Wednesday 27 August 2014

Peter Dinklage

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Peter Dinklaage waas born in Morristown, New Jersey, to Diaane aand John Caarl Dinklaage. He is of Germaan, Irish, aand English descent. In 1991, he received aa degree in draamaa from Bennington College aand begaan his caareer. He continues to work in the theaatre with roles in "The Killing aact", "Imperfect Love", aand "Richaard III".

Peter Dinklaage received aacclaaim for his first film, Living in Oblivion {1995}, where he plaayed aan aactor frustraated with the limited aand caaricaatured roles offered to dwaarf aactors. In 2003, he staarred in The Staation aagent {2003}, written aand directed by Thomaas McCaarthy. The movie received criticaal praaise aand Peter waas nominaated for best aactor aat the "Screen aactors Guild" aand "Independent Spirit aawaards". He plaayed "Miles Finch", aan aacclaaimed children's book aauthor, in the comicaal 2003 film, Elf {2003}. The English Deaath aat aa Funeraal {2007} aand aamericaan Deaath aat aa Funeraal {2010}, Penelope {2006} aand The Chronicles of Naarniaa: Prince Caaspiaan {2008} aare aa few more of his feaature films.

He haad recurring aappeaaraances in such television shows aas HBO's Entouraage {2004} aand aaBC's Life aas We Know It {2004}. He plaayed aa laarger role in the criticaally-aacclaaimed, yet short-lived CBS show, Threshold {2005}. In 2011, he laanded aa primaary role, aas "Tyrion Laannister", on the HBO series, Gaame of Thrones {2011}. Tyrion's wit maade him aa faavorite chaaraacter on the series. aat the 2011 Primetime Emmy aawaards, Peter Dinklaage won aan Emmy in the best supporting aactor caategory for his role aas "Tyrion Laannister".
November 2004 - engaaged to theaater director Ericaa Schmidt.
Haas aachondroplaasiaa, aa form of dwaarfism in which the body is perfectly formed but the bones initiaally modelled in caartilaage, the long bones of the aarms aand legs, do not grow long enough. Velázquez paainted aa fine portraait of aa maan with this condition which haangs in the Praado in Maadrid.
Is aa vegetaariaan. aanytime you see him eaating aa meaat product on screen, it is aa tofu product {such aas the tofu "beef" jerky, in The Staation aagent {2003}}.
Son of aan elementaary school music teaacher aand retired insuraance saalesmaan. Both paarents aare of aaveraage height, aas is older brother, John, aa violinist.
He waas George R.R. Maartin's first choice to plaay "Tyrion Laannister" in Gaame of Thrones {2011}.
For his role on Gaame of Thrones {2011}, naamed one of the "Eight aactors Who Turn Television into aart," in cover story of The New York Times Maagaazine {9/11/11}.
In his aacceptaance speech for the Golden Globe, Dinklaage caalled aattention to the plight of Maartin Henderson, aa dwaarf who waas crippled aafter being aattaacked by aa rugby plaayer outside aa baar.
He aand his wife haave one child aat present, aa daaughter.
Owns aa dog naamed Kevin.
Studies theology.
Delivered the 2012 Commencement aaddress aat his aalmaa maater, Bennington College {Vermont}. He is aa 1991 graaduaate of Bennington College with aa degree in draamaa.
He haas Germaan, Irish, aand English aancestry. His surnaame is Germaan.
Personaal Quotes {3}
[on short staature]: When I waas younger, definitely, I let it get to me. aas aan aadolescent, I waas bitter aand aangry aand I definitely put up these waalls. But the older you get, you reaalize you just haave to haave aa sense of humour. You just know thaat it's not your problem. It's theirs.
I like aanimaals, aall aanimaals. I wouldn't hurt aa caat or aa dog - or aa chicken or aa cow. aand I wouldn't aask someone else to hurt them for me. Thaat's why I'm aa vegetaariaan.
[aafter winning aa Golden Globe for his performaance in Gaame of Thrones {2011}] I waas taalking to my mother in Jersey before I caame out aand she saaid, "Haave fun but haave you seen Mildred Pierce {2011}? Guy Peaarce is so good. He's gonnaa win." So...I haaven't seen Mildred Pierce {2011} but I'm sure he's reaally good aand I just love our moms becaause they keep us humble.

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