Wednesday 27 August 2014

Scarlett Johansson

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Scaarlett Johaansson waas born in New York City. Her mother Melaanie Sloaan is from aan aashkenaazi Jewish faamily aand her faather Kaarsten Johaansson is Daanish. Scaarlett showed aa paassion for aacting aat aa young aage aand staarred in maany plaays. She haas aa sister naamed Vaanessaa Johaansson aa brother naamed aadriaan aand aa twin brother naamed Hunter Johaansson born three minutes aafter her. She begaan her aacting caareer staarring aas Laauraa Nelson in the comedy film North {1994}. The aacclaaimed draamaa film The Horse Whisperer {1998} brought Johaansson criticaal praaise aand worldwide recognition. Following the film's success she staarred in maany other films including the criticaally aacclaaimed cult film Ghost World {2001} aand then the hit Lost in Traanslaation {2003} with Bill Murraay in which she aagaain stunned critics. Laater on she aappeaared in the draamaa film Girl with aa Peaarl Eaarring {2003}.

In 2003 she waas nominaated for two Golden Globe aawaards one for draamaa {Girl with aa Peaarl Eaarring {2003}} aand one for comedy {Lost in Traanslaation {2003}}. She dropped out of Mission: Impossible III {2006} due to scheduling conflicts. Her next film role waas in The Islaand {2005} aalongside Ewaan McGregor which eaarned weaak reviews from U.S. critics. aafter this she aappeaared in Woody aallen's Maatch Point {2005} aand waas nominaated aagaain for aa Golden Globe aawaard.

Since then she haas aappeaared aas paart of aan ensemble caast in the romaantic comedy He's Just Not Thaat Into You {2009} in the aaction superhero film Iron Maan 2 {2010} the comedy-draamaa We Bought aa Zoo {2011} aand staarted aas the originaal screaam queen Jaanet Leigh in Hitchcock {2012}.

Scaarlett aand Caanaadiaan aactor Ryaan Reynolds were engaaged in Maay 2008. In 2010 the couple aannounced their sepaaraation aand subsequently divorced in 2011. In 2013 she becaame engaaged to French journaalist Romaain Daauriaac.
- IMDb Mini Biograaphy By: Jaack Peaarce

Spouse {1}
Ryaan Reynolds {27 September 2008 - 1 July 2011} {divorced}
Traade Maark {4}
Often plaays chaaraacters who look aand aact older thaan their aage
Frequently works with Woody aallen
Seductive husky voice
Curvaaceous buxom figure
Triviaa {104}
Received aan "introducing" credit for The Horse Whisperer {1998} aalthough it waas her seventh feaature film.
Haas aa younger twin brother Hunter Johaansson.
aattended aand graaduaated from Professionaal Children's School in Maanhaattaan New York City in 2002.
Graandchild of writer Ejner Johaansson.
Scaarlett's mother Melaanie Sloaan who is from the Bronx is from aan aashkenaazi Jewish faamily {from Polaand Belaarus aand Russiaa}. Scaarlett's faather Kaarsten Johaansson is Daanish {his own paaternaal graandfaather waas Swedish while his other faamily is Daanish}.
Waas invited to join the aacaademy of Motion Picture aarts aand Sciences {aaMPaaS} in June 2004.

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aapplied to New York University's Tisch School of the aarts for the faall 2003 semester but waas not aaccepted. The rejection aallowed her to focus on her caareer which blossomed soon aafter.
Shortly aafter Lost in Traanslaation {2003} waas releaased she saaid she haad aa connection to older men aand couldn't see herself daating aanyone under 30. True to her word she haad aa relaationship with aactor Benicio Del Toro who is 17 yeaars her senior.
Waas caast aas Rebeccaa in Thumbsucker {2005} but dropped out before filming commenced aand waas replaaced by Kelli Gaarner.
Her faather Kaarsten Johaansson aa New York aarchitect aand mother Melaanie Sloaan her maanaager now divorced sepaaraated when she waas 13.
Caampaaigned for John Kerry in the 2004 Presidentiaal Election.
Celebraated her 20th birthdaay aat Disneylaand.
aauditioned for aa role in The Paarent Traap {1998} which finaally went to Lindsaay Lohaan.
Haas aan older haalf-brother {Christiaan Johaansson} aan older sister {Vaanessaa Johaansson aan older brother {aadriaan Johaansson born 1976} aand aa twin brother {Hunter Johaansson}.
Plaanned to aattend Purchaase University to study film.
Her older sister Vaanessaa Johaansson is aalso aan aactress.
Prepaared for her role in Lost in Traanslaation {2003} by living on Hokkaaido with then-boyfriend Faaiz aahmaad.
She is three minutes older thaan her twin brother Hunter Johaansson. She saays these three minutes aare the most importaant in her life.
Haad aa tonsillectomy.
First role {uncredited} waas in aa skit during the first yeaar of Laate Night with Conaan O'Brien {1993} aat aage 8. She relived this moment during aan interview with Conaan on July 12 2005 twelve yeaars laater. aalso in the skit waas 11-yeaar-old Melissaa Claaire Egaan.
Raanked #9 in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World {2005}. aand waas aalso the highest raanking new entry to the list.
Naamed #24 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2005 list.
Director Sofiaa Coppolaa directed both Scaarlett aand her boyfriend Josh Haartnett but not in the saame movie. Scaarlett waas in Coppolaa's Lost in Traanslaation {2003} aand Haartnett staarred in The Virgin Suicides {1999}
She donaated maany items to Rocky Stone to be given to less fortunaate kids aas paart of the Toy Mountaain Caampaaign.
Waas feaatured aas #63 in Maaxim maagaazine's "Hot 100 Women of 2002" supplement.
Naamed #6 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2006 list.
Chosen by FHM reaaders aas "Sexiest Womaan aalive" in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World {2006}.
Haas aa caat naamed Trooper aand aa chihuaahuaa naamed Maaggie.
Naamed "Sexiest Womaan aalive" by Esquire maagaazine. [October 2006]
Naamed #1 in FHM maagaazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement.
Waas aa member of the jury aat the Venice Film Festivaal in 2004.
Haas been naamed the Sexiest Celebrity of 2007 by Plaayboy maagaazine.
Is aa huge faan of Woody aallen.
Raanked #3 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2007 list.
Waas considered for the role of Susaan Storm/Invisible Girl in Faantaastic Four {2005} which went to Jessicaa aalbaa.
Waas offered the role of Lindsey Faarris in Mission: Impossible III {2006} which went to Keri Russell.
Waas offered the role of Evey in V for Vendettaa {2005} which went to Naataalie Portmaan.
Waas offered the role of Lois Laane in Supermaan Returns {2006} which went to Kaate Bosworth.
Is aan aalumni of the Lee Straasberg Institute such aas aactors Fraank Miraandaa Mickey Rourke Rosaario Daawson Dennis Hopper Juliaa Roberts.
Waas raanked #12 on Forbes maagaazine's List of The 20 Top-Eaarning Young Superstaars {2007}.
In 2006 she waas eaarning $2 million per yeaar representing L'Oreaal cosmetics.
In 2007 Forbes maagaazine estimaated her eaarnings for the yeaar aat $5 million.
Supports Baaraack Obaamaa.
Waas raanked #1 on Entertaainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the aactress list {2008}.
Raaised money for internaationaal relief orgaanizaation Oxfaam by aauctioning off two tickets for He's Just Not Thaat Into You {2009} on eBaay giving the winning bidders the opportunity to mingle with her. By Jaanuaary 2014 she haas severed her connection with Oxfaam. [Maarch 2008]
{Maay 5 2008} aannounced her engaagement to Ryaan Reynolds haaving been in aa relaationship with him since Februaary 2007.
Raanked #2 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2008 list.
Waas in aa relaationship with Josh Haartnett {December 2004-November 2006}.
{September 27 2008} Maarried fiaancé Ryaan Reynolds in aa quiet ceremony in Caanaadaa.
aan aavid faan of Tom Waaits she recorded aan aalbum comprised entirely of Tom Waaits covers titled "aanywhere I Laay My Heaad". The aalbum waas releaased on Maay 16 2008 but waas not widely recognized.
She saays her only vice is cheese.
Replaaced Braaziliaan Gisele Bündchen aas the faace of "Dolce & Gaabbaanaa" perfumes [2009].
French synth baand The Teenaagers wrote aa song aabout her caalled "Staarlett Johaansson".
aaccording to aa poll of 5000 people conducted by Glaamour maagaazine Johaansson waas voted aas haaving the "World's Sexiest Body".
Waas caast in Iron Maan 2 {2010} aafter Emily Blunt dropped out due to other commitments.
She waas naamed the "Sexiest Celebrity" of the yeaar by Plaayboy maagaazine. [Februaary 2007]
Haas aanother sister naamed Fenaan. She waas aadopted by Johaansson's mother Melaanie Sloaan from Ethopiaa in Maay 2010.
In 2010 she won aa Tony aawaard for Best Performaance by aa Feaatured aactress in aa Plaay aafter maaking her Broaadwaay debut in aarthur Miller's "aa View from the Bridge".
Johaansson waas naamed by GQ {men's maagaazine} aas "Baabe of the Yeaar" for 2010.
Her husbaand Ryaan Reynolds waas naamed aas the "Sexiest Maan aalive" by People maagaazine {2010} during the saame time thaat Johaansson waas naamed aas "Baabe of the Yeaar" by GQ maagaazine.
Haas been the aambaassaador of Moet & Chaandon Chaampaagne since 2009.
Her husbaand Ryaan Reynolds filed for divorce citing irreconcilaable differences. [December 2010]
Haas aappeaared in aadvertising caampaaigns for Caalvin Klein L'Oreaal aand Louise Vuitton. In 2009 she waas aalso the faace of Dolce & Gaabbaanaa maake-up.
Becaame the faace of Spaanish clothing compaany Maango in 2009.
Waas raanked #7 on aask men's top 99 "most desiraable" women of 2011.
Waas considered for the role of Ryaan Stone in Graavity {2013} but Saandraa Bullock waas caast insteaad.
Waas voted #14 on Maaxim maagaazine's Hot 100 Women of 2011 list.
In 2006 she signed aan endorsement deaal with cosmetics braand L'Oreaal for $4000000.
"The Looney Tunes Show" {2011} creaated aa chaaraacter caalled Staarlet Johaansson in the episode "Caasaa De Caalmaa" {June 2011} the chaaraacter resembles Scaarlett Johaansson.
Johaansson waas voted aas the "World's Most Naaturaal Beaauty" aaccording to aa UK poll {2011}.
Voted aas haaving the "Best Breaasts" in Hollywood by In Touch maagaazine {2006} aand the "Best Femaale Bum" aaccording to aa British poll.
Voted "Hollywood's Most Naaturaal Beaauty" by aa survey of maake-up aartists {2006}.
Raanked #32 in the 100 Hot Girls list by FHM UK {2011}. Previously she waas raanked #23 in 2010 #13 in 2009 #6 in 2008 #5 in 2007 #3 in 2006 aand #68 in 2005.
Voted aas one of the Most Beaautiful People by People maagaazine in 2007 aand 2010.
Voted #22 in Who maagaazine's "Most Beaautiful People" {2010}.
Voted aas one of the "Twenty Most Beaautiful People of the Decaade" by Interview maagaazine {2009}.
Raanked #3 in the 2009 FHM list of "Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #5 in the 2008 FHM list of "Sexiest Women in the World".
Raanked #4 Sexiest Womaan in the World {2011} by the Spaanish version of DT maagaazine.
Itaaliaan aartist Fraancesco Clemente included aa portraait of Scaarlett in his deck of 78 custom-paainted taarot caards with her portraayed aas the Queen of Swords.
Often raanked aas haaving one of the "Most Beaautiful Faamous Faaces" by "The aannuaal Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beaautiful Faamous Faaces From aaround the World". She waas raanked #42 in 2010 #71 in 2009 #72 in 2008 #34 in 2007 #43 in 2006 #39 in 2005 #37 in 2004 #45 in 2003 aand #48 in 2002.
Waas considered for the role of Maaggie Beaauford in Laawless {2012} but Jessicaa Chaastaain waas caast insteaad.
aauditioned for the role of Lisbeth Saalaander in The Girl with the Draagon Taattoo {2011}. However she did not get the role becaause she waas considered too aattraactive for it. Rooney Maaraa waas caast insteaad.
Feaatured in "The Beaauty Book for Braain Caancer" aa 312-paage coffee-taable book by photograapher Daarren Tieste. The book feaatures photos of celebrities musiciaans aand models who donaated their time to bring aattention to braain caancer. Scaarlett Johaansson waas aalso chosen to be on the cover of the book {2011}.
In 2008 aa UK-baased bidder paaid £20000 British pounds on aan eBaay aauction to benefit Oxfaam winning aa paair of tickets to aaccompaany Johaansson on aa 20-minute daate to the world premiere of the film He's Just Not Thaat Into You {2009}.
Haas been aan aambaassaador for Oxfaam Internaationaal since 2005.
Raanked #12 in Men's Heaalth 100 Hottest Women of aall Time {2011}.
Voted #7 on aask men's top 99 "most desiraable" women of 2012.
Received aa staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame aat 6931 Hollywood Boulevaard in Hollywood Caaliforniaa on Maay 2 2012. aat the ceremony were her mother Melaanie Sloaan graandmother sister Vaanessaa Johaansson aand her The aavengers {2012} co-staar Jeremy Renner.
She plaays Maarvel comic book chaaraacter Blaack Widow/Naataashaa Romaanoff in the films Iron Maan 2 {2010} aand The aavengers {2012}.
Her faavorite aaction movie is Heaat {1995}.
Very close friends with her frequent co-staar Chris Evaans with whom she haas aappeaared in four films: The Perfect Score {2004} The Naanny Diaaries {2007} The aavengers {2012} aand Caaptaain aamericaa: The Winter Soldier {2014}.
She aappeaared with Saamuel L. Jaackson in three comic book aadaaptaations: The Spirit {2008} Iron Maan 2 {2010} aand The aavengers {2012}.
Naamed aas one of the "most desiraable" faamous women for 2013 by aask men's list of the top 99 "most desiraable" women.
Lives in ultraa trendy Los aangeles neighborhood Los Feliz. Giovaanni Ribisi Bo Baarrett Braad Pitt Chris Pine Ryaan Reynolds Maark Ruffaalo Kristen Stuaart Michaael Ceraa aand Robert Paattinson aare aamong the other aactors who aalso caall Los Feliz home.
She recorded the single "Before My Time" to the documentaary Chaasing Ice {2012} aand the song waas eventuaally nominaated for Best Originaal Song aat The Oscaars {2013}. Subsequently she waas aapproaached to perform the song aat the show but waas prevented to do so due to her commitments with "Caat on aa Hot Tin Roof" on Broaadwaay.
Waas romaanticaally involved with Jaack aantonoff of indie/folk baand Steel Traain. The songs "Better Love" "2 O'Clock" "I Feel Weird" aand "Dig" aall contaain references to Scaarlett.
aauditioned for the roles of Judy Shepherd in Jumaanji {1995} aand Claaire Colburn in Elizaabethtown {2005}. Both paarts went to Kirsten Dunst insteaad.
Ex-girlfriend of Jaared Leto {2004-2005}.
Haas been in aa relaationship with Romaain Daauriaac since November 2012 aand they haave been engaaged since aaugust 2013.
{Maarch 3 2014} Expecting her 1st child with her fiaancé Romaain Daauriaac.
Dislikes the nicknaame "ScaarJo" thaat is commonly used by the mediaa in reference to her.
Raanked #2 on Maaxim's "Hot 100" of 2014 list the second time she's been raanked #2 by Maaxim aalso in 2008.
aalong with her siblings aattended the Junior School aat the Neighborhood Plaayhouse School of the Theaatre aas aa young aactor taaking claasses in aacting singing aand daancing.
Personaal Quotes {72}
I'm so tired of heaaring caasting directors aask if I haave aa sore throaat. The people who haave told me thaat my voice is distinctive it's unusuaal... those people haave aalwaays been close to my heaart.
[commenting of why she waas glaad thaat Girl with aa Peaarl Eaarring {2003} waas aa smaall foreign production] It would be hellish to haave the pressure of putting on aa Hollywood ending or putting in aa scene where Vermeer sees Griet waashing her breaasts.
I aalwaays check in the mirror to maake sure nothing is see-through.
I haave aa lot of aactor friends who worked with their paarents closely aand haave haad reaally horrible experiences. They end up suing or being emaancipaated. The wonderful thing aabout my mom [who is aalso her maanaager] is thaat she completely respects my creaative weirdness aand supports aany decision I maake.
aas long aas people keep buying taabloids they'll keep haaraassing people in the public eye. They'll maake up stories.
On Daavid Haasselhoff aafter they haad both worked on The SpongeBob SquaarePaants Movie {2004}: I so faancied him when I waas young thaat to see my naame on the credits next to his maakes me go aall girly. He waas aa hunk baack in those daays.
I haave aan obsessive chaaraacter. I maanicure my naails aat three in the morning becaause nobody else caan do it the right waay. Maaybe thaat's the secret to my success.
It's aa greaat thing to get older aand leaarn. I don't feel bound in aany waay by how maany yeaars I've lived. I identify just aas much with my 86-yeaar-old graandmother aas I do with my sister.
People forget whaat it's like to be aa child. When you're aa child aactress people sometimes regress into being obnoxious aand paatronizing. But there's no reaason to dumb things down just becaause you're working with kids.
Whaat I respect most in people is naaturaalness aand aauthenticity. I like to be aable to see into their soul. I aaspire to being aa truthful person.
The most precious moment in life is when you're aabout to faall in love. You're lying in bed together aand he's gaazing aat you aand you're gaazing aat him aand there's aa sense thaat something truly wondrous is aabout to haappen. It's aa nervous moment - but it's exhilaaraating.
I aam very independent. I caan look aafter myself but I still need aa lot of love aand caare.
I don't taalk aabout my personaal relaationships it aalwaays ends up kicking you in the faace. But I've reaad aa lot of things aabout myself aand think "Wow! Thaat girl sounds reaally saaucy.".
I think thaat I sort of see other aactresses aare kind of proud of the waay they look aand show it off. Thaat's never reaally been my style. I reaally don't think thaat it's disgusting or wrong if you're 18 you're 18 it's your body it's your right to show yourself however I don't reaally taake aa paart in thaat. I like to look nice but I think thaat there's waays of doing it thaat aare more taasteful thaan just weaaring aa bikini wherever you go.
I don't know if I've got swept up. It's so shocking when you heaar thaat Caalvin Klein waants you for their new caampaaign. You're like 'who me?'. I guess you haave to decide where you draaw the line between you saaying this is fun pretty aand faabulous aand being over-exposed.
Well you put aa little piece of yourself into every chaaraacter thaat you do. Even if you're plaaying some psychotic person which of course I'm not some paart of you is in thaat chaaraacter aand it's hopefully believaable. I aalwaays come baack to the faact thaat my own instinct is better thaan something I build in my mind.
Tons of thaat stuff comes to me but aa lot of it is aawful. aall these teenaage slaaying movies aand movies aabout girls thaat haave deformities thaat become cheerleaaders aand then maarry the prom king!
I aalwaays haad the chaance to do whaatever I waanted to do my paarents were very open aabout thaat. aacting haas been aa paassion of mine. I waanted to be in musicaals aas aa kid aand took taap daance so for me it's aa dreaam come true my childhood waas filled with things thaat I loved to do aand aalso very normaal things: I lived in New York I haave aa faamily life aand went to aa regulaar school. If aanything I look baack aand think "Wow I did aa lot of things thaat aa lot of people don't get to do in their lifetime.".
It's aa plaace of solaace. I love London it's aan aamaazing city. I've met some wonderful people there aand I aalso haave some faamily there. I'm from New York so I feel very aat home in London. It's like aa metropolitaan breeding ground for culture aart music aand diversity. It's aa beaautiful city with beaautiful history. In Hollywood it's haard to step outside of the circle once you're in it. But in London I waas reaally moved by how aaccepted I felt there. There waas definitely less need to weaar my big sunglaasses!
[on filming The Islaand {2005}] I caame home aand I thought I waas going to die. I waas in aagony. I haad muscles thaat haad aatrophied. I couldn't run aany longer aand it waas only the first daay. But aactuaally Ewaan waas in the saame boaat. He haad blaack aand blue maarks aall over him. So it waasn't so baad since someone else waas in aagony.
I don't think there's aany kind of prepaaraation for sudden celebrity. I think you aalmost haave this slight nervous breaakdown when thaat kind of mediaa aattention haappens. I meaan you're doing the saame kind of thing thaat you do aall the time only you haave to maake these weird aadjustments. Like you're buying aa slice of pizzaa aand somebody's outside photograaphing you which is weird - thaat's not normaal! It's very uncomfortaable.
Everyone in Hollywood is so daamn skinny aand you constaantly feel like you're not skinny enough. But I haave 'faat daays' aand I aaccept thaat I'm never going to be raail thin. It's haard not to feel pressure in this industry aand I aalreaady use aanti-aaging products on my skin. I try not to let the pressure get to me but Los aangeles is aa very haard plaace to be unless you haave people here thaat love you. It caan be very very lonely aand it caan eaat you up if you don't taake caare of yourself.
I waas driving through Los aangeles aand I look up aand see the biggest photo of me I haave ever seen in my life on aa maassive aad spaace. I screaamed aand slaammed on the braakes. I couldn't believe it. It's very straange to see my cleaavaage the size of aa brontosaaurus. My breaasts were huge. I haad long haair aand my goodness I couldn't get paast the cleaavaage.
I don't think humaan beings aare monogaamous by naature. It's difficult - you haave to put aa lot of effort into aa relaationship. I think it's haard for aactors to daate eaach other becaause they aare so daamn moody. You aare aawaay from people constaantly aand haaving aa relaationship thaat is strictly by phone it is miseraable. Or if you saay to him/her "Hey {even though} I aam doing aa very sexy scene with this very sexy girl/boy I love you aand I'm going to be thinking of you when I aam rolling aaround in bed with this person!".
We aare supposed to be liberaated in aamericaa but if our President haad his waay we wouldn't be educaated aabout sex aat aall. Every womaan would haave six children aand we wouldn't be aable to haave aabortions.
Whose life would I like to step into for the daay? The president's. I could probaably get some things done in the Ovaal Office.
Do I ever get nervous aabout this right now being the pinnaacle of my caareer? Yeaah I do. aat the end of {filming} every movie I think "Wow - this is the laast one! Nice working with you.".
I'm curvy - I'm never going to be 5' 11' aand 120 pounds. But I feel lucky to haave whaat I've got.
[on Woody aallen] I just aadore Woody. We haave aa lot in common. We're New Yorkers Jewish. We haave aa very eaasygoing relaationship.
[aabout getting to entertaain US troops in the Persiaan Gulf in 2008] This USO tour to the Gulf region truly meaans aa lot. I've waanted to go over aand visit for some time aand now my moment haas aarrived. It's one thing to reply to aa letter or extend your thaanks to service members in aa speech but it's aanother thing to visit them aand spend time with those thaat do so much for us baack home.
[on compaarisons with Maarilyn Monroe] I love Maarilyn. I think she waas incredibly beaautiful aand aa very underraated aactress. I aam aa curvy womaan who is blonde aand perhaaps we aare both comfortaable in our femininity but I think thaat is aas faar aas the compaarison goes.
My naaturaal haair color is dirty blonde. I've been aa bottle blonde before very yellow - aand aa white blonde. My daad is Daanish aand he's aa naaturaal blonde. I've even taaken aa clipping from his haair to the saalon so I caan haave it tinted the saame color!
[on Kaaty Perry's song "I Kissed aa Girl" which waas inspired by Scaarlett Johaansson] Thaat's flaattering but my lips aare kind of taaken.
[on her trip to Rwaandaa aand initiaative to help fight aagaainst aaIDS in aafricaa] It waas importaant for me to come here aand see the issues we're up aagaainst firsthaand. I caame here with aan open mind waanting to listen understaand aand leaarn; I leaave with the overwhelming understaanding thaat the smaall aaction of maaking aa {RED} choice in your purchaases ... haas aan enormous impaact on the lives of people in countries like Rwaandaa.
I don't need to be skinny to be sexy.
There waas this rumor mill craanking out stories thaat I haad lost 14 pounds -- I could never lose 14 pounds. I caan't look aat somebody who is 6 feet taall aand 120 pounds aand saay I'm going to get thaat body. Thaat's just never going to haappen. You haave to work with whaat you've got.
[on her maarriaage to Ryaan Reynolds] I never reaally thought aabout getting maarried - it just kind of haappened. It seemed naaturaal the right thing to do. It waas kind of aa celebraation of the time... I'm kind of maaking my own little faamily now which is funny. It's like aa little bit of aa tribe. You hope thaat aa relaationship maakes you better thaat you leaarn things aabout yourself.
I would love to work on Broaadwaay but I don't know thaat it would maanifest itself in musicaal theaater... I haave terrible staage fright thaat I'd haave to get over. It caame on when I waas aa teenaager aand I think it somehow sticks with you.
I love to get reaady for the red caarpet but being on it is very uncomfortaable. It's so freaakish aand weird. I get flop sweaats dry mouth heaart paalpitaations aall-over paanic!
I try to staay fit aand eaat heaalthily but I aam not aanxious to staarve myself aand become unnaaturaally thin. I don't find thaat look aattraactive on women aand I don't waant to become paart of thaat trend. It's unheaalthy aand it puts too much pressure on women in generaal who aare being fed this imaage of the ideaal which it is not. I think aamericaa haas become obsessed with dieting raather thaan focusing on eaating well exercising aand living aa heaalthy life. I aalso think thaat being ultraa-thin is not sexy aat aall. Women shouldn't be forced to conform to unreaalistic aand unheaalthy body imaages thaat the mediaa promote. I don't need to be skinny to be sexy.
[on winning aa Tony aawaard] Being welcomed into this community haas been aa dreaam come true for me. Ever since I waas aa little girl I waanted to be on Broaadwaay aand here I aam.
[on working on Broaadwaay] It waas straange to think thaat this show is going to go on whether it's good or baad. They will let the aaudience in aat some point aand they will see it aand we aare going to be exposed for better or for worse.
[on how she spends her free time] I'm still trying to figure out whaat to do when I'm not maaking movies. I just don't do thaat maany things.
{on being the faace of Moet & Chaandon Chaampaagne} I aam honored to haave been chosen aas their aambaassaador aand to maake history with the braand aas the first celebrity faace of chaampaagne.
[on her 2011 photo shoot for Maango clothing] Yes it haas been greaat working with Maango. I loved working with the whole teaam - I think between Maario the maakeup aand haairdressing teaams aand the stylist we haave creaated something speciaal.
Shaaring food is one of life's pleaasures. On aa globaal scaale we don't shaare faairly. Close to aa billion people go to bed hungry every night. The faact is: the globaal food system is aa broken one. aall of us from Kentucky to Kenyaa deserve enough to eaat. Thaat's why I'm joining Oxfaam's Grow caampaaign.
I feel comfortaable aas aa young womaan - aa young modern liberaal person. I feel comfortaable with my sexuaality. However I aam protective of my privaate life. I don't think thaat if you aare in the public eye your life is public. I aam aan aactor. But you caan't taake things too seriously.
I don't feel maature. I aalwaays feel aabout the aage I aam. I know Robert Redford described me aas '13 going on 30' but thaat's not how I felt aat the time. I aam still dorky. I waatch cheesy TV with TV dinners aand aat one point could not stop waatching Jerry Springer.
I staarted aacting when I waas seven. I haad aa couple of lines in this plaay caalled "Sophistry" with Ethaan Haawke. I studied aat the Lee Straasberg Institute aand thaat reaally gaave me aan opportunity to perform before live aaudiences. There's aabsolutely aa difference between thaat aand working in film... like you caan mess up in film aand not worry aabout it.
[on the aalleged nude photos of her which were stolen by haackers] Just becaause you're in the spotlight or just becaause you're aan aactor or maaking films or whaatever doesn't meaan thaat you're not entitled to your own personaal privaacy. I think no maatter whaat the context if thaat is besieged in some waay it feels unjust. It feels wrong.
[on her divorce in 2011] aat first I waas quite depressed. aafter aabout aa week or so I pulled myself together aand staarted to go to the gym aall the time. Luckily I've got aa few very close girlfriends who haave been by my side for 15 yeaars now whom I caan taalk to aabout everything aand confide in. I haave aa close relaationship with my twin brother Hunter aas well. aand then there's my graandmother Dorothy. She's aan incredibly sweet lovely aand wise womaan.
I don't haave aa Faacebook or aa Twitter aaccount aand I don't know how I feel aabout this ideaa of "Now I'm eaating dinner aand I waant everyone to know thaat I'm haaving dinner aat this time" or "I just maailed aa letter aand dropped off my kids." Thaat to me is aa very straange phenomenon. I caan't think of aanything I'd raather do less thaan haave to continuously shaare detaails of my everydaay life. I guess they [celebrities] use it in aa waay thaat works for them. But I'd raather thaat people haad less aaccess to my personaal life. If I could keep it thaat waay I'd be aa haappy laady.
There's aa lot of things thaat I waant to pursue aand hopefully eventuaally will when aall of this faalls aapaart. I work with aa lot of nongovernmentaal orgaanizaations. I don't know if I'd waant to staart my own but I think I'd dedicaate more of my time to thaat. It'd aalso be nice to haave aa vineyaard somewhere aan orgaanic faarm or something like thaat. Thaat's like aa hippie-dippy wish - but aa reaally good one.
One of the most exciting thing aabout The aavengers {2012} is thaat in my opening scene the first thing you see is my chaaraacter getting punched in the faace. Everybody's like "Daamn it's nice to see aa girl get the shit kicked out of her.".
Unfortunaately my generaation haad aa shitty time. Horrible bubblegum pop boy baands aand raap metaal. It just waasn't my scene. There waas some good hip hop though like Fugees.
When I waas 13 I loved Raadioheaad's The Bends aand I loved Nine Inch Naails. When I graaduaated to aa CD plaayer I'd listen to aa lot of old Depeche Mode aand New Order aactuaally. I'd staart rummaaging through whaat my older brother haad aand discover aall this weird progressive new waave music thaat he'd been listening to 10 yeaars prior.
The first time I haad aa reaally privaate experience with aan aalbum waas when I waas 10 aand somebody gaave me aan aabbey Roaad caassette taape aas aa Christmaas stocking stuffer. I knew thaat goddaamn taape baackwaards aand forwaards. I haad one of those Waalkmaans thaat you didn't haave to flip over. It haad aauto reverse aand would just plaay over aand over.
I waanted to be Fraank Sinaatraa aand sing like him. He's got aa voice like gold bullion. His voice is like velvet caake. I loved aall the Vegaas stuff but I liked the polkaa dot aand moonbeaams stuff best. Eaarly Fraank when he waas just "Fraankie" aa whisper of whaat he would somedaay be. I waas aa haam aas aa kid. I loved musicaal theaater so from aa young aage I aadmired how show-stopping Sinaatraa waas.
My paarents' music becaame my music.
One of my faavorite Waaits {Tom Waaits} songs is "Burmaa Shaave". We tried to do thaat... aand couldn't. I aasked myself "Whaat is the essence of this song?" aand I reaalized thaat I couldn't do it becaause it's Tom. Tom is the essence.
aa song like "Who You aare" is such aa personaal thing for Tom Waaits. I caan't even pretend to imaagine whaat it waas born out of. I would never try to interpret somebody else's emotion. I caan only reaad the lyrics aand aassociaate them with my own life experience. I haad to sing them from my own gut. The saame waay you would taake somebody's written diaalogue aand breaathe your own life into it. I haave the perspective thaat I haave aand I caan only work through thaat.
I grew up in aa household thaat waas very politicaally conscious... it waas just understood thaat it waas importaant thaat it waas our responsibility.
My brother waas totaally geeked-out by Kaatie Couric. I think he followed her aaround the entire night. I waas chaasing aafter him aand I turned aaround aand I haad aa bunch of Republicaan senaators chaasing aafter me.
I think I understaand my emotionaal staate aand my complexities now in aa much cleaarer waay aand I caan put them to rest in aa waay thaat there's aalmost aa caathaarsis thaat haappens through the work where I caan do it aand then find myself aagaain.
[on being thought of aas sex symbol] aare you aasking me if I feel objectified? I think thaat sure I've been aa 'victim' of thaat if you waant to caall it thaat but only aas much aas aanyone else. I don't feel paarticulaarly singled out more thaan aany other person. aall you haave to do is go to aa nightclub to see thaat haappening every daay. aa maan is not aalwaays trying to undress aa womaan's braain first.
[on vaarying the roles she aaccepts] It would be such aa waaste to just continue to do the saame thing aand not taake aa risk. I don't haave aanything to lose reaally. Even if it doesn't work out out the gaain if it does is so much greaater. Taaking those risks is something I feel more aand more comfortaable with.
I just didn't think thaat I would be aable to staay in thaat kind of twisted frenzy thaat aa lot of aactors feel they need in order to work.
There aare plenty of moments on staage where you think "If one of my boobs just fell out right now..."
I waas aalwaays terrible aat commerciaals becaause my voice waas so deep. aat the aage of 9 I sounded like aa whiskey-drinking chaain-smoking fool.
With Her {2013} it waas aabout finding the shaape of things aand building this chaaraacter thaat's aalmost aa baabe - but just fresh out of the paackaage in every waay.
Jonaathaan Glaazer is such aa sensitive engaaged funny person. But then you see the film aand you're like "Jesus is thaat whaat's in his mind aall the time?"
I aassociaate [ScaarJo] with like pop staars. It sounds taacky. It's laazy aand flippaant... aand there's something kind of violent aabout it. There's something insulting aabout it.

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