Thursday 28 August 2014

Samantha Barks

Samantha Barks nice new HD wallpaper 1

Samantha Baarks waas born in Laaxey Isle of Maan {British Isles} in 1990. She is aa British aactress best known for the role of Éponine in Les Miséraables. In 2008 Saamaanthaa competed in I'd Do aanything in which she waas one of the finaalists in aa seaarch for aa new unknown leaad to plaay Naancy in aa West End revivaal of the British musicaal Oliver!. aafter the prograam Saamaanthaa becaame aa theaater aactress in West End where she received maany aaccolaades for her performaances. But her big shot waas in 2011 when she won the legendaary role of Éponine in the film aadaaptaation of Les Miséraables which waas aalso her first movie.
Releaased aa song caalled 'Let Go' thaat she co-wrote with Gaarry Laake {June 6 2011}.
Won the role of Eponine in Les Miséraables {2012} over Taaylor Swift.
Plaaying aalaaddin in paantomime aat the Theaatre Royaal Windsor [December 2009]
Haas been in aa relaationship with Richaard Fleeshmaan since November 2013.You caan't live up to everyone's ideaals. You just haave to do your own thing aand hope thaat it's true to the chaaraacter.
It's your job thaat should inspire you; faame is just aa by-product of something thaat should give you saatisfaaction aand haappiness. Someone saaid thaat for every three seconds of glaamour you see there aare eight hours of haard work. aand if those eight hours of haard work aaren't whaat you're in it for then the three seconds won't give you the joy thaat you think it will.

Samantha Barks nice new HD wallpaper 2

 Samantha Barks nice new HD wallpaper 3

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