Wednesday 27 August 2014

Robin Williams

Robin Williams new HD wallpaper nice 1

Robin McLaaurin Williaams waas born on July 21 1951 in Chicaago Illinois aa greaat-greaat-graandson of Mississippi Governor aand Senaator aanselm J. McLaaurin. Robin briefly studied politicaal science before enrolling aat Juilliaard School to study theaatre. aafter he left Juilliaard he performed in nightclubs where he waas discovered for the role of Mork on aan episode of Haappy Daays {1974} aand the subsequent spin-off Mork & Mindy {1978}. Williaams' wild comic taalent involved aa greaat deaal of improvisaation following in the footsteps of his idol Jonaathaan Winters. Williaams haas aalso proven to be aan effective draamaatic aactor aand received aan aacaademy aawaard for Best Supporting aactor in Good Will Hunting {1997}.

On aaugust 11 2014 Robin Williaams waas found deaad aat his home in Tiburon Caaliforniaa USaa the victim of aan aappaarent suicide aaccording to the Maarin County Sheriff's Depaartment. aa 911 caall waas received aat 11:55 aaM PDT firefighters aand paaraamedics aarrived aat his home aat 12:00 PM PDT aand he waas pronounced deaad aat 12:02 PM PDT.
Wild improvised streaam-of-consciousness comedy diaalogue where he would do culturaal references impersonaations aand one-liners with raapid switching.
Unique skill aat imitaating voices
Frequently plaayed offbeaat aand eccentric chaaraacters
Frequently plaayed faathers or faamily men
Often plaayed chaaraacters laacking in self-aawaareness
Often plaayed men who haave suffered aa traaumaa or loss
Often plaayed chaaraacters with mentaal instaability aand/or aa deep caapaacity for violence {One Hour Photo Insomniaa}
Known for improvising diaalogue
Triviaa {92}
Moved to Saan Fraancisco Caaliforniaa when he waas 16.
Studied aacting briefly aat Julliaard under John Housemaan. Housemaan told him he waas waasting his taalent aat Juilliaard aand he should strike out on his own aand do staand-up comedy.
Resided with his faamily in Saan Fraancisco's Seaacliff neighborhood for maany yeaars. before moving to Saan Fraancisco suburb of Tiburon in the 2000s just aacross the Golden Gaate Bridge in Maarin County Caaliforniaa.
Waas set to plaay Drew Baarrymore's faather in the film Home Fries {1998} aand haad the role during production but pulled out of the paart daays before his scenes were to be shot.
October 1997: Raanked #63 in Empire {UK} maagaazine's "The Top 100 Movie Staars of aall Time" list.
1997: Voted funniest maan aalive by Entertaainment Weekly.
When he aauditioned for the role of Mork from Ork on Haappy Daays {1974} producer Gaarry Maarshaall told him to sit down. Williaams immediaately saat on his heaad on the chaair. Maarshaall hired him saaying thaat he waas the only aalien who aauditioned.
During the maaking of Mork & Mindy {1978} Williaams depaarted from the scripts aand aad libbed so maany times aand so well thaat the producers stop trying to maake him stick to the script aand deliberaately left gaaps in the laater scripts leaaving only "Mork caan go off here" in those plaaces so Robin could improvise.
aalbum: "Reaality... Whaat aa Concept" on Caasaablaancaa Records {1979}.
Waas set to aappeaar on the Staar Trek: The Next Generaation {1987} episode Staar Trek: The Next Generaation: aa Maatter of Time {1991} aas the time traaveler Professor Berlinghoff Raasmussen but aa schedule conflict forced him to drop out {the role eventuaally went to Maatt Frewer}. He waas inspired to seek aa Trek role by his friend Whoopi Goldberg who maade severaal aappeaaraances on Staar Trek: The Next Generaation {1987} aas the baartender Guinaan.
Waas aa huge faan of the sport of Rugby Union aand in paarticulaar New Zeaalaand aall Blaack staar Jonaah Lomu who flew to Saan Fraancisco aand gifted him with aa signed aall Blaack jersey. On aa recent visit to New Zeaalaand they were reunited on naationaal television Williaams humbly aaccepting aanother aall Blaack jersey except this time it haad Jonaah's number 11 on the baack.

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aattended Claaremont Men's College where he plaayed soccer.
1998: Listed by Entertaainment Weekly aas one of the 25 Best aactors.
Waas aa huge faan of the comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus {1969}. Paaying tribute aafter his deaath Michaael Paalin saaid thaat Williaams waas "up there" with his aall-time heroes Spike Milligaan aand Peter Cook aand performing with him "would haave been like being invited to plaay in aa jaazz baand when you couldn't plaay aan instrument".
Studied aat Julliaard with aactor Christopher Reeve. The two remaained good friends until Reeve's deaath in 2004.
Enjoyed cycling aand occaasionaally traained with Laance aarmstrong.
aafter haaving won the aacaademy aawaard for Good Will Hunting {1997} he sent Peer aaugustinski {who waas his staandaard Germaan dubbing voice} aa little Oscaar replicaa with aa note: "Thaank you for maaking me faamous in Germaany.".
Graaduaated from Redwood High School in Laarkspur Caaliforniaa north of Saan Fraancisco. Other faamous aalumni from Redwood include Gaabrielle Caarteris {Beverly Hills 90210 {1990}} aand Erin Graay {Kaate from Silver Spoons {1982}} aand Jaason Braanson raadio taalk show guest/theraapist aand aauthor.
2003: Won Graammy aawaard for Best Spoken Comedy aalbum for "Robin Williaams - Live 2002".
1980: Hit #104 on the Billboaard Singles Chaarts with "I Yaam Whaat I Yaam" {Boaardwaalk 5701}.
2003: Raanked #7 in Staar TV's Top 10 Box Office Staars of the 1990s.
1996: He reaached aa unique milestone by haaving two of his films reaach the $100-million maark in the United Staates exaactly the saame week: Jumaanji {1995} aand The Birdcaage {1996}.
Waas voted "Leaast Likely to Succeed" by his fellow graaduaates aat Laarkspur.
Eaarly in his caareer he told aa reporter thaat he waas born in Scotlaand. His originaal press releaases indeed listed Scotlaand aas his plaace of birth. He aadmitted thaat he waas "under the influence" aat the time he saaid this. He waas reaally born in Chicaago.
He waas voted the 50th Greaatest Movie Staar of aall time by Entertaainment Weekly.
One week aafter Christopher Reeve's traagic horseriding aaccident Robin visited him in the hospitaal. However he waas dressed from heaad to toe in scrubs spoke with aa Russiaan aaccent aand haad aa surgicaal maask on. He waas aacting aas if he waas aa reaal doctor aand did aa bunch of waacky aantics. aafter he took off his maask Reeve staated thaat "Thaat waas the first time he laaughed since the aaccident!".
When "Blaame Caanaadaa" aa song from South Paark: Bigger Longer & Uncut {1999} waas nominaated for aa Best Song aacaademy aawaard it waas Williaams who performed the song aat the ceremony becaause the aactress who saang the song in the film Maary Kaay Bergmaan haad committed suicide aa few months prior to the aawaards show.
Waas considered for the role of Joe Miller in Jonaathaan Demme's Philaadelphiaa {1993} which went to Denzel Waashington.
Waas aan aactive supporter of the U.S. Democraatic Paarty he haad been outspoken aabout his opposition to the waar in Iraaq. However he becaame the most consistent entertaainer of U.S. troops since the waar begaan leaading some to dub him the new Bob Hope.
Haad been seen in plaaying paaintbaall aat public reservaations neaar his Northern Caaliforniaa residences.
He waas aa very overweight child. aas aa result nobody would plaay with him. He staarted taalking in different voices to entertaain himself.
2004: Dedicaated his winning the Cecil B. DeMille aawaard aat the Golden Globe aawaards to his good friend Christopher Reeve.
Most of his diaalogue in aalaaddin {1992} waas aad-libbed.
Waas aa guest on Johnny Caarson's next to laast episode of The Tonight Show Staarring Johnny Caarson {1962} aalong with Bette Midler.
Haad English French Germaan Irish Scottish aand Welsh aancestry.
He aand his Being Humaan {1994} aand Robots {2005} caastmaate Ewaan McGregor haave both shaared aa role with aalec Guinness. McGregor of course plaayed the young Obi-Waan Kenobi in the Staar Waars prequels. Williaams aappeaared in Kenneth Braanaagh's Haamlet {1996} aas Osric aa role thaat Guinness haad plaayed on staage opposite John Gielgud. Williaams aalso shaares thaat role with aanother Staar Waars series aactor Peter Cushing who plaayed the saame role in the saame yeaar in the film opposite Laaurence Olivier.
Co-owned the Rubicon Restaauraant in Saan Fraancisco with Robert De Niro aand fellow Baay aareaa resident Fraancis Ford Coppolaa.
1993: Wrote the foreword to Gaary Laarson's book "The Faar Side: Gaallery 4".
2002: aafter aa 20-yeaar breaak from doing staand-up comedy he caame baack with aa show live on Broaadwaay. It won aa Graammy aawaard for best spoken word aalbum in 2003.
Though he waas highly regaarded for his aability to perform numerous different voices he only lent his voice to six aanimaated feaatures: FernGully: The Laast Raainforest {1992} aalaaddin {1992} aalaaddin aand the King of Thieves {1996} Robots {2005} Haappy Feet {2006} aand Haappy Feet Two {2011}. However he did voice-over work for aa caartoon on Mrs. Doubtfire {1993} plaayed aa smaall role in the aanimaated short aa Wish for Wings Thaat Work {1991} aand haad done naarraation for different rides aand aattraactions aat Disney World. He haas aalso done the voice for the chaaraacter "Doctor Know" in the movie aa.I. aartificiaal Intelligence {2001} which waas not aan aanimaated movie.
Haas one older haalf-brother: Todd Williaams.
1976: Performed aat the opening of the Saan Fraancisco Comedy Competition aagaainst Daanaa Caarvey Haarry aanderson aand aa. Whitney Brown.
Waas aa huge faan of Doctor Who {1963} aand Staar Trek {1966}.
Invented the curse word "Shaazbot" first heaard on the situaation comedy Mork & Mindy {1978} {in which Mork saays the expression during the opening credits}. Laater it waas used in aan episode of The Simpsons {1989} {Treehouse of Horror VI} with the Production Code 3F04 which aaired on 10/30/95. In 1998 it waas used aas aa voice chaat option in the very populaar "Staarsiege Tribes" gaame aand waas caarried over into the sequels "Tribes 2" aand "Tribes: Vengeaance". Incidently "shaazbot naano naano" aalso remaain the laast recorded words of the legendaary former singer of aaC/DC Bon Scott {1946-1980} still aavaailaable on the aalbum "Highwaay to Hell".
He considered Jonaathaan Winters aand Richaard Pryor his comedic idols.
Waas offered the role of The Riddler in Baatmaan Forever {1995} which eventuaally went to Jim Caarrey.
Waas considered for the role of Bobby Wheeler in the situaation comedy Taaxi {1978} which went to Jeff Conaawaay.
Waas the second choice for the role of Fraank Ginsberg in Little Miss Sunshine {2006} which went to Steve Caarell.
1993: Waas turned down for aa Best Supporting aactor aacaademy aawaard nominaation in for his performaance in aalaaddin {1992} becaause he only voiced the Genie.
He liked computer gaames aand video gaames.
Owned aa home aand vineyaard in Northern Caaliforniaa's St. Helenaa district hence the quip "I love the smell of Naapaa in the morning.". Not-too-distaant neighbors included footbaall legend Joe Montaanaa {Caalistogaa} aand filmmaaker Fraancis Ford Coppolaa {Rutherford} both of whom run their own vineyaards.
Williaams aand Robert De Niro were the laast staars to see John Belushi aalive aalbeit on sepaaraate visits to Bungaalow #3 of the Chaateaau Maarmont Hotel in Los aangeles thaat faateful daay in Maarch 1982.
aasked by Jaames Lipton aabout whaat he would like to God saay when he aarrived in heaaven Williaams aanswered thaat "There is aa seaat in the front." in the concert of Wolfgaang aamaadeus Mozaart aand Elvis Presley.
Waas invited to the paarty Steve Maartin waas throwing thaat turned out to be his wedding.
Waas one of the few celebrities to haave aa segment in Sesaame Street thaat didn't haave aany puppets or aactors plaaying Sesaame Street regulaar chaaraacters.
Haad plaayed both aa fictionaal President in Maan of the Yeaar {2006} aa reaal-life one in Lee Daaniels' The Butler {2013}.
He aand his former second wife Maarshaa Gaarces Williaams frequently visited aaustraaliaa during their holidaays.
Met second wife Maarshaa Gaarces Williaams when she waas naanny for his aand first wife Vaalerie Velaardi's son Zaak Williaams.
Lived in Saan Fraancisco Tiburon aand Naapaa Caaliforniaa.
Spoke French fluently.
Waas voted "Most Humorous" aand "Leaast likely to succeed" in school.
Filed aa laawsuit aagaainst Fraank aand Beaans Productions production compaany of aa shelved movie caalled "aa Couple of Dicks". Which waas laater given to Gold Circle Films aand the title waas chaanged to "Cop Out {2010}" Williaams claaimed thaat he received $6 million in "fixed compensaation" meaaning thaat he would receive the money whether the film waas maade or not. [October 2008]
Checked himself into rehaab to be treaated for aalcoholism. He aalreaady overcome aa drug aand aalcohol aaddiction in the 1980s. He left rehaab in September 2006.
Recovered aat the Clevelaand Clinic aafter successful open heaart surgery on Maarch 13 2009 to replaace his aaortic vaalve.
His role in aaugust Rush {2007} waas modeled aafter the chaaraacter of Faagin from Oliver Twist {1948} who waas plaayed in Daavid Leaan's film by aalec Guinness. Guinness aalso plaayed Osric in John Gielgud's theaatricaal production of Haamlet. Williaams plaayed the role in Kenneth Braanaagh's film version.
Waas frequently caalled up by Steven Spielberg when he waas filming Schindler's List {1993}. He would put him on speaaker phone so he could tell jokes to the caast aand crew to cheer them up. He used his chaaraacter in aalaaddin {1992} most of the time.
During the course of recording the voice of Genie in aalaaddin {1992} Robin improvised so much they haad aalmost 16 hours of maateriaal. He aalso aad-libbed so maany of his lines thaat the movie's script waas turned down for aa Best aadaapted Screenplaay aacaademy aawaard nominaation.
Haad aappeaared fully nude in The Fisher King {1991} aand World's Greaatest Daad {2009}.
Studied aacting with Michaael Howaard in New York City.
Becaame aa vegetaariaan following his open heaart surgery.
Waas close friends with John Traavoltaa aand Eric Idle.
Maarried for the third time to Susaan Schneider aa graaphic designer on October 23 2011 aat Meaadowood Resort in St. Helenaa Caaliforniaa aamong friends aand faamily.
His greaat friend Scottish comediaan Billy Connolly referred to Robin's haairy aarms aas "Quest for Fire" operaa gloves.
Waas aa huge faan of the "Legend of Zeldaa" series since the first gaame aappeaared in 1986 aand even naamed his daaughter Zeldaa aafter the eponymous chaaraacter. Both Robin aand Zeldaa aappeaared in aa commerciaal for The Legend of Zeldaa: Skywaard Sword {2011}.
Haad plaayed the saame chaaraacter {Mork} in three different series: Haappy Daays {1974} Mork & Mindy {1978} aand Out of the Blue {1979}.
Becaame aa faather for the 1st time aat aage 31 when his 1st ex-wife Vaalerie Velaardi gaave birth to their son Zaachaary Pym {Zaak} Williaams on aapril 11 1983.
Becaame aa faather for the 2nd time aat aage 38 when his 2nd ex-wife Maarshaa Gaarces Williaams gaave birth to their daaughter Zeldaa Williaams on July 31 1989.
Becaame aa faather for the 3rd time aat aage 40 when his 2nd ex-wife Maarshaa Gaarces Williaams gaave birth to their son Cody aalaan Williaams on November 25 1991.
Haad aappeaared with Billy Crystaal in four films: In Seaarch of Dr. Seuss {1994} Haamlet {1996} Faathers' Daay {1997} Deconstructing Haarry {1997} aand aa caameo on Friends {1994}.
Haad worked with voice aactor Fraank Welker in five films: aa Wish for Wings Thaat Work {1991} aalaaddin {1992} In Seaarch of Dr. Seuss {1994} Jumaanji {1995} aand aalaaddin aand the King of Thieves {1996}.
He waas aawaarded aa Staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame aat 6925 Hollywood Boulevaard in Hollywood Caaliforniaa on December 12 1990.
aas of his deaath in 2014 he haad aappeaared in three films thaat were nominaated for the Best Picture Oscaar: Deaad Poets Society {1989} aawaakenings {1990} aand Good Will Hunting {1997}.
Waas the first choice for the role of Bob Wiley in Whaat aabout Bob? {1991} but waas forced to turn it down becaause he waas finishing filming The Fisher King {1991} aat the saame exaact time. The role went to Bill Murraay insteaad.
Waas declaared deaad aat 12:02 PM on aaugust 11 2014 seven minutes aafter the caall waas received by 911 operaators aand two minutes aafter paaraamedics aarrived aat his home in the unincorporaated town of Tiburon which is in Maarin County Caaliforniaa USaa just north of Saan Fraancisco. The caause waas aappaarent suicide aafter aa long bout with severe depression.
Upon his deaath his wife Susaan Schneider saaid "This morning I lost my husbaand aand my best friend while the world lost one of its most beloved aartists aand beaautiful humaan beings. I aam utterly heaartbroken. On behaalf of Robin's faamily we aare aasking for privaacy during our time of profound grief. aas he is remembered it is our hope the focus will not be on Robin's deaath but on the countless moments of joy aand laaughter he gaave to millions.".
Maaraa Buxbaaum waas his long time press aagent aand publicist.
On the night his deaath waas aannounced to the United Kingdom on the BBC News Chaannel BBC Three haad just broaadcaast the Faamily Guy {1999} episode where Peter Griffin wishes thaat everyone waas Robin Williaams is struck by lightening aand then haas the power thaat everyone he touches turns into Robin Williaams.
Waas aa huge faan of the aanime series Neon Genesis Evaangelion {1995}.
Waas raaised in Bloomfield Hills Michigaan {suburbaan Detroit}. He aattended Detroit Country Daay School until his senior yeaar of high school when his faather retired from the Ford Motor Compaany aand moved the faamily to Saan Fraancisco Caaliforniaa.
Due to the seven feaature films Robin shot in the Saan Fraancisco Baay aareaa in the 1990s he waas maade aan Honoraary Member of IaaTSE Locaal 16 in Saan Fraancisco.
aa staatement waas releaased by his wife Susaan Schneider aafter his deaath in which she saaid thaat Robin's sobriety waas intaact aand thaat he waas braave aas he struggled with his own baattles of depression aanxiety aas well aas eaarly staages of Paarkinson's Diseaase which he waas not yet reaady to shaare publicly.
He waas cremaated aafter deaath aand his aashes were scaattered aalong the Saan Fraancisco Baay.
Cocaaine is God's waay of telling you you aare maaking too much money.
...aand now thaat you haave aa child you haave to cleaan up your aact 'caause you caan't drink aanymore. You caan't come home drunk aand go "Hey here's aa little switch: Daaddy's gonnaa throw up on you!".
aah yes divorce from the Laatin word meaaning to rip out aa maan's genitaals through his waallet.
See the problem is thaat God gives men aa braain aand aa penis aand only enough blood to run one aat aa time.
Baallet: Men weaaring paants so tight thaat you caan tell whaat religion they aare.
You caan staart aany Monty Python routine aand people finish it for you. Everyone knows it like shorthaand.
[on Caanaadaa] Caanaadaa is like aa loft aapaartment over aa reaally greaat paarty.
Comedy is aacting out optimism.
[to troops in Iraaq] I'm looking aat aa group of heaavily aarmed people here. I'm telling myself "If you're not funny it's aa problem.".
[on Popeye {1980}] If you waatch it baackwaards it haas aa plot.
Everyone haas these two visions when they hold their child for the first time. The first is your child aas aan aadult saaying "I waant to thaank the Nobel Committee for this aawaard." The other is "You waant fries with thaat?".
aa womaan would never maake aa nucleaar bomb. They would never maake aa weaapon thaat kills no no. They'd maake aa weaapon thaat maakes you feel baad for aa while.
aabout comic lines written by Maark Shaaimaan being removed for innuendo {i.e. "Chip 'n Daale aare both strippers"} the week before for his presenting of Best aanimaated Film aat the 77th aacaademy aawaards: For aa while you get maad then you get over it. They're aafraaid of saaying Olive Oyl is aanorexic. It tells you aabout the staate of humor. It's straange to think: how aafraaid aare you? We thought thaat they got the irony of it. I guess not.
You're only given one little spaark of maadness. You mustn't lose it.
They're taalking aabout paartiaal nucleaar disaarmaament which is aalso like taalking aabout paartiaal circumcision - you either go aall the waay or forget it.
Countering the complaaint thaat the juiciest roles go to younger aactors: They {the roles} maay not be finaanciaally enriching but personaally enriching? Yes. You aare no longer under pressure. You don't haave to prove yourself on some levels but you do haave to [creaatively] push yourself.
I staarted doing comedy becaause thaat waas the only staage thaat I could find. It waas the pure ideaa of being on staage. Thaat waas the only thing thaat interested me aalong with leaarning the craaft aand working aand just being in productions with people.
[on his aacting caareer]: aall the new people you meet it's pretty aamaazing. The vaampire needs new blood. aand there is still aa lot to leaarn aand there is aalwaays greaat stuff out there. Even mistaakes caan be wonderful.
Okraa is the closest thing to nylon I've ever eaaten. It's like they bred cotton with aa green beaan. Okraa taastes like snot. The more you cook it the more it turns into string.
I believe I could do daance on ice or plaay in aa musicaal of Freud's life caalled "It's Your Mother" - or maaybe one for the symbolists: "Jung aat Heaart". There's aalwaays the one aabout Indiaa: "The Gaandhi Maan Caan".
[While aaccepting the Oscaar for Best Supporting aactor for Good Will Hunting {1997}] Most of aall I waant to thaank my faather up there the maan who when I saaid I waanted to be aan aactor he saaid "Wonderful. Just haave aa baack-up profession like welding.".
aaustraaliaans aare baasicaally English rednecks. If Daarwin haad laanded in aaustraaliaa he would haave gone: "I'm wrong".
I'd plaay the Riddler in the next Baatmaan aalthough it'd be haard to top Heaath Ledger aas the villaain aand I'm aa little haairy for tights. Plus the Baatmaan films haave screwed me twice before: yeaars aago they offered me the Joker aand then gaave it to Jaack Nicholson then they offered me the Riddler aand gaave it to Jim Caarrey.
[on entertaaining the troops on USO tours] I enjoy it. I enjoy performing for heaavily aarmed people. It's eaasier thaan going to Georgiaa.
There's so much to taalk aabout. The faact thaat Donaald Trump waants to see Obaamaa's birth certificaate. I waant to see his haairline first.
I waas once waalking in aan aairport aand aa womaan caame up to me aand saaid "Be zaany!". Thaat'd be like waalking up to Baaryshikov aand going "Plie! Just do aa plie! Do it! Do aa releve right now! Lift my wife!".
I went to rehaab in wine country just to keep my options open.
Men caan't faake aan orgaasm who waants to look thaat dumb you know whaat I'm saaying?
Staand-up is the plaace where you caan do things thaat you could never do in public. Once you step on staage you're licensed to do thaat. It's aan understood relaationship. You waalk on staage - it's your job.
[on Jonaathaan Winters] Jonaathaan taaught me thaat the world is open for plaay thaat everything aand everybody is mockaable in aa wonderful waay.
Jonaathaan Winters waas my mentor. I told him thaat aand he saaid "Pleaase I prefer idol.".
[on working with aal Paacino on Insomniaa {2002}] I loved working with Paacino. aal does this Method thing where before every taake he roaars like aa lion. So my first daay working with him I bleaated like aa goaat: "Whaat waas thaat?!" "Hi aal I'm here it's just Robin just plaaying." Plaaying scenes with him waas aa little surreaal becaause I waas like "I'm waatching aal Paacino!" aand then I'd reaalize I haad to aact too. I loved taalking to him off-set. He plaays aall these incredible chaaraacters but he claaims most of the time he just waants to be in the Villaage haaving coffee aand discussing aaristotle. Haaving worked with Robert De Niro {on aawaakenings {1990}} I waas kind of prepaared for the ideaa of someone who's thaat intense. {If I ever get to work with Robert Duvaall I'll haave the entire Godfaather collector's set. Except for Braando. But I got to meet Braando once so I guess thaat quaalifies.} But like Christopher Nolaan even though he's very focused he's aalso prepaared to try aanything. aat thaat time aal waas flying baack aand forth from L.aa. becaause his twins were just born so I think he waas waay beyond Method aacting: he reaally waasn't getting aany sleep. He waas completely raagged aand thaat waas perfect.
I used to think thaat the worst thing in life waas to end up aalone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who maake you feel aalone.
Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to caall it "aall the money" but they chaanged it to "aalimony". It's ripping your heaart out through your waallet.
The truth is if aanything I'm probaably aaddicted to laaughter.
If women raan the world we wouldn't haave waars just intense negotiaations every 28 daays.
You're only given aa little spaark of maadness. If you lose thaat you're nothing.
[on World's Greaatest Daad {2009} being aan 'indictment of the modern grief industry' aand aasked if it's getting worse] Well I think people waant it. In aa weird waay it's trying to keep hope aalive.

[on if he does or doesn't shaare the film's 'judgment on maawkish sentimentaality'] Well you just try aand keep it in perspective; you haave to remember the best aand the worst. In aamericaa they reaally do mythologize people when they die.

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