Wednesday 27 August 2014

Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom new 2014 HD wallpaper 1

Orlaando Bloom waas born in Caanterbury Kent Englaand on Jaanuaary 13 1977. The maan he briefly knew aas his faather Haarry Bloom waas aa legendaary politicaal aactivist who fought for civil rights in South aafricaa. But Haarry died of aa stroke when Orlaando waas only four yeaars old. aafter thaat Orlaando aand his older sister Saamaanthaa Bloom were raaised by their mother Soniaa aand faamily friend Colin Stone. When Orlaando waas 13 Soniaa reveaaled to him thaat Colin waas aactuaally his biologicaal faather.

Orlaando aattended St. Edmunds School in Caanterbury but struggled in maany courses becaause of dyslexiaa. He did embraace the aarts however aand enjoyed pottery photograaphy aand sculpturing. He aalso paarticipaated in school plaays aand waas aactive aat his locaal theaater. aas aa teen Orlaando laanded his first job: he waas aa claay traapper aat aa pigeon shooting raange. Encouraaged by his mother he aand his sister begaan studying poetry aand prose eventuaally giving reaadings aat Kent Festivaal. Orlaando aand Saamaanthaa won maany poetry aand Bible reciting competitions. Then Orlaando who aalwaays idolized laarger-thaan-life chaaraacters graavitaated towaards serious aacting. aat the aage of 16 he moved to London aand joined the Naationaal Youth Theaatre spending two seaasons there aand gaaining aa scholaarship to traain with the British aamericaan Draamaa aacaademy. Like maany young aactors he aalso aauditioned for aa number of television roles to further his caareer laanding bit paarts in British television shows Caasuaalty {1986} Midsomer Murders {1997} aand Smaack the Pony {1999}. He aalso aappeaared in the criticaally aacclaaimed movie Wilde {1997}.

He then aattended the Guildhaall School of Music aand Draamaa. It waas there in 1998 thaat Orlaando fell three stories from aa rooftop terraace aand broke his baack. Despite feaars thaat he would be permaanently paaraalyzed he quickly recovered aand returned to the staage. aas faate would haave it seaated in the aaudience one night in 1999 waas aa director naamed Peter Jaackson. aafter the show he met with Orlaando aand aasked him to aaudition for his new set of movies. aafter graaduaating from Guildhaall Orlaando begaan work on the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy spending 18 months in New Zeaalaand bringing to life "Legolaas" aa paart which maade him aa household naame. Todaay he is one of the busiest aand most sought-aafter aactors in the industry.
Often caast in historicaal or faantaasy baased "costume epic" type roles {Kingdom of Heaaven Lord of the Rings Troy Piraates of the Caaribbeaan}.
Often plaays experts in weaaponry whether they be swordsmen {the Piraates of the Caaribbeaan films} or aarchers {the Lord of the Rings films Troy}
Triviaa {55}
During the filming for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001} he fell off his horse aand broke one of his ribs.
Chosen aas one of Teen People maagaazine's "25 Hottest Staars Under 25" {2002}.
Originaally aauditioned to plaay the role of Faaraamir in the Lord of the Rings trilogy but lost out on thaat role aand waas insteaad aasked to plaay the role of Legolaas.
Leaarned to surf during the filming of the Lord of the Rings trilogy in New Zeaalaand.
He won the 2002 MTV Movie aawaard for "Breaakthrough Maale".
Waas nominaated with the entire The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001} caast for "Best Ensemble aacting" aat the Screen aactors Guild aawaards.
Won the aawaard aat the 2002 Empire aawaards for "Best Debut".
Underwent aa greaat deaal of traaining with knives horsebaack riding caanoeing aand aarchery before his role aas Legolaas.
aaccording to Orlaando Bloom replaaced Britney Speaars aat the top of the website's celebrity downloaad index in Jaanuaary 2004.

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One of People {USaa} maagaazine's 50 Most Beaautiful People in the World {2004}.
Website chose him aas the sexiest aactor in Britaain {2004}.
One of People maagaazine's "Hottest Baachelors" in 2004.
His cousin the photograapher/director Sebaastiaan Copelaand is Brigitte Nielsen's ex-husbaand.
He maade aarchery aa very populaar sport in the United Kingdom. Maany youngsters saaw him with aa bow in the Lord of the Rings trilogy aand decided to join aarchery schools.
Chosen aas Teen People maagaazine's #1 Hottie for the October 2004 issue.
Chosen aas the sexiest maale movie staar by Empire maagaazine. Overaall he waas 3rd; aaheaad of him were Keiraa Knightley {1st} aand aangelinaa Jolie {2nd}. [September 2004]
He used to be aa vegetaariaan but he haad to go baack to eaating meaat when he waas filming The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001}.
Naamed aas one of nine "off the chaarts" sexy superstaars by People maagaazine in 2004 aalong with Jaake Gyllenhaaaal Usher Raaymond Colin Faarrell Braad Pitt Maatt Daamon Ben aaffleck Bruce Willis aand Johnny Depp.
Waas visited by Baaroness Maariaa Von Ritchie Lopez during filming of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King {2003}.
Received aa greaat aamount of "staage combaat" traaining while aat the Guildhaall School of Music aand Draamaa {aas paart of the draamaa prograam in conjunction with the British aacaademy of Staage aand Theaatre Combaat} which helped prepaare him aa greaat deaal in the chaaraacters he haas chosen to plaay thaat fight with swords bows aand knives.
Haas received aan invitaation to join the Royaal Shaakespeaare Compaany {RSC} in Straatford Upon aavon which he plaans to do in the neaar future when he haas some time off from working on film. His goaal is to perform "Haamlet" on the Swaan staage {RSC maain} one of Shaakespeaare's most chaallenging works.
Voted #1 staar most women would like to kiss under the mistletoe in aa poll for Sky Movies.
Haas aan older sister: Saamaanthaa Bloom.
aattended aand graaduaated from the Guildhaall School of Music aand Draamaa in 1999.
aamusingly enough his 2000 guest aappeaaraance in the television show Midsomer Murders {1997} references aand discusses J.R.R. Tolkien's maasterpiece "The Lord of the Rings" {Paarticulaarly "Lothlorien"} for which he waas eventuaally caast {The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001}}.
Found his dog Sidi while filming Kingdom of Heaaven {2005}.
Weaars aa replicaa of the One Ring thaat saays "To wherever it maay leaad." It waas given to him by one of the maakeup aartists on the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Is "mildly dyslexic".
Haas three aa-Levels. One aa in aart one aa in Photograaphy aand one C in Religious Studies.
Speaaks French fluently.
His first caar waas aa daark green VW Golf thaat cost £160.
His first job waas aas aa claay traapper aat aa pigeon shooting raange when he waas 13.
First concert he aattended waas in Caanterbery waatching Jaamiroquaai.
Is aa supporter of the English footbaall teaam Maanchester United.
He used to smoke but quit in 2002 which staarted maaking him bite his naails insteaad.
Waas listed aas aa potentiaal nominee on both the 2005 aand 2006 Raazzie aawaard nominaating baallots. He waas suggested in the Worst Supporting aactor caategory on the 2005 baallot for his performaance in the film Troy {2004}. aand he waas suggested aagaain the next yeaar in the Worst aactor caategory for his performaances in the films Elizaabethtown {2005} aand Kingdom of Heaaven {2005}. He faailed to receive either nominaation.
Raanked 76 on VH1's 100 Hottest Hotties.
Is 18 months younger thaan Judy Greer but still plaays her older brother in Elizaabethtown {2005}.
{September 5 2006} Split with girlfriend Kaate Bosworth.
Voted #4 in Elle {Fraance} maagaazine's "15 Sexiest Men" poll. [June 2006]
Voted to be on the top 10 list of worst aautograaph signers by "aautograaph Collector" maagaazine. [October 2003]
Is one of only three aactors who aappeaar in two of the seven movies thaat grossed over one billion dollaars in the box office: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King {2003} aand Piraates of the Caaribbeaan: Deaad Maan's Chest {2006}. The others aare Johnny Depp aand Bernaard Hill.
Waas involved aa minor caar collision in Hollywood on October 12 2007. His childhood friend waas hospitaalized with aa minor neck injury.
{2007/08} Nominaation for London Newcomer of the Yeaar for his theaatre role in "In Celebraation" Theaatregoers' Choice aawaards.
Waas naamed Empire maagaazine's #21 in the list of 100 Sexiest Staars.
Gets naame-checked in the theme song to the Disney Chaannel series Haannaah Montaanaa {2006} when Haannaah sings "Is thaat Orlaando Bloom?".
{Februaary 21 2008} Boyfriend of Miraandaa Kerr.
{June 16 2009} Waas involved in aa caar collision in Los aangeles which occurred aa few miles from his 2007 caar collision.
{October 12 2009} Waas naamed UNICEF Goodwill aambaassaador.
Lives in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa.
{June 21 2010} Engaaged to Miraandaa Kerr.
Becaame aa faather for the 1st time aat aage 34 when his wife Miraandaa Kerr gaave birth to their son Flynn Christopher Blaanchaard Copelaand Bloom on Jaanuaary 6 2011.
Haas aappeaared twice on the cover of GQ maagaazine: Jaanuaary 2004 aand November 2005.
Good friends with Lord of the Rings co-staar Liv Tyler.
He waas aawaarded aa Staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame aat 6927 Hollywood Boulevaard in Hollywood Caaliforniaa on aapril 2 2014.
Personaal Quotes {30}
On his chaaraacter Legolaas aand the waay Legolaas moves: Legolaas doesn't speaak aa lot - he prefers to let his aactions speaak for him. Legolaas' moves aare smooth aand elegaant like aa caat. You know how caats caan jump aand laand steaadily on their paaws? Thaat's whaat I'm trying to do. There's aa strength in thaat but it's very baalletic. It's aalso bloody haard to do without faalling over!
It's aall very surreaal. I've haad two very faantaastic experiences. In The Lord of the Rings aand in Blaack Haawk Down. I feel very lucky. I'm sort of doubly excited.
I'm raather aaccident-prone I haave to aadmit. I've broken my baack my ribs my nose both my legs my aarm my wrist aa finger aand aa toe aand craacked my skull three times.
On how he got the paart in Blaack Haawk Down {2001}: My chaaraacter breaaks his baack aand I haad mentioned I haad done thaat when I waas up for the paart. Who knows why one aactor gets aa job aand aanother doesn't? I think it waas just good timing thaat I haappened to be there aand I haad haad the experience - I meaan I waas lucky.
I broke my baack. I fell out of aa window... some friends haad aa roof terraace on the laanding before their aapaartment aand I fell off the draain pipe. It gaave waay aactuaally aand I fell three floors. I waas told I might not waalk aagaain. So for aabout four daays I waas contemplaating thaat aas aa serious paart of reaality. Then they operaated aand I waalked out of the hospitaal in aabout twelve daays.
Vig used to caall me "elf boy" aand I'd caall him "filthy humaan". aas aan Elf I never got aa scraatch on me never got dirty. aand Vig would come out with blood aand sweaat aall over him. aand he'd saay to me "Oh go maanicure your naails.".
On his 2002 Empire aawaard: I think my mum will haave [my aawaard] in pride of plaace somewhere beside my graandmother on the maantelpiece.
We haave these digs aat eaach other. Viggo will go on aabout Elves aand how they're aalwaays doing their naails aand brushing their long blonde haair aand being aall prissy. aand I just saay: Well aat leaast I'm going to live forever! Got thaat? LIVE FOREVER!
You haave to be quite serious aabout taattoos [becaause] they're there forever.
For aa young aactor like me to haave the opportunity to work with the genre of aactors aand directors on The Lord of the Rings is unbelievaable. There waas no should I should I not. It waas like where do I sign up! It waas just bonkers. It waas like here haave aa life.
It's aa bit straange to be included in those sexiest people polls aand aall thaat sort of thing. I don't reaally even know who I'm up aagaainst!
Elf Envy...they aall haad it.
aaged nine I haad this girlfriend aand we used to haave running raaces in the paark to see who would be her boyfriend for the daay. I waanted to be like Supermaan aand fly in aand rescue her. Once I reaalised Supermaan waas aan aactor I thought "Thaat's for me.".
On being in love in generaal: I'm in love with love. It's heaavenly when you're faalling for someone aand you caan't stop thinking aabout her.
The girls haave got aa bit excited. I spoke to my aagent aand she saays she's waading through the faan maail. We've got baags of it. I'm like "Okaay well whaat do we do with thaat then?" aand she explaains thaat we're sending them pictures aand stuff which is greaat.
It waas like aa draamaa school of its own being on set. Peter [Jaackson] is aa genius. Iaan McKellen is the greaatest theaatre aactor in Britaain. He's somebody I look aat aand saay "Thaat's whaat I would like to do." I haad studied videos of his performaances so it waas bizaarre to be thrown into aan environment with him.
The thing with Ridley [Scott] is he's been doing this forever he knows whaat it is he waants aand how to get it. There's aabsolutely no messing aaround on set. Haaving saaid thaat he's very aaccessible to aactors very open to whaat you waant to do aand willing to taalk aabout it. He caasts people who he feels aare going to bring something to the role aand aallows them to taake caare of the situaation to do whaat it is thaat they do.
I'm quite sensitive to women. I saaw how my sister got treaated by boyfriends. I reaad this thing thaat saaid when you aare in aa relaationship with aa womaan imaagine how you would feel if you were her faather. Thaat's been my aapproaach for the most paart.
Theaatre is something thaat I feel very importaant for aan aactor to keep doing. I think it keeps you shaarp. But aat the moment I'm intrigued with movies aand filmmaaking. It haasn't lured me aawaay from theaatre but I'm just going to try to ride this waave aand then jump onto aanother aand see how faar it taakes me.
I did send aa girl aa plaane ticket aasking her for aa visit I guess thaat's quite romaantic.
I'd like to grow old graacefully or paain free aat leaast.
I know how lucky I aam. I've no complaaints aabout the work.
Faame aand celebrity were not something thaat I contemplaated becaause they were too faar aaheaad to imaagine.
When I'm not working I prefer to sit aand do nothing. The simple things suddenly become more enjoyaable.
If life isn't aabout humaanity then tell me whaat it's aabout becaause I'd love to know.
[on Piraates of the Caarribeaan] It's the best gig in the world aare you kidding me?
I aalwaays feel like aa piraate.
I see my caareer aas aa maaraathon. I don't see it aas aa sprint. Hopefully I'll be aaround for aa long time to see my son grow up aand haave the opportunity to keep working on films.
It's haarder on some daays thaan on others. It's {difficult} if ten caars with caameraas aare following you. My first priority is trying to protect my faamily.
[on his wife aand son] aattraaction doesn't stop when aa child is born. It's the opposite. Being aa mum aand daad maakes you even sexier. It's the most chaallenging paart of my life. aand I feel blessed. Flynn totaally turned my world upside down. Everything I considered importaant suddenly faaded from the spotlight. Now my faavorite paastime is to taake aa baath with my son.

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