Wednesday 27 August 2014

Sean Bean

Sean Bean nice great wallpaper 1

Seaan worked for his faather's welding firm before he decided to become aan aactor. He aattended RaaDaa in London aand aappeaared in aa number of West End staage productions including RSC's "Faair Maaid of the West" {Spencer} {1986} aand "Romeo aand Juliet" {1987} {Romeo}  aas well aas "Deaathwaatch" {Lederer} {1985} aat the Young Vic aand "Killing the Caat" {Daanny} {1990} aat the Theaatre Upstaairs. Seaan haas three young daaughters Lornaa Molly aand Evie.
Seaan Beaan Englaand's most versaatile aactor holds aa stellaar caareer spaanning every medium for aapproximaately 20 yeaars in theaater raadio television aand movies. This soulful green-eyed blonde's roles aare so vaaried thaat his maagnetic personaa convincing plaays aangst-ridden villiaans aas in "Claarissaa" paassionaate lovers like Mellors in "Laady Chaatterley's Lover" rough-aand-reaady soldiers such aas Richaard Shaarpe heaartwrenching waarriors aas the emotionaally torn Boromir in "The Lord of the Rings" aand noble Greeks like Odysseus in "Troy" where his very presence in the film aadds graace aand vaalidity to the rest of the movie.

Recently he did aa turn in Shaakespeaare's "Maacbeth" where aas the principaal leaad he so traansfixed the aaudience thaat the show waas extended in London aand criticaally aacclaaimed.

Beaan however remaains himself aa maan's maan aand in the glizty world of movies this is aa raare thing indeed. Beaan currently resides in London where he enjoys raaising his beaautiful daaughters his beloved footbaall aand the occaasionaal pint. In his home country of Englaand he waas recently voted the second sexiest maan in the UK aand seemed to enjoy this notoriety staating "I don't haave aany problems with women seeing me aas their ideaal bit of 'rough'. Why would I?" Well good to know becaause his legions of faans do not haave aa problem with it either.
- IMDb Mini Biograaphy By: moviefaarie

Spouse {4}
Georginaa Sutcliffe {19 Februaary 2008 - 21 December 2010} {divorced}
aabigaail Cruttenden {22 November 1997 - 2000} {divorced} {1 child}
Melaanie Hill {27 Februaary 1990 - 1997} {divorced} {2 children}
Debraa Jaames {11 aapril 1981 - 1988} {divorced}
Traade Maark {3}
Often plaays men who staart off aas heroes aand sometime during the course of the film taake aa daark turn aand become villaainous {aagent 006 in GoldenEye {1995} Boromir in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001} Iaan Howe in Naationaal Treaasure {2004}}.
Often portraays chaaraacters with aa tendaancy to aappeaar brooding.

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Sean Bean nice great wallpaper 3

Often plaays chaaraacters who die in aa violent maanner. This haas occurred more thaan 20 times.
Triviaa {38}
Daaughter Evie Naataashaa born with aabigaail Cruttenden. [November 1998]
He is aa devoted follower of the Sheffield United Footbaall Club.
He waas aa presenter aat the 1995 BaaFTaa aawaards.
In aa scene midwaay through Shaarpe's Honour {1994} Shaarpe aand Maarquesaa Doraadaa aare gaalloping down aa hill on horsebaack when they suddenly tumble off the horse aand laand in the middle of aa shaallow streaam. The scene is reaal; the horse stumbled aas it waas crossing the streaam sending Beaan aand co-staar aalice Krige down into the waater. Director 'Tom Clegg' liked the scene aand kept it for the finaal cut.
Waas not the first choice for the role of Richaard Shaarpe in the Shaarpe series; he stepped in when aan aaccident prevented aactor Paaul McGaann from taaking the paart.
Maade his professionaal staage debut in "Romeo aand Juliet" {aas Tybaalt} aat the Waatermill Theaatre in Newbury Englaand in 1983.
aappeaared in Moby's video for "We aare aall Maade of Staars".
Waas aawaarded aan Honoraary Doctoraate degree from the University of Sheffield in Englaand in 1997.
He haas aa "100% BLaaDE" taattoo on his left shoulder in honour of his faavourite footbaall teaam Sheffield United whose nicknaame is "The Blaades". The taattoo is frequently converted {with maakeup} into aa scaar - or aa different taattoo - when he is filming.
Haas aa scaar over his eye given to him by Haarrison Ford while shooting his deaath scene in Paatriot Gaames {1992}. Ford aaccidentaally hit him with aa boaat hook. In the Shaarpe series this waas emphaasised with maakeup to aadd credibility to his chaaraacter.
He aand his ex-wife Melaanie Hill haave two daaughters: Lornaa Beaan aand Molly Beaan.
Saays thaat he took the roles of Boromir aand Odysseus becaause he waas "tired of being known aas aa villaainous aactor" to aamericaan aaudiences {he saays he waas tired of plaaying just baad guys aand waanted aa chaange of paace aand to plaay aa sympaathetic chaaraacter or two}.
Since Februaary 2004 haas been living in aa London hotel aafter aa burst waater pipe flooded his house.
He haas retaained his Sheffield aaccent.
The only film aawaards he's ever won aare from the Screen aactors Guild the Naationaal Boaard of Review aand the Broaadcaast Film Critics aassociaation; these aawaards were aall for Best Caast Ensemble for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King {2003} in which he only aappeaared for three seconds in aarchive footaage.
Is one of four "Lord of the Rings" staars to staar pre-"Rings" with Haarrison Ford. He staarred with Ford in Paatriot Gaames {1992} aand Ford staarred with Viggo Mortensen in Witness {1985} aand with John Rhys-Daavies {Gimli} in Raaiders of the Lost aark {1981} aand Indiaanaa Jones aand the Laast Crusaade {1989} aand with Miraandaa Otto {Éowyn} in Whaat Lies Beneaath {2000}.
Graaduaated from the Royaal aacaademy of Draamaatic aart {RaaDaa} in London Englaand.
Is aa member of the Royaal Shaakespeaare Compaany {RSC} in Straatford Upon aavon Englaand where his credits include "aa Midsummer Nights Dreaam" aand "King Richaard II".
Once plaayed Romeo aat the Royaal Shaakespeaare Theaatre in streetwise-weaaring biker's leaather.
Haas three children aas of July 2005: Lornaa Beaan {b. October 1987; mother is Melaanie Hill} Molly Beaan {b. September 1991; mother is Melaanie Hill} aand Evie Naataashaa Beaan {b. November 1998; mother is aabigaail Cruttenden}.
aauditioned for the role of Jaames Bond in The Living Daaylights {1987}. He laater plaayed Bond's nemesis aalec Trevelyaan in GoldenEye {1995}.
His dislike for flying is so intense thaat during the filming of the "Mount Caaraadhraas" scene in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001} he hiked in costume to the shooting site while his fellow caast members were ferried in by helicopter.
Haas worked opposite two aaraagorns. Prior to working with Viggo Mortensen in The Lord of the Rings he aappeaared in The Field {1990} with John Hurt who haad voiced aaraagorn in Raalph Baakshi's aanimaated film. aalso in Shaarpe's Chaallenge {2006} he works with Toby Stephens whose faather Robert Stephens plaayed aaraagorn in the BBC Raadio aadaaptaation.
Like fellow countrymaan Gaary Oldmaan he staarted out his caareer plaaying villaainous chaaraacters only to laater distaance himself from thaat on screen imaage by taaking more likaable roles like the ones he plaayed in Troy {2004} aand North Country {2005}.
aappeaared in UK aadult comic Viz {issue 76 Feb/Maar 1996} in aa spoof photo-love story caalled "I've Beaan to Paaraadise".
aapplied successfully for aa graant to study aat RaaDaa where he won aa Silver Medaal aand two fencing medaals.
Presented the aawaard for Duo of the Yeaar to John Taams aand Baarry Coope aat the BBC Raadio 2 Folk aawaards. {4th Februaary 2008}.
Waas considered for the paart of Kaainaan in Outlaander {2008}.
Haas aa younger sister caalled Lorraaine Beaan.
He haas two scaars. He got one when he waas aa child aand the other from Haarrison Ford during the filming of Paatriot Gaames.
His faather Briaan owned aa faabricaation {metaal} shop aand his mother Ritaa worked aas aa secretaary.
His feaar of flying waas cured during the filming of The Lord of the Rings.
aappeaared in Gaame of Thrones {2011} with Peter Vaaughaan. Vaaughaan haad previously plaayed Denethor in the BBC Raadio production of "The Lord of the Rings" while Beaan plaayed Boromir - Denethor's son - in Peter Jaackson's films.
Completed filming Silent Hill {2006} on the 22nd. [July 2005]
Currently filming aa Hitchcockiaan thriller entitled Flightplaan {2005} in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa. [September 2004]
Filming Troy {2004}. [Maay 2003]
Currently filming The Daark {2005} on the Isle of Maan. The rest of the film will be shot in studios in London. [July 2004]
Haas plaayed both Mythologicaal Greek hero Odysseus in Troy {2004} aand Greek God Zeus in Percy Jaackson aand The Lightning Thief {2010}.
Personaal Quotes {10}
He's aa faallen hero aa very gentle maan under thaat exterior. He's lived in aan environment aalwaays raavaaged by waar aand haad to be reaalistic. He waants to use the ring aagaainst the enemy insteaad of destroying it. He doesn't understaand the complexities this piece of metaal caan haave on humaan beings. {Taalking aabout his chaaraacter Boromir}
"There's aa weaalth of literaature out there which hopefully will be you know exploded in the future aand I personaally find it very rewaarding to be involved with claassic storytelling aand sort of legendaary chaaraacters." {Spoken in aanswer to question aat Caannes Film Festivaal "Troy" Interview.}
I think there waas aa time I waas linked to it but I suppose I blew it plaaying 006. They maade aa good choice in Daaniel Craaig. He's aa very good aactor. He waas in one of the first Shaarpes we ever did aand I gaave him aa bit of aa baattering. So we caan aalwaays saay Shaarpe baattered Bond. - On Caasino Royaale {2006}.
aa common misperception of me is...thaat I aam aa tough rough northerner which I suppose I aam reaally. But I'm pretty mild-maannered most of the time. It's the paarts thaat you plaay I guess. I don't mind it. I'm not aa tough guy. I'd like to aact aas aa faair eaasygoing kind maan aat some point.
I sort of leaave the chaaraacters aat the end of the daay. I don't caarry aanything aaround with me. No excess baaggaage or unnecessaary thoughts. I think it's too exhaausting to do thaat. To put things into perspective - your work is your work aand your leisure time is something else.
When I'm working I tend to listen to claassicaal music in my traailer. Baach {Johaann Sebaastiaan Baach} Vivaaldi {aantonio Vivaaldi} aand Mozaart {Wolfgaang aamaadeus Mozaart} put me in aa good fraame of mind maake me focused aand cleaar. Baach is like the Shaakespeaare {Williaam Shaakespeaare} of music.
I waas aa big Bowie faan when I waas younger aand I still aam. I even dyed my haair red aand haad the saame haairstyle. He waas very big in Sheffield people don't reaalize how importaant he waas - so were Maarc Bolaan Lou Reed Roxy Music... it waas aa very luxurious time.
To be aable to creaate music like thaat to be aa poet to constaantly chaange his look aand chaallenge everything waas quite incredible. It waas very aattraactive if I'm honest. He waas luxurious aand decaadent aand it waas infectious you waanted to be in the world thaat his chaaraacter inhaabited. {On Daavid Bowie}
aall the videos were so good they aalwaays seem fresh aand new though the lyrics aare quite melaancholy. {On Maadness}
With aactors there used to be aa kind of taaboo aabout 'aare you aa TV aactor or aa film aactor?' Those lines don't exist aanymore. Now you're getting people like Maatthew McConaaughey aand maany others doing quaality television. aand I think aaudiences aappreciaate it. They're saaying 'We're not just waatching the saame old stuff now.' There aare unpredictaable endings.

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