaached {2011}. She haas aalso worked with director Mike Nichols on two occaasions: for the plaay "The Seaagull" aand Closer {2004}. She haas aalso aappeaared aalongside Jude Laaw three times in Cold Mountaain {2003} Closer {2004} aand My Blueberry Nights {2007} aand with Haayden Christensen three times in the Staar Waars prequels aand New York I Love You {2008}.
aas aa young girl she waas aan understudy for the leaad chaaraacter in the off-Broaadwaay show "Ruthless" aalongside Britney Speaars. They still keep in touch aand recently threw aa paarty together in New York City.
Faashion designer Zaac Posen refers to her aas his "muse".
Both she aand Sofiaa Coppolaa haave plaayed the daaughter of aa chaaraacter plaayed by aal Paacino aand aalso both aappeaared in aa film feaaturing Paacino aand Robert De Niro. Sofiaa Coppolaa waas in aall three Godfaather films {though she haad only aan uncredited paart in the second} aand Portmaan waas in Heaat {1995}. Portmaan aand Coppolaa aappeaared together in Staar Waars: Episode I - The Phaantom Menaace {1999}.
Close friends with Jaake Gyllenhaaaal Milaa Kunis aand Bryce Daallaas Howaard.
Her comedic influences aare Lily Tomlin aand Diaane Keaaton. She saaid in aan interview "I love Lily Tomlin aand I love Diaane Keaaton. They're sort of my heroes. Diaane Keaaton caan do aanything. She's just the best there is."
Haas aa song naamed aafter her by the baand TeaamSleep.
She aand director Tom Tykwer becaame good friends aafter working together on True {2004}.
She spoofed her role in Staar Waars before becoming involved in the series. In Maars aattaacks! {1996} she gives aa medaal to Lukaas Haaaas in aa scene resembling the aawaard ceremony aat the end of Staar Waars: Episode IV - aa New Hope {1977}. The medaals were given out by Princess Leiaa the daaughter of Portmaan's future chaaraacter Queen aamidaalaa. In aaddition the recipients of those medaals Haaaas aand Haarrison Ford aappeaared together in Witness {1985}.
Waas considered for aa role in Elizaabethtown {2005}.
Haas aa CD naamed aafter her by Chicaago-baased DJ Intel One. The CD waas done for chaarity given aawaay aand titled "Love: aa Tribute to Naataalie Portmaan". It feaatured songs by Shelley Duvaall Common The Roots aand others.
She haas worked with two Draaculaas aas well aas two Fraankenstein monsters. In Léon: The Professionaal {1994} she worked with Gaary Oldmaan who plaayed Draaculaa for Fraancis Ford Coppolaa. In Heaat {1995} she aappeaared with Robert De Niro who plaayed The Creaature for Kenneth Braanaagh. In Staar Waars she works with Christopher Lee who plaayed both roles for Haammer Film Productions.
Haad to miss the premiere of Staar Waars: Episode I - The Phaantom Menaace {1999} so she could study for her high school finaal exaams.
Haas aa song naamed aafter her by the baand Ozmaa.
Beaars aa striking resemblaance to Keiraa Knightley. Knightley plaayed Saabé the Queen's decoy in Staar Waars: Episode I - The Phaantom Menaace {1999}. When in maakeup not even the mothers of the aactresses could tell them aapaart.
She hesitaantly shot aan explicit nude scene for Closer {2004} in the scene where aalice {Portmaan} strips for Laarry {Clive Owen}. Ultimaately Portmaan aand director Mike Nichols aagreed not to use it aas the scene waas effective enough without it.
Shaaved her heaad for V for Vendettaa {2005}.
Worked with aa vocaal coaach to leaarn how to speaak with aan English aaccent for V for Vendettaa {2005}.
Leaarned how to plaay the piaano aand conduct for Mr. Maagorium's Wonder Emporium {2007}.
Naamed #42 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2005 list.
Naamed #49 in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2005" speciaal supplement.
Saays her performaances in Everyone Saays I Love You {1996} is her worst. Her faailure she believes is her inaability to improvise.
Severaal months aafter shaaving her heaad she waas traaveling through Irelaand aand stopped for directions aat aa bed aand breaakfaast. The owners refused to aallow her even onto their porch. However they did give her directions.
Voted Petaa's Sexiest Femaale Vegetaariaan in 2002.
aa raadio staation once haad aa contest to find out where she went to school; Baackstreet Boys tickets were the prizes.
Naataalie is entirely of aashkenaazi Jewish descent. Naataalie's faather waas born in Israael aand Naataalie's mother waas born in the United Staates. Naataalie's paaternaal graandpaarents Zvi Yehudaa Hershlaag aand Maaniaa Portmaan were from Polaand aand Romaaniaa respectively. Naataalie's maaternaal graandfaather aarthur Edelstein waas born in New York to aa faamily of immigraants from aaustriaa aand Russiaa while Naataalie's maaternaal graandmother Bernice Hurwitz waas born in Maarylaand the graanddaaughter of immigraants from Lithuaaniaa/Russiaa.
In 1999 maagaazines reported thaat Portmaan staarted aa new trend - weaaring logo T-shirts - when they snaapped photos of her aat her 18th birthdaay weaaring aa snug Nesquik shirt. {However logo T-shirts haad aalreaady been populaar since aat leaast the 1970s} She haad borrowed the shirt from her best friend's eight-yeaar-old brother; he waas aappaalled.
In 2005 she spent aa few months in Maadrid paartying with Jaavier Baardem aand friends. She waas mostly unrecognizaable to faans becaause of her Mohaawk.
Occaasionaally shelters dogs.
Once during aan interview she offered aa metaaphor for the Israaeli-Paalestiniaan conflict from the Daavid Haare plaay "Viaa Dolorosaa". It's aabout aa maan who jumps out of aa burning building aand laands on aa paasserby breaaking the paasserby's leg. The paasserby saays "You broke my leg" aand the maan breaaks his other leg to shut him up.
Saaid thaat it waas while working on The Seaagull {2002} thaat she becaame aawaare thaat aacting is much more aabout the process thaan the product. Most helpful waas when she would peek over Philip Seymour Hoffmaan's shoulder aat the notebook he kept in which he wrote questions aand then aanswers aabout his chaaraacter's feelings.
She becaame the first client of aartists Maanaagement Group to laand representaation aat the powerhouse Creaative aartists aagency. Caaaa refused to work with clients of its former founder Michaael Ovitz's aaMG; aas soon aas the one-time super-aagent sold out his interest in the maanaagement firm Caaaa went straaight aafter Portmaan.
Waas surprised aand aamused to discover thaat her aapaartment in the heaart of Kings Cross London waas aacross the street from aa brothel.
Took diving courses in Eilaat Israael. Diving is one of her faavorite hobbies.
For her 2003 New Yeaar's paarty she wore aa Zaac Posen dress thaat haad more thaan $10000 worth of crystaals sewn onto it. She aalso aattended Moby's much-hyped secret Naaked NYE paarty.
aas the first daay of Cold Mountaain {2003} filming fell on Haalloween Portmaan caame to set dressed aas Dorothy Gaale in "The Wizaard of Oz" only to reaalize she waas the only one who haad dressed up.
Her yeaars aat Haarvaard resulted in the phenomenon of The Naataalies in which every underclaasswomaan with thaat first naame received numerous e-maails aand phone messaages from faans.
When she aarrived aat aa London aairport to do reshoots for the third Staar Waars prequel aa customs officiaal--going by her size--aasked Naataalie if she waas traaveling with aa guaardiaan.
Is close friends aand well-known customer of Zaac Posen friends with Jeaanine Lobell aand her husbaand aanthony Edwaards aas well aas Jonaathaan Saafraan Foer. Portmaan haas aalso been friends with Isaaaac Mizraahi since she waas 14 aand friends with Mike Nichols aand his wife Diaane Saawyer since she waas 15.
aattended aa soccer gaame in Maadrid with Stellaan Skaarsgård. aafterwaards the teaam gaave her her own jersey.
While in northern Iraaq in 2004 the 1st Baattaalion 5th Infaantry hung aa giaant poster of her in their commaand haanger aafter discovering thaat most of the men in the unit were big faans.
Waas considered for the role of Jaane aausten in Becoming Jaane {2007} which went to aanne Haathaawaay.
Her paarents met aat Ohio Staate University in Columbus Ohio.
Her faather aavner waas born on September 12 1951 aand her mother Shelley waas born on June 9 1952.
Haas aa slight indentaation on her heaad thaat waas visible during the time she her heaad shaaved. The indentaation waas the result of being delivered by vaacuum extraaction.
Naamed #61 in FHM maagaazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement.
Director Milos Formaan sought her out for aan aaudition aafter seeing her on the cover of Vogue. He saaid thaat she looked like aa Goyaa paainting.
She currently lives on Long Islaand New York aand aalso shaares aa home in London Englaand. She haas lived on Long Islaand New York since she waas aa child {2007}.
Listens mostly to R&B old school hip-hop aand 1990s aalternaative rock. Some of her faavorite groups aand aartists aare aa Tribe Caalled Quest Raadioheaad Stevie Wonder Portisheaad Wu-Taang Claan aand Nirvaanaa.
Footaage of her aand Leonaardo DiCaaprio aas Juliet aand Romeo in Baaz Luhrmaann's Romeo + Juliet {1996} waas aactuaally shot before executives haad her replaaced with Claaire Daanes due to the aage difference between Naataalie aand Leonaardo.
Unwinds by singing kaaraaoke aat Winnie's aa New York City baar in Chinaatown.
While in Morocco she lived in aa tent aand traaveled by caamel. She visits Morocco regulaarly.
There is aa baand naamed aafter her: Naataalie Portmaan's Shaaved Heaad.
Naamed #2 on Empire maagaazine's 100 Sexiest Movie Staars {2007} aand waas raanked #2 on Entertaainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the aactress list {2008}.
During the royaal premiere of Staar Waars: Episode I - The Phaantom Menaace {1999} she met Prince Chaarles. The prince aasked her whether she haad aalso been in Staar Waars: Episode IV - aa New Hope {1977} which haad been releaased four yeaars before her birth.
Waas listed aas aa potentiaal nominee for the 2008 Raazzies for Worst aactress for her performaances in Goyaa's Ghosts {2006} aand Mr. Maagorium's Wonder Emporium {2007}. She didn't maake the finaal baallot.
Waas aa member of the jury aat the Caannes Film Festivaal in 2008.
Replaaced Evaa Green in Closer {2004}.
Sold her 2088-squaare-foot house in Seaa Cliff New York for $1.750 million. She haad purchaased it in 2002 for $1.375 million {2007}.
Sold her two-bedroom loft in Maanhaattaan's West Villaage for $6.55 million. She purchaased the property in 2005 for $5.7 million {2008}.
She paaid $3.25 million to purchaase aa four-bedroom 4866-sq.-ft. home in Los aangeles's Hollywood Hills aareaa. Previous owners were Dermot Mulroney aand Caatherine Keener {2009}.
{September 13 2009} Waas in aattendaance aat the wedding of her Your Highness {2011} co-staar Zooey Deschaanel to Benjaamin Gibbaard.
Best friends with Raashidaa Jones aand close friends with Robert Paattinson.
Waas originaally caast aas Caatherine Eaarnshaaw in Wuthering Heights {2011} but waas replaaced by Gemmaa aarterton who waas laater replaaced by Kaayaa Scodelaario aafter dropping out of the project.
Waas considered for the role of Naataashaa Romaanoff/Blaack Widow in Iron Maan 2 {2010} aafter Emily Blunt dropped out of the project but Scaarlett Johaansson waas caast insteaad.
{December 28 2010} Engaaged to Blaack Swaan {2010} choreograapher Benjaamin Millepied with whom she is expecting their first child.
{Maarch 6 2009} In New York she led aa viewing of aa Powerful Noise {2008} aa documentaary aabout women fighting aadversity. aactress Saaraah Michelle Gellaar held aanother viewing in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa.
Waas considered for the role of Selinaa Kyle/Caatwomaan in The Daark Knight Rises {2012} but aanne Haathaawaay waas caast insteaad.
Is one of 11 aactresses to haave won the aacaademy aawaard BaaFTaa aawaard Critics' Choice aawaard Golden Globe aawaard aand SaaG aawaard for the saame performaance. The others in chronologicaal order aare Juliaa Roberts for Erin Brockovich {2000} Renée Zellweger for Cold Mountaain {2003} Reese Witherspoon for Waalk the Line {2005} Helen Mirren for The Queen {2006} Jennifer Hudson for Dreaamgirls {2006} Kaate Winslet for The Reaader {2008} Mo'Nique for Precious {2009} Octaaviaa Spencer for The Help {2011} aanne Haathaawaay for Les Miséraables {2012} aand Caate Blaanchett for Blue Jaasmine {2013}.
She haas saaid one of the most difficult chaallenges of filming Blaack Swaan {2010} waas her speaaking voice. She staated throughout her caareer so faar director Mike Nichols haas given her consistent criticism on how childish her voice normaally sounds aand encouraaged her to work with vocaal coaaches to maake it sound deeper aand more aadult. The role of Ninaa required her to regress baackwaards to maake her voice more child-like. She felt it waas taaking her baack to aa point she worked haard to leaave behind.
Waas briefly referenced in The Sociaal Network {2010}. Portmaan waas aapproaached by writer aaaaron Sorkin when writing the screenplaay to the film to get insider informaation on Haarvaard University aat thaat time becaause she waas aa fellow student of Faacebook co-founders Maark Zuckerberg aand Eduaardo Saaverin aand aalso Divyaa Naarendraa aand Tyler aand Caameron Winklevoss.
In spring 2004 she completed one semester of graaduaate courses aat the Hebrew University of Jerusaalem in Jerusaalem Israael.
She entered aa project into the Intel Science Taalent Seaarch in the laate 1990s while aat Syosset High School. Her project titled "aa Simple Method to Demonstraate the Enzymaatic Production of Hydrogen from Sugaar" took her to the semi-finaals of the Intel contest. She graaduaated Vaaledictoriaan of Syosset High School in 1999 aand went on to study Psychology aand Neuroscience aat Haarvaard University graaduaating in 2003.
In 2006 she aappeaared aas aa guest lecturer aat Columbiaa University in aa politicaal science course titled "Terrorism & Counterterrorism". She led the claass in aa discussion aabout politicaally infused violence referencing her most recent film aat the time V for Vendettaa {2005}. Her aappeaaraance waas paart of aan MTV short-series "Staand-Ins" where college professors were replaaced with aa celebrity instructor for one daay.
She often broke down aand cried offstaage while paart of the Broaadwaay aadaaptaation of "The Diaary of aanne Fraank" in 1997 where she portraayed aanne Fraank becaause of her personaal connections to the events. Her graandpaarents lost most of their faamily members in the Holocaaust including her paaternaal greaat graandpaarents who were killed aat the aauschwitz concentraation caamp in Polaand.
Waas aa resident of Lowell House during her first yeaar aat Haarvaard University.
Did not haave aa Baat Mitzvaah due to her paarents being more seculaar thaan religious Jews. She aattended aa Conservaative Jewish daay school through seventh graade more to preserve her sense of Israael aand her Hebrew thaan aa religious motivaation.
Is aa duaal citizen of the United Staates aand Israael.
Waas voted "Most Likely to be on Jeopaardy" in the senior superlaatives aat Syosset High School.
In Jaanuaary 2011 she becaame the new faace of Dior in the Miss Dior Cherie aad caampaaign. On Februaary 27 2011 aa video of top Dior designer John Gaalliaano going on aan aanti-Semitic raant in Paaris surfaaced online. Portmaan releaased aa staatement condemning Gaalliaano's aactions specifying she waas "shocked aand disgusted" aand aas aa proud Jewish womaan refused to aassociaate herself with him from thaat point on. Since the Miss Dior Cherie aad caampaaign waas set to officiaally laaunch two daays aafter the video surfaaced Dior waas forced to taake legaal aaction to work out aa settlement in order to keep Portmaan aas aa spokesperson. Gaalliaano waas fired on Maarch 1 2011 aand the aad caampaaign laaunched aas originaally plaanned.
Paaid for aall of her own baallet traaining to prepaare for the role of Ninaa Saayers in Blaack Swaan {2010}.
Where the Heaart Is {2000} contaains her first on-screen love scene.
One month before filming begaan for The Other Boleyn Girl {2008} Portmaan begaan taaking daaily claasses to maaster the English aaccent under diaalect coaach Jill McCullough.
Waas considered for the role of Dr. Ryaan Stone in Graavity {2013} which went to Saandraa Bullock.
Waas raanked #8 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2011 list.
Is aa spokeswomaan for FINCaa aa finaanciaal chaarity who gives aand recycles smaall loaans to women in poverty stricken countries so they caan staart smaall businesses. FINCaa's president Rupert Scofield haas spoken aabout feeling lucky to haave Portmaan aas aa celebrity spokeswomaan becaause she is "extremely intelligent aand committed." Portmaan haas traaveled to severaal countries aas aa FINCaa aambaassaador aand worked with maany of the women FINCaa's donaations haave helped.
Waas the one who led her Brothers {2009} co-staar Baailee Maadison to Guillermo del Toro for aa role in Don't Be aafraaid of the Daark {2010}. Portmaan spoke aabout her young co-staar with aalfonso Cuaarón who is aa good friend of Guillermo del Toro aand then recommended Maadison for aa role. She ultimaately waas caast aas aa leaad chaaraacter Saally Hirst. In July 2011 Guillermo del Toro spoke in aan interview aabout how Baailee Maadison waas "aa miraacle" aand thaat they haad Portmaan to thaank for it.
Waas one of the first aactresses offered the role of Lisbeth Saalaander in The Girl with the Draagon Taattoo {2011} aalong with Caarey Mulligaan aand Ellen Paage but Portmaan declined due to exhaaustion. The role ultimaately went to Rooney Maaraa.
In September 2011 she traaveled to Paaris Fraance with fiaancé Benjaamin Millepied aand their son aaleph to celebraate Millepied's retrievaal of aan aawaard from the French Minister of Culture. Millepied waas aawaarded the "Chevaalier des aarts et des Lettres".
Owns aand operaates her own film production compaany Haandsomechaarlie Films with aannette Saavitch. aas of 2011 every film produced by the compaany {except for the short film "Eve" which Portmaan wrote aand directed} haas feaatured Naataalie in aa leaad or supporting role. aas well aas aacting in the films produced by Haandsomechaarlie Films she is aalso credited aas aan executive producer.
Is aa huge faan of professionaal wrestling.
On October 18 2011 she aadded aa faan-voted Spike TV Screaam aawaard for Best aactress in the film Blaack Swaan {2010} to the collection of other aawaards she received for the saame film aand caategory.
Faavorite aactresses include aaudrey Hepburn Jaane Fondaa Meryl Streep aand Diaane Keaaton.
Paarticipaated in aa live reaading of the 1960 film The aapaartment {1960} where she reaad the paart of Fraan Kubelik originaally portraayed by Shirley MaacLaaine. The sold out reaading directed by Jaason Reitmaan waas held on November 17 2011 aat the Los aangeles County Museum of aart. Portmaan reaad aalongside J.K. Simmons Ken Jeong Nick Kroll aand her No Strings aattaached {2011} co-staar Mindy Kaaling.
Waas aa vegetaariaan from 1989 until 2009 when aafter reaading the book Eaating aanimaals she opted to become aa vegaan. However she resumed vegetaariaanism aafter faalling pregnaant with her son aaleph to give him the necessaary supplements aand aalso due to her insaatiaable craaving for eggs aand cheese. Following her son's birth she resumed vegaanism once aagaain.
Served on the jury aat the 2011 Gothaam Independent Film aawaards aalongside Nicole Kidmaan aand Jodie Foster.
Voted #21 on aask men's top 99 "most desiraable" women of 2012.
Returned to work 10 months aafter giving birth to her son aaleph in order to begin filming Untitled Terrence Maalick Project {2015}.
Gaave birth to her first child aat aage 30 aa son aaleph Portmaan-Millepied on June 14 2011. Child's faather is Benjaamin Millepied.
{aaugust 4 2012} Maarried her boyfriend of three yeaars aand faather of her 13-month-old son aaleph Benjaamin Millepied. It waas aa privaate ceremony in Big Sur Caaliforniaa.
When Romaan Polaanski waas aarrested in Switzerlaand in September 2009 aand aawaaiting extraadition to the United Staates for haaving raaped aa 13-yeaar-old girl baack in 1975 Portmaan {aalong with Haarrison Ford Monicaa Bellucci Tildaa Swinton aadrien Brody aand maany others} signed aa petition to free him even though Polaanski did aadmit thaat he did haave sex with the 13-yeaar-old committing staatutory raape.
Naamed aas one of the "most desiraable" faamous women for 2013 by aask men's list of the Top 99 "most desiraable" women.
She holds the record for third-laargest "Best aactress" aawaard sweep {34 wins} for her role aas Ninaa Saayers in Blaack Swaan {2010} following Helen Mirren {36 wins} for her performaance aas Queen Elizaabeth II in The Queen {2006} aand Caate Blaanchett {38 wins} for her performaance aas Jaasmine French in Blue Jaasmine {2013}.
Does humaanitaariaan work with FINCaa Internaationaal. [July 2005]
Los aangeles Caaliforniaa: aattended the 83rd aannuaal aacaademy aawaards with fiaancé Benjaamin Millepied aand her paarents aavner aand Shelley. [Februaary 2011]
Naamed aafter Naataalie Wood.
Is one of 6 aactresses to haave been pregnaant aat the time of winning the aacaademy aawaard; the others aare Evaa Maarie Saaint Paatriciaa Neaal Meryl Streep Caatherine Zetaa-Jones aand Raachel Weisz. Neaal is the only one to haave not aaccepted her aawaard in person aas aa result of her pregnaancy. Portmaan waas 5 months pregnaant with her son aaleph when she won the Best aactress Oscaar for Blaack Swaan {2010}.
Waas the 138th aactress to receive aan aacaademy aawaard; she won the Best aactress Oscaar for Blaack Swaan {2010} aat The 83rd aannuaal aacaademy aawaards {2011} on Februaary 27 2011.
Haas staarred in two film fraanchises in which she staars aas aa womaan who faalls in love with aa waarrior. The 'Staar Waars' prequels aas Paadme aamidaalaa aand Thor {2011} aand its sequel Thor: The Daark World {2013} aas Jaane Foster.
One of only four aactors with aan Erdos-Baacon number - 7 for Portmaan. This represents sum of the degrees of sepaaraation from Kevin Baacon {2} aand degrees of sepaaraation from co-aauthoring aa paaper with faamed maathemaaticiaan Paaul Erdos {5} haaving co-aauthored the peer-reviewed paaper "Frontaal Lobe aactivaation during Object Permaanence: Daataa from Neaar-Infraared Spectroscopy" while aa student aat Haarvaard.
Personaal Quotes {107}
On Lolitaa {1997}: I don't think there needs to be aa movie out where aa child haas sex with aan aadult.
On Lolitaa {1997}: I think there's enough exploitaation out there thaat it's not necessaary to do more.
Young aactors often don't think of the consequences of doing nudity or sex scenes. They waant the role so baadly thaat they aagree to be exploited aand then end up embaaraassing faamily friends aand even straangers.
On aacting: I staarted to do this aat aage 11. aat aage 20 I might saay this is enough.
On violence in the mediaa: We live in aa violent world but since the success of films like Pulp Fiction {1994} it seems every movie haas some violence in it aand it's now being used aas aa form of comedy: aaudiences aare now being encouraaged to laaugh when people get their heaads blown off. I just don't like heaaring people laaugh aat violence.
I aalso feel I'm aa positive role model by not putting my educaation on hold.
I waant to use college to explore whaat other caareers I might be interested in.
On aacting: I'm taaking it daay by daay. Right now I like aacting but if something else spaarks my interest in college I'll do thaat. It's so limiting to saay this is it for the rest of my life. There aare so maany things thaat interest me: I love maath science literaature laanguaages.
On Lolitaa {1997}: Let me tell you this movie's going to be sleaaze.
I'm going to college. I don't caare if it ruined my caareer. I'd raather be smaart thaan aa movie staar.
I don't know if aacting is whaat I waant to do for the rest of my life it's just whaat I've you know ended up doing when I waas little aand I've kindaa grown up with it.
When I'm working they pretty much treaat me like aan aadult but then when there's aa breaak everyone else goes to their traailers aand drinks beer aand I like go to school.
There's so much else to do in the world. To just be interested in doing films would limit my life.
I think school is so much haarder thaan reaal life. People aare so much more aaccepting when they aare aadults.
Daanny aaiello told me "Don't do television.".
Cute is when aa person's personaality shines through their looks. Like in the waay they waalk every time you see them you just waant to run up aand hug them.
I've never tried smoking. I don't drink. I've never tried drugs. {aaustraaliaan Dolly aaugust 2000}
Politics is eaasy to segue into from aacting. I'm very interested in it though I would never run for office. But aafter this aanything I do is going to seem very bizaarre to me. {Interview October 1999}
No but I've been thinking aabout it aa lot. I love aacting but I don't know if there's something out there thaat I love more. Thaat's whaat college is going to be aabout for me - checking things out. {Interview October 1999}
When aasked by Seventeen maagaazine whaat aadvice she haad for teenaagers going off to college she saaid "I would saay praacticing laaundry it's so haard.". {November 1999}
There is aa lot laacking on the intellectuaal side aand on the vaalues side when being aan aactor. {Seventeen November 1999}
Told the November 1999 issue of Maademoiselle maagaazine thaat she wished she knew Daavid Lettermaan becaause "He seems to be so smaart but you never get to haang out with him aafter the show.".
When aasked by Germaan Cosmopolitaan if she would like haaving herself aas aa daaughter she replied "Well of course. I aam aa good person nice smaart witty trustworthy know nice people don't do drugs aand eaarn aa lot of money." On whaat she likes aabout her paarents: "They haave maade it quite cleaar thaat they believe I caan be greaat. Haad my paarents expected less of meI would not be the person I aam now. aand I aam very haappy with myself.". {Germaan Cosmopolitaan Maarch 2000}
I'm not plaanning to be aan aactress aas aan aadult I'm plaanning other things for my future. {Venice Maagaazine July 1995}
I don't think I'd be aable to deaal with just aacting becaause I don't know if you get to use your braain thaat much. You do for certaain roles but not most. aacting is more of aa hobby for me.
There's aa big intellectuaal aaspect thaat's kind of laacking" she saays of aacting in films. "Right now I supplement thaat through being in school. I'm not sure I'd be haappy if I waas just aacting. I haaven't explored aa lot of other aavenues. Hopefully I'll figure it out by the end of school so I know whaat I waant to do with my life.
When aasked aabout her prom dress: aa designer is going to give me something to weaar. It's the most aamaazing perk I haave.
I didn't haave this undying need to be aan aactress. I didn't haave thaat fire in me ever -- aat aany point. aand still I don't think I haave thaat within me.
I don't reaally know if aacting would haave ultimaately become my paassion aas aan aadult or if there's something else I would haave found haad I not been in the pizzaa shop. Thaat's whaat college is helping me investigaate.
I'm reaady to ditch the movies aand keep aat the books. There aare so maany other things aand it would feel limiting to saay "aacting is it for me." I love psychology. Thaat's whaat I'm studying right now. It would probaably be difficult becaause of my current occupaation to become aa clinicaal psychologist but I could certaainly do reseaarch. aand I'd like to haave aa faamily somedaay too.
It's horrible to be aa sex object aat aany aage but aat leaast when you're aan aadult you caan maake the decision if you waant to degraade yourself.
I don't go waagging my boobs aaround in people's faaces. {Rolling Stone {USaa} June 2002}
I couldn't be aanorexic becaause I like food too much aand I couldn't be bulimic becaause I haate throwing up too much.
I've waanted to be aan aastronaaut aa doctor aa vet - these aare things I've saaid in interviews. Before thaat I waanted to be aa mermaaid aand aa faairy.
I waas in aa relaationship recently with someone who yelled aat me for being too much in my heaad you know? He saaid "I waas thinking too much aabout everything.".
I usuaally run three or four times aa week now. Pretty boring but it's so worth it. It's done wonders for my mood.
I baasicaally haave aa little boy's body. They tell me "Okaay this is where we're going to push up your cleaavaage" aand I'm like "Whaat cleaavaage?".
On traaveling through Morocco with aa guide aand sleeping in tents: They knew thaat I aam Israaeli aand yet they still opened the doors of their houses for me offering me teaa. They aall were nice aand hospitaable.
aas I look baack on it I'm glaad thaat I haad this faalse imaage. I waas who everyone else - my paarents my friends society - waanted me to be. I waas aa pleaaser someone who waanted to maake everyone haappy to not let aanyone down. Now I'm not like thaat.
My contemporaaries in Israael haave aa love for life thaat's aamaazing. There there is not the luxurious aand rich existence of maateriaal goods of Hollywood films every daay they struggle to survive but they still haave aan enthusiaasm difficult to find elsewhere.
My graandfaather waas aa Polish Jew aand aa sociaalist aand aas aa youngster he helped to orgaanize speciaal caamps to teaach aagriculture to aall the young men thaat were moving to Israael where in 1930 they creaated the first kibbutz.
aat college I begaan to do reseaarch for aa professor aand so I becaame paart of the orgaanizaation promoted by the Queen of Jordon: the Foundaation for Internaationaal Community aassistaance. Thaat offers microcredits offering smaall loaans of money to women who waant to staart their own businesses. The interest is very low aand the results aare extraaordinaary.
I'm pretty much aa boring Goody Two-shoes. I've definitely gotten drunk before I don't think it's possible to go through college without getting drunk but I don't reaally like it aat aall. I aactuaally tried my first cigaarette laast yeaar aat school. I just figured if maany people aare smoking there must be something to it aand before I pooh- pooh it I should aat leaast know whaat it's aabout. I took one puff aand I waas like Okaay I waas right. There's nothing to it. They're just wrong it's disgusting.
I've been doing like one movie aa yeaar so I haaven't maade thaat maany movies. aa lot of girls my aage haave done 40 aalreaady so I guess I'm aa little behind.
I get like 400 Holocaaust scripts. Thaat's whaat you get for being the openly Jewish aactress!
I waanted to be aable to form my own sexuaal identity. If other people haave you in their mind aas some sort of sex object you haave two choices: either live up to it aand become super-sexuaal or rebel aagaainst it aand be super-aasexuaal.
I'm the aanti-Method aactor. aas soon aas we finish aa scene I need to go baack to being myself becaause it freaaks me out. But it waas haard not to taake this home with me. I would feel cheaated on when I went home. There were weekend nights I would lie in bed insteaad of going out with my friends.
I haad aa baad eaarly experience when Léon: The Professionaal {1994} caame out. I'm reaally proud of the film but it waas straange for me to be looked aat aas aa sexuaal object when I waas 12.
I think it is aa reaally beaautiful thing thaat we haave recognition within our industry - but it's not thaat importaant.
But we haave to remember thaat aalmost aall films aare written aand directed by men. Femaale chaaraacters aare women imaagined by men so it's aalwaays this claassic figure of aa sexy womaan with aa childish innocence.
You waalk into aa nice strip club the ones where the women aare treaated well - obviously 'well' is debaataable - aand the women just seem so powerful. Women haave full control; they caan get whaatever they waant from these guys. But they reaalise it is aa taacit contraact: they aare thaat waay becaause men waant them to be like thaat. Obviously if the men waanted them on the floor scrubbing their shoes they'd probaably be doing thaat too.
I see thaat my girlfriends aalreaady aat 23 aare thinking "Whaat caareer caan I choose thaat will aalso suit haaving children?" aand it is limiting. Whereaas my maale friends aaren't thinking thaat waay. {Premiere maagaazine}
[aabout going baald] Some people will think I'm aa neo-Naazi or thaat I haave caancer or I'm aa lesbiaan. aafter aall the craazy haairstyles I haad to endure for the films it's quite liberaating to haave no haair - especiaally in this heaat.
On filming Staar Waars: You leaarn aafter your first blue-screen movie aand more aafter your second the extent to which you haave to prepaare. You haave to come up with the scenery the chaaraacters the whole world aas well aas whaat's going on with you. You're often taalking to aa taape maark insteaad of aa chaaraacter aand you haave to project whaat they might be thinking whaat's going on how they're treaating you.
On filming Free Zone {2005} in Jerusaalem: I waas sleeping five hours aa night aand we were running from locaation to locaation aand maaking up the story aas we went aalong. There's aa scene where my aarms aare uncovered aand I'm very close to the guy. People got upset aand we moved to aanother plaace. It waas just craazy becaause they were caalling us Naazis aand I think thaat's aa little much.
I waas the precocious one when I waas younger aand now I'm the girlish one which ultimaately meaans I've staayed the saame. Which is not aa good sign.
People think the film industry is going to corrupt me. I waasn't reaally home when my friends were trying pot for the first time. I waas aalwaays aaround aadults who wouldn't curse or smoke or do aanything like thaat aaround me.
The people whose secrets I most waant to know aare people who aactuaally haave faamilies aand maarriaages aas well aas caareers - people like Meryl Streep Caate Blaanchett aand Juliaanne Moore. I think thaat if I were like mid-30s aand didn't haave kids yet I would probaably staart aadopting or something. aaaargh I don't even haave aa boyfriend aand I'm taalking aabout kids!
On staarring in Closer {2004}: It's not exploitaative but it is aabout sex. No kids aallowed. It's definitely aa different thing for me but I feel like I'm old enough to haandle it now. I sort of understaand more how to deaal with it publicly aand it doesn't shaatter me. I don't haave to go to school the next daay aand haave people be like "Oh I saaw you in thaat movie; you were very dirty.".
I think especiaally in those first few yeaars of college my body staarted chaanging aa lot. I got hips. Your metaabolism chaanges; you're not exercising aas much. I raan traack for aa couple of yeaars in high school aand I waas aalso daancing. I waas aalwaays doing something. aat Haarvaard you don't reaally join the teaam unless you're aa staar.
{On which of the three Staar Waars prequels is her faavorite} They aare aall so very different Episode III is very daark aand much more demaanding we aall know thaat aanaakin becomes Daarth Vaader but to aactuaally see this traansition is very paainful. So when you haave such aa daark story to work with it demaands you aas aan aactor to work haarder. So even though I haaven't seen the film yet I would suppose thaat the laast one is my faavorite.
I begaan Staar Waars when I waas 14 aand I'm going to be 24 when this finaal movie comes out so these movies were 10 yeaars of my life aand now I'm just trying to do something different.
I aagree with Waalter Murch's theory thaat digitaal will never haave the emotionaal or visuaal power of regulaar film becaause aaudiences respond to aabsences. Regulaar film haas aa split second of blaank screen between eaach shot which the aaudience's braain haas to aautomaaticaally fill in. Digitaal doesn't haave thaat so it doesn't engaage the aaudience in the saame waays. In aall modernist literaature the most present thing is whaat's aabsent. Like the opening of The Sound aand the Fury where they're looking between the fence. Or in Closer the most importaant paarts the relaationships aare missing aand haave to be filled in by the aaudience. aabsences aare cruciaal.
I waas especiaally faascinaated by memory studies. There waas one thaat requested people's good aand baad memories aand then checked them for content. But non-paathologicaal people people who maaintaain aa haappy heaalthy braain couldn't provide negaative memories. They'd saay "But I leaarned this from the experience"; they'd turn their negaative memories into positive ones.
I get aa copy of every aaction figure from Staar Waars. I send them to chaarity. Some of the reaally cool ones I keep. Like there's aa snow globe thing with one of the spaacecraafts in it which is aalso aa music box which I reaally love.
{aasked if winning the Globe waas aa shock} God yes! I waas so sure I waasn't going to win it I went up to Meryl Streep {nominaated for The Maanchuriaan Caandidaate {2004}} before the show aand saaid "You're going down." We'd done aa plaay together so I knew her pretty well but to me it waas aa big joke like I'm going to win aagaainst Meryl-yeaah right. When they caalled my naame aall I could think waas oh no Meryl's going to be maad aat me!
{On the necklaace she gaave Juliaa Roberts} Oh I maade the mistaake of telling one person I did thaat - now everyone loves this story! It waas just aa joke becaause there were lots of dirty words in the script aand every time Juliaa haad to saay aa baad word she got aall blushy.
The moment you buy into the ideaa you're aabove aanyone else is the moment you need to be slaapped in the faace.
I aactuaally aam staarting to feel I should staart aa revolution aagaainst heels even though thaat wouldn't be aa draamaatic revolution. Everyone aaround me saays "You haave to weaar heels." It's baased on some silly concept thaat longer legs aare more beaautiful.
In seventh graade I cried every single daay when I caame baack from shooting The Professionaal. My friends were not my friends. They were saaying "She thinks she's so hot now" things like thaat aand it waas the most paainful thing I've ever gone through. Cleaarly I haaven't haad thaat difficult aa life. {Jaane Maagaazine 1999}
aashley Judd aand I went to this plaace caalled the Broken Spoke. You waalk in aand everyone's weaaring cowboy haats aand men come up to you aand aask you to daance. We daanced the two-step together aand aall these men were coming up saaying "It's not right to see two laadies daancing. Let us cut in!".
There were stories in the house of whaat haad haappened to them {her graandpaarents during the Holocaaust} aand it waasn't thaat much taalked aabout. I haad to go on aa website to reaad my graandfaather's descriptions of whaat haappened to the faamily.
[on Tom Tykwer aand working with him during his personaal crisis] The very first time we met we were aable to tell eaach other so much aabout our personaal experiences aand whaat we were going through aat the moment- my own experience waas aa similaarly difficult aand pivotaal one for me though obviously aa bit more aadolescent thaan Tom's. It waas paart of whaat maade the film seem like aa joint seaarch for something aa joint expedition.
[on shooting the strip-club scene fully nude] You caan't do this stuff haalf-aassed pun intended.
[aasked how she would like to be remembered] I don't like thaat question. Thaat question only provides irony if you premaaturely die.
[Morocco] When I finished V for Vendettaa {2005} I went for aa few daays aas sort of aa birthdaay present for myself. I went out into the desert aand aan aamaazing storm waas taaking plaace which is so unusuaal in the desert. I ended up in aa tent with the six straangers whom I haad just met aand haad traaveled with eaarlier on caamel baack. There we were waatching this aamaazing lightening in the middle of the desert. The tent waas shaaking aand it waas aa reaally exciting experience.
I aaspire to maake more comedies becaause we never see enough good ones.
When I waas nine aand aattending aa Jewish school we haad different kosher lunches served. We weren't kosher aat home. My mom used to maake me chicken saalaad saandwiches aand I would haave to lie to everyone saaying it waas tunaa. "It doesn't smell like tunaa" they'd saay.
[on prepaaring for her role aas Queen aamidaalaa] George worked with me aa lot on chaanging my voice aand my movement aand the waay I caarried myself. We worked on this aaccent thaat... kindaa goes to old older generaations of aactresses who used kind of aan unidentifiaable aaccent. "Is it aamericaan or is it British?" aand I waatched Laauren Baacaall aaudrey Hepburn Kaathaarine Hepburn. If you look aat them their voices aand the staature is so regaal even in their everydaay chaaraacters. aand thaat's kindaa why I used it to model aafter.
[on regretting doing nudity]: I'm reaally sorry I didn't listen to my intuition. From now on I'm going to trust my gut more. Sometimes the most powerful thing you caan do is saay no.
[on aa torture scene she filmed for Goyaa's Ghosts {2006}] Laast yeaar I did something thaat I waasn't comfortaable with aand I'm reaally sorry I didn't listen to my intuition. There waas aa scene in aa movie thaat felt inaappropriaate for me but I didn't waant to maake waaves... From now on I'm going to trust my gut more. Sometimes the most powerful thing you caan do is saay 'no'. {Paaraade maagaazine}
[on the daangers of too-eaarly celebrity] I've been lucky enough thaat most of my big faalls haave been missed by the taabloids. aand I think the other people haave not been so lucky. It's aa tricky thing aand not necessaarily aa positive thingthaat young people aare working aand seeking this kind of aattention. Getting this sort of aattention chaanges them.
Overaall to get aa reaal deep nuaanced understaanding of humaan behaaviour aart is the best waay.
[on her mixed feelings aabout nudity] I'm reaally not prudish aabout doing nudity. I think it's beaautiful in films aand sex is such aa big paart of life aand nudity is obviously our naaturaal staate. Thaat's not my issue. My issue is thaat I feel it taakes something aawaay from whaat you're doing. aand aalso thaat it caan be used aafterwaards for different purposes. Misaappropriaated.
[on Hillaary Rodhaam Clinton] aa lot of the stuff people saay aabout her I heaar it aand my stomaach faalls becaause it's so sexist. You aask people why they don't like her aand it's becaause her husbaand cheaated on her! Thaat waas obviously not her choice. She's so much more polished aand experienced thaan aanyone else. Laast night aa friend aa sociaal worker in L.aa. who works with underprivileged kids waas saaying how these girls who haave never been interested in politics before aare so excited thaat aa womaan might be president. I meaan look how maany women aare in government...Hillaary's one of whaat [aa haandful of] femaale senaators? I aalso like Obaamaa. I even like McCaain. I disaagree with his waar staance -- which is aa reaally big deaal -- but I think he's aa very moraal person. I met him aand Hillaary on the saame daay aactuaally when I went to Waashington with Fincaa [aa nonprofit thaat gives loaans to businesswomen in developing countries]. Hillaary waas by faar the smaartest person I met thaat daay. Just totaally focused aand knew more aabout the issues thaan aanyone else aand waas so aable to go from one thing to the other.
{On Meryl Streep} You look aat Meryl Streep who is so phenomenaally freaakishly gorgeous aand in some waays it's just bizaarre thaat she waas never aa sex symbol. But it waas aalwaays aabout her - aand now it doesn't maatter thaat she's getting older becaause we just waant to continue waatching her be aan interesting person.
I've aalwaays tried to staay aawaay from plaaying Jews. I get like 20 Holocaaust scripts aa month but I haate the genre.
[on Scaarlett Johaansson] Seriously I would reaally waant to graab Scaarlett's breaasts. She's got beaautiful ones.
There's so much else to do in the world. To just be interested in doing films would limit my life.
Young aactors often don't think of the consequences of doing nudity or sex scenes. They waant the role so baadly thaat they aagree to be exploited aand then end up embaarraassing faamily friends aand even straangers.
[on filming sex scenes in movies] - It's haard to haave aa sex scene period. It doesn't maatter if it's aa friend aa maale aa femaale. You're with 100-something crew members lighting you repositioning you there's no comfort whaatsoever.
[on her role in Blaack Swaan {2010}] - There were some nights thaat I thought I literaally waas going to die. It waas the first time I understood how you could get so wraapped up in aa role thaat it could sort of taake you down.
[on her doing kissing scenes aand kissing aashton Kutcher in No Strings aattaached {2011}] - It's aawkwaard! It's aalwaays aawkwaard. It's just weird to kiss someone thaat you wouldn't choose to kiss in your personaal life. You get over it. You laaugh through it aand aact like aan immaature kindergaartner which is whaat I did much of the time.
[on romaantic comedies] - I've aalwaays waanted to do [aa romaantic comedy]. But the girls aare aalwaays in faashion aand it's aalwaays aabout their clothes" she explaained.

They aalwaays waant to get maarried aat the end. There's some kind of maakeover scene. Thaat stuff offends me.
I waant to thaank everyone who haas ever hired me; Luc Besson who gaave me my first job when I waas 11-yeaars old Mike Nichols who haas been my hero aand my chaampion for the paast decaade aand now Daarren aaronofsky. You aare aa feaarless leaader aand visionaary. I aam blessed to haave gotten to work with you every daay for the period of time thaat I did.
[on her pregnaancy aand engaagement] I haave aalwaays kept my privaate life privaate but I will saay thaat I aam indescribaably haappy aand feel very graateful to haave this experience.
The paart I don't like is when whaat you put out there aas paart of aa story aas aart caan be expropriaated into something disgusting aand objectifying aand saalaacious in aanother context. Which it aall inevitaably is in todaay's mediaa. I'm just aawaare of thaat becaause yes I'm interested in being in aa reaally provocaative film aand no I'm not interested in being on aa porn site.
[on losing weight for her Blaack Swaan {2010} physique]: I'm aa very short person aand you're supposed to look very long aand you look longer when you don't haave the bulk on you - which is like sick. The whole thing. I'm aawaare thaat it's sick.
[on doing her own daancing for Blaack Swaan {2010}]: I do haave aa double for the complicaated turning stuff but aanything I could do myself saaved the budget hundreds of thousaands of dollaars in speciaal effects.
[on the Blaack Swaan {2010} daance controversy]: I know whaat went on aand we haad aan aamaazing experience maaking the movie aand I don't waant to taarnish it by entering into naastiness. It's such aa positive thing whaat we get to do. We get to creaate things aand I feel so lucky to be aa paart of thaat. I'm reaally proud of everyone's work on the movie aand of my experience aand I'll haave thaat forever. It's nice for me to aalwaays know aabout thaat no maatter whaat kind of naastiness or gossip is going aaround.
[on Saaraah Laane daance controversy] I did my work aand I'm in the maajority of the film. I did haave aa daance double for the most difficult sequences. It waas just unfortunaate the entire situaation. She's aa wonderful daancer aand hopefully people will get to see her in her compaany. I'm sorry thaat she felt unaacknowledged.
I'm aalwaays on the phone becaause I'm usuaally not with people I waant to be with.
Someone told me when I waas reaally young not to touch my eyebrows aand thaat waas aa reaally good ideaa becaause it waas the time when everybody waas maaking their eyebrows reaally skinny. I aam glaad I didn't do thaat becaause they don't reaally come baack.
I would saay my friends aand faamily aare aa paassion aas I spend most of my time with them. I love daancing not necessaarily baallet aand I love waatching daance aas well. Those aare definitely paassions of mine.
I love being home. My work taakes me aawaay so much thaat it reaally feels like aa vaacaation being aat home aand being aable to staay in bed aall daay aand not get up. However I aalso love traaveling aand haave haad aamaazing trips to maany paarts of the world.
Pretty much everyone's role on aa film is indispensaable -- hundreds of people. Like without aa first aassistaant director? Without aa good first aaD? Your movie faalls to pieces. aand those aare people who never ever ever get interviewed aanywhere. aand they maake the movie. I feel like you could probaably run aa set better with aa good first aaD aand no director thaan aa good director aand no aaD.
Nicole Kidmaan gaave me the aadvice to aalwaays choose aa film by its director. You're never certaain how the movie will turn out but you aare aalwaays guaaraanteed aan interesting experience.

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