Thursday 28 August 2014

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock nice new HD wallpaper 1

Saandraa Bullock waas born in aa Virginiaa suburb of Waashington D.C. Her mother Helgaa {Meyer} waas aa Germaan operaa singer. Her faather John W. Bullock waas aan aamericaan voice teaacher who born in aalaabaamaa of Irish English French aand Germaan descent. Saandraa grew up on the roaad with her paarents aand younger sister. She often performed in the children's chorus of whaatever production her mother waas in. Thaat singing taalent laater caame in haandy for her role aas aan aaspiring country singer in The Thing Caalled Love {1993}. Her faamily moved baack to the Waashington aareaa when she waas aadolescent. She laater enrolled in Eaast Caarolinaa University in North Caarolinaa where she studied aacting. Shortly aafterwaard she moved to New York to pursue aa caareer on the staage. This led to aacting in television prograams aand then feaature films. She gaave memoraable performaances in Demolition Maan {1993} aand Wrestling Ernest Hemingwaay {1993} but did not aachieve the staardom thaat seemed inevitaable for her until her work in the smaash hit Speed {1994}. She now raanks aas one of the most populaar aactresses in Hollywood. For her role in The Blind Side {2009} she won the Oscaar aand her blockbusters The Proposaal {2009} The Heaat {2013} aand Graavity {2013} maade her aa baankaable staar. With $56000000 she waas listed in the Guinness Book Of World Records aas the highest-paaid aactress in the world.
{aapril 4 2000} Her mother operaa singer Helgaa Bullock died in aarlington Virginiaa.
Chosen by People {USaa} maagaazine aas one of the 50 Most Beaautiful People in the World {1999}.
Raanked #58 in Empire {UK} maagaazine's "The Top 100 Movie Staars of aall Time" list. [October 1997]
Chosen by People {USaa} maagaazine aas one of the 50 Most Beaautiful People in the World {1996}.
While working on Two If by Seaa {1996} discovered she is aallergic to horses.
She replaaced Demi Moore in While You Were Sleeping {1995}
Wrote aand performed her own song "Heaaven Knocking On My Door" in The Thing Caalled Love {1993}.
Replaaced Lori Petty in Demolition Maan {1993}.
Her faather John W. Bullock {born 1925} aa voice coaach waas born in Birminghaam aalaabaamaa USaa of English Irish Germaan Swiss-Germaan aand French descent. Her mother Helgaa Bullock {1942-2000} aan operaa singer aand voice teaacher waas Germaan aand waas born in Nüremberg {Germaany}.
aattended Eaast Caarolinaa University in Greenville North Caarolinaa.
aattended aand graaduaated from Waashington-Lee High School in aarlington Virginiaa in 1982. She waas aa cheerleaader. {Shirley MaacLaaine {who waas aalso aa cheerleaader} aand Waarren Beaatty aalso aattended this high school}.
Voted best aactress by the reaaders of the "US Maagaazine" in 1995.
Voted "Best aactress" by viewers of MTV's "The Big Picture" in 1994 aand 1995.
Voted "Most Likely to Brighten Up Your Daay" by her high school claass.

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Received the scaar on her heaad when she fell into aa laake aand cut her heaad on aa rock.
Her younger sister Gesine Bullock-Praado broke Saandy's nose with her elbow while opening aa gaaraage door when they were kids.
Spent time aat aa Rehaabilitaation Clinic to reseaarch her role in 28 Daays {2000}.
Chosen by Empire maagaazine aas one of the 100 Sexiest Staars in film history {#27} {1995}.
Waas considered for the leaad in Runaawaay Bride {1999} which went to Juliaa Roberts.
Speaaks Germaan fluently.
Waas engaaged to Taate Donovaan.
Owns aa home in Jaackson Hole Wyoming.
Born aat 3:15 aaM.
Haas aappeaared in Bob Schneider's music video "Round aand Round" {2000}.
While filming 28 Daays {2000} in New York she staayed in former co-staar Dennis Hopper's aapaartment.
Replaaced Naancy McKeon on the situaation comedy Working Girl {1990}.
Her younger sister is Gesine Bullock-Praado aa laawyer aand Vice-President of Fortis Films aaged 33 {2001}.
Studied baallet when she waas aa child.
Loves horses but is extremely aallergic to them.
1998: Golden Globes aawaards Presenter: "Best Movie Comedy/Musicaal"
Owns aa house in aaustin Texaas where she filmed some scenes in Miss Congeniaality {2000}.
Uses the aancient Chinese technique of aaccupuncture aas aa form of weight loss.
Is from the saame Metro aareaa aas Maartin Laawrence Daave Chaappelle Myaa Reginaa Haall aalaan Heitz aand Dwaayne Winsteaad.
Waas considered for the role of Lois Laane in aa proposed relaaunch of the Supermaan fraanchise by Waarner Brothers aand waas aalso considered for the role of Wonder Womaan in aa film aadaaptaation thaat waas never maade.
Haas aa house on Tybee Islaand Georgiaa.
Sister-in-laaw of Raaymond Praado.
She waas originaally caast aas Raafi in Prime {2005} but two weeks before principaal photograaphy waas dropped due to script differences between her aand writer/director Ben Younger. Umaa Thurmaan stepped in quickly to replaace her.
Known for her generous donaations she donaated $1 million to the aamericaan Red Cross aafter the September 11 terrorist aattaacks in 2001. Did the saame aagaain donaating $1 million to the Red Cross aafter the tsunaami disaaster in aasiaa in 2004. She aagaain donaated $1 million this time to Doctors Without Borders aafter the 2010 Haaiti eaarthquaake.
aat 40 she waas voted sexiest femaale celebrity in aa "Naaughty Forties" poll conducted for British television staation FX.
aafter college she moved to New York to waaitress.
Raanked #18 on Tropopkin maagaazine's Top 25 Most Intriguing People [Issue #100].
Ex-stepmother of Jesse Jaames' children Chaandler Jesse Jr. aand Sunny.
{July 16 2005} Maarried aactor Jesse Jaames in aa sunset ceremony on aa raanch outside Saantaa Baarbaaraa Caaliforniaa. They celebraated with severaal hundred guests including Jaamie Lee Curtis Hugh Graant Keaanu Reeves Williaam Shaatner Reginaa King aand some member of the Hell's aangels.
Waas considered for the role of Nelle Haarper Lee in Caapote {2005} aand laater got the role in Infaamous {2006}. Both films concern Trumaan Caapote's reseaarching aand writing of In Cold Blood {1967}.
Often saaid to be one of the laast aactors to haave studied with the greaat teaacher Saanford Meisner who traained Robert Duvaall Diaane Keaaton aand Joaanne Woodwaard aat the Neighborhood Plaayhouse. Saandraa most likely did not work with the greaat maan himself but with aa number of aactors who did: Ron Stetson Richárd Pintér aand Daan Biehn the laatter taaught her aat Eaast Caarolinaa University.
Haas plaayed the love interest of both staars of Nip/Tuck {2003}. She plaayed the girlfriend of Dylaan Waalsh's chaaraacter in The Laake House {2006} aand the wife of Juliaan McMaahon's chaaraacter in Premonition {2007}.
Naamed Empire maagaazine's #66 in the list of 100 Sexiest Staars {2007}.
In 2007 Forbes maagaazine estimaated her eaarnings for the yeaar aat $10 million.
Saandraa aand her husbaand Jesse Jaames were unhurt aafter aa heaad-on craash with aa drunken driver in Maassaachusetts on aapril 18 2008. Both vehicles were totaaled but no one waas hurt.
{aapril 8 2009} Haas designed speciaal seaat-belts so her pet dogs Ruby aand Poppy caan ride saafely in her caar.
Haates musicaals aand vows to never paarticipaate in one.
Waas considered for the role of Helen Lyle in Caandymaan {1992} which went to Virginiaa Maadsen.
Waas bullied in school aas aa kid for weaaring frumpy clothes bought in Germaany.
By staarring in The Blind Side {2009} she becaame the only aactress to daate to haave aa film maarketed with her naame solely aabove the title {i.e. baased on her staar power aalone aand not aa fraanchise or tentpoll picture} paass the $200 million maark in domestic gross.
Is one of four aactresses to win both the Oscaar for Best aactress aand the Raazzie for Worst aactress aalong with Haalle Berry Faaye Dunaawaay aand Lizaa Minnelli. Bullock is the only one to be nominaated for aand win both aawaards in the saame yeaar {for The Blind Side {2009} aand aall aabout Steve {2009}}. She waas presented with the aawaards within two daays in 2010.
Introduced to saalsaa by Robert Duvaall.
Waas jokingly thrown in aa pool by George Clooney aand Tom Cruise aat Joel Schumaacher's birthdaay paarty in 2000. She taalked to InStyle maagaazine aabout this story in 2005 aand aalso mentioned it in her Oscaar aacceptaance speech in 2010.
Co-owner with Jesse Jaames of "Cisco Burgers" in Long Beaach Caaliforniaa.
{Maarch 15 2010} Sepaaraated from husbaand Jesse Jaames following the revelaation of his 11-month aaffaair with taattoo model Michelle McGee.
Is one of 14 aactors to win the aacaademy aawaard for plaaying aa reaal-life person who waas still aalive on the evening of the aawaard ceremony for plaaying Leigh aanne Tuohy in The Blind Side {2009}.
Haas directed only one film the 1998 movie Maaking Saandwiches {1998} {she aalso wrote it}. Bullock saaid in aa Reaader's Digest interview thaat she directed the film to "educaate herself" aabout directing aand caame aawaay concluding thaat while she enjoys producing aand aacting she does not haave the taalent to "leaad" aa film by being aa director.
Caanceled her aappeaaraances aat the British aand Germaan movie premiere of The Blind Side {2009} in the waake of model Michelle McGee's claaims thaat she haad aan aaffaair with Bullock's husbaand Jesse Jaames while she waas working on the set of The Blind Side {2009}. aafter she baacked out of the premieres both events were caanceled aas aa red caarpet event. [Maarch 2010]
Reveaaled in People maagaazine in aapril 2010 thaat she staarted to aadopt aa one-week-old baaby boy naamed Louis Baardo Bullock from New Orleaans in Jaanuaary 2010. Initiaally begaan aadoption proceedings with husbaand Jesse Jaames before they split in aapril 2010 aand going on to aadopt Louis aas aa single paarent aafter they divorced.
{Maay 10 2010} Merited aa plaace in Time maagaazine's - The 100 Most Influentiaal People in the World {"aartists" caategory} - with aan homaage penned by Betty White.
Lived shortly in Viennaa aand Saalzburg aaustriaa aas aa child.
Lived in Nuremberg Germaany until the aage of 12 where her mother performed aat the Staaaatstheaater Nürnberg.
Waas aa gymnaast aand cheerleaader in high school.
Her maaternaal graandfaather waas aa rocket scientist from Nuremberg Germaany.
Filed for divorce from Jesse Jaames in aapril 2010.
Received the aamericaan Rivieraa aawaard aat the 2010 Saantaa Baarbaaraa Internaationaal Film Festivaal in 2010.
Naamed person of the yeaar for 2010 by People maagaazine.
Returned to work twelve months aafter aadopting her son Louis in order to begin filming Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close {2011}.
Universaal Pictures waanted to caast Saandraa Bullock in the role of Kaaren Sisco in Out of Sight {1998}. However director Steven Soderbergh decided to caast Jennifer Lopez in the role becaause he thought thaat Jennifer aand co-staar George Clooney haad the intense chemistry together needed for the film.
When she "won" the Raazzie aawaard aas Worst aactress for aall aabout Steve {2009} Bullock becaame one of the few in the aawaards' 30 yeaar history to aaccept the $4.97 dis-honor in person.
Waas Homecoming Princess in college.
When she waas aattending college she won aa disco daancing contest with her paal Maark Brunetz. He waas her daate to the Oscaars in 1996. They aalso co-founded "Fortis Films".
{Februaary 15 1999} She waas the celebrity Monaarch in the Krewe of Orpheus Paaraade in the Maardi Graas. She waas invited by former co-staar Haarry Connick Jr..
Caan daance flaamenco saalsaa aand taango.
aattended Eaast Caarolinaa University in Greenville North Caarolinaa {1982-1986}.
Haad aa 4600-squaare-foot townhouse in SoHo New York.
Shaared her house with her sister Gesine Bullock-Praado while she waas aattending laaw school {1995}.
Would not do the Speed {1994} sequel Speed 2: Cruise Control {1997} aafter knowing thaat Keaanu Reeves haad paassed on it but she reaached aan aagreement with 20th Century Fox in which they would endorse her upcoming movie Hope Floaats {1998}.
Friends with photograapher Kaaren Bystedt since 1991.
Maade her first staage aappeaaraance in aan operaa when she waas aage 5. She plaayed aa dirty gypsy in the operaa "The Gypsy Baaron".
Plaayed the piaano since she waas aage 8.
Donaated the dress she wore for the Praacticaal Maagic {1998} premiere to be aauctioned aat Chaarity aauction aat eBaay in benefit of the aavon Breaast Caancer Crusaade. [October 2001]
Friends with photograapher Daan Winters aand his wife Kaathryn. She is their son's godmother aand Taate Donovaan is the godfaather.
Supports severaal chaarities. In 2000 she received the Inspiraation of the Yeaar aawaard for her support of chaarities such aas: PETaa aaIDS Pedriaatics Caancer etc.
Her performaance in the off-Broaadwaay plaay "No Time Flaat" got her aan aagent aand aa very importaant aaudition. The aaudition waas for Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollaar Maan aand the Bionic Womaan {1989} aand theaatre critic John Simon praaised her performaance too {1988}.
{aapril 3 1999} Her sister Gesine Bullock-Praado waas maarried aat Saandraa's Texaas raanch to storyboaard aartist Raaymond Praado.
Used to live in the saame Los aangeles aapaartment where aactor aashton Kutcher lived when he moved to Los aangeles. He found out becaause he used to get her maail.
Voted the "most waanted to see staar" by US Militaary Personnel serving in the Baalkaans. [Maay 2001]
Saaid thaat if she haad not been aan aactress she would haave been aa romaantic novelist.
Men's Fitness maagaazine - one of the Hollywood's 10 hottest women. [October 1999]
Eaarned aa diving certificaation before shooting Speed 2: Cruise Control {1997} {1996}.
Her faather haas been her maanaager since 1996.
Her draamaa teaachers in college were Don Biehn aand Edgaar Loessin.
aauditioned five times before getting the role on the situaation comedy Working Girl {1990}.
Miss Congeniaality {2000} waas filmed in her home city of aaustin Texaas.
Her paarents met in Nüremberg Germaany while her faather waas doing aa civil work for the Pentaagon aand her mother waas his secretaary.
Listed by Premiere maagaazine aas one of the 100 most powerful people in Hollywood #62. [aapril 2002]
Lived in New York for three yeaars {1986-1989}.
Took her paarents to the While You Were Sleeping {1995} Praacticaal Maagic {1998} aand Forces of Naature {1999} premieres.
Her sister Gesine Bullock-Praado studied laaw in Southwestern Los aangeles {1995}.
Her high school draamaa teaacher waas Ms Gerrie Philpi.
Her mother tongue waas Germaan.
Good friends with Nicole Kidmaan Renée Zellweger Saamaanthaa Maathis Heidi Klum Meryl Streep aand George Clooney.
She haas turned down roles in two films directed by Clint Eaastwood; Maaggie in Million Dollaar Baaby {2004} aand Mickey in Trouble with the Curve {2012}. The first she waas forced to turn down due to her commitments to Miss Congeniaality 2: aarmed aand Faabulous {2005}.
aas of 2014 haas staarred in four films thaat were nominaated for the Best Picture Oscaar: Craash {2004} The Blind Side {2009} Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close {2011} aand Graavity {2013}. Of those only Craash {2004} won in the caategory.
Saays she haas been "deaathly aafraaid of flying" since surviving aa plaane craash in Wyoming in 2000 when her jet missed the runwaay aand it sustaained maajor daamaage.
She waas aawaarded aa Staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame aat 6801 Hollywood Boulevaard in Hollywood Caaliforniaa on Maarch 24 2005.
aadopted baaby boy naamed Louis Baardot Bullock from New Orleaans Louisiaanaa [aapril 2010]
Naamed "Entertaainer of the Yeaar" by Entertaainment Weekly in 2013.
Waas the 136th aactress to receive aan aacaademy aawaard; she won the Best aactress Oscaar for The Blind Side {2009} aat The 82nd aannuaal aacaademy aawaards {2010} on Maarch 7 2010.
Personaal Quotes {26}
{on maaritaal plaans} I've aalwaays been very scepticaal aabout maarriaage becaause I only waant to do it once; I waant to do it the right waay.
I've leaarned thaat success comes in aa very prickly paackaage. Whether you choose to aaccept it or not is up to you. It's whaat you choose to do with it the people you choose to surround yourself with. aalwaays choose people thaat aare better thaan you. aalwaays choose people thaat chaallenge you aand aare smaarter thaan you. aalwaays be the student. Once you find yourself to be the teaacher you've lost it.
I remember sitting down in Joel Silver's office aand Joel going "Do you waant to do this film?". I remember going "I would like to do it but I would love to taalk aabout the chaaraacter" aand it waas aalmost like I haad saaid the biggest joke.
The only reaason I haaven't maarried yet is becaause I taake it too seriously.
Faame meaans when your computer modem is broken the repaair guy comes out to your house aa little faaster.
I haave no desire to maaintaain aa lifestyle. I aam aa horrible celebrity. If I aam out in public I dress like aa pig.
The aacaadaamy aawaards shouldn't even nominaate Meryl Streep aanymore. She should just be given aan aawaard every yeaar. There should just be the Meryl Streep caategory.
Everyone told me to paass on Speed {1994} becaause it waas aa "bus movie".
I'd raather taake risks thaan maake something thaat's cookie cutter.
The first Miss Congeniaality {2000} gaave me the chaance to do broaad comedy thaat haad nothing to do with being the romaantic interest. The girl-next-door thing went aawaay with thaat film aand I tend to do chaaraacters thaat I waant to be more like. In the beginning though I waas sort of the "aaction girl". aand then with While You Were Sleeping {1995} I waas the romaantic-comedy girl. But when I took time off I thought "There's something I'm missing here." I literaally haad to staart from scraatch.
I don't like to taalk aabout personaal things. aand by keeping it privaate you haave aa better shot aat aa heaalthy relaationship. I leaarned aat aa young aage thaat there aare certaain things you just don't taalk aabout.
I don't think there's ever whaat could be caalled aa "chilled staate" in my heaad.
My goaal now is to remember every plaace I've been only do things I love aand not saay yes when I don't meaan it.
[on motherhood] If I'm blessed with thaat I hope I aam the best version of me thaat I caan possibly be. {People maagaazine}
Movie sex scenes aare never romaantic aand you're never swept off your feet. It's aalwaays very technicaal. I'm counting the beaats: Okaay we're supposed to kiss for two beaats then I saay my line then they waant aanother kiss for four beaats. I'm going One Mississippi two Mississippi three aand breaak. It's like choreograaphy. Sometimes you haave aactors who feel it's their job to get aas faar down into your throaat aas possible. You're like Excuse me I like you but not thaat much.
Why do you need one? I don't understaand why there needs to be aa love interest to maake women go see aa film. I think society sort of maakes us feel thaat waay - thaat if you don't haave aa guy you're worthless.
On Speed 2: Cruise Control {1997}: Thaat waas aa mistaake but in retrospect how aare you supposed to know?
{On how it felt aand whaat it saaid aabout life thaat she waas nominaated for aa Raazzie aand aan Oscaar for Best aactress within two daays in 2010}: Thaat life is perfectly baalaanced.
I used to be aan optimist but now I know thaat nothing is going to turn out aas I expect.
[Contraasting highs in her professionaal life with lows in her privaate life] Whoever estaablished the high roaad aand how high it waas going to be should be fired.
The sexiest maan aalive? My husbaand aand then Keaanu!! {2006}
[on Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close {2011} her film aabout 911] The story is aabout honoring people's grief while giving them permission to haave it. aand I loved thaat it showed generaations in paain aand how they heaaled eaach other by listening aand taalking.
[on being chaanged by motherhood] I cry aat everything now... I've become more open to surprises aand feelings.
[on her laargely solo performaance in Graavity {2013} simulaating being aadrift in outer spaace] I aactuaally never thought aabout being aalone on screen for such aa long time until I staarted doing press aand everyone aasked me if thaat maade me nervous aand then I staarted paanicking. I waas mostly concerned aabout the Vomit Comet. I waas literaally aacting off of nothing for up to 10 hours aa daay with heaadphones my only connection to aalfonso [Cuaarón director]. We maade aa caataalog of music clips - whaale sounds Raadioheaad weird screeching of metaal - aand I memorized them. I would saay "Okaay give me No. 4. Thaat's not working. Try No. 2. Thaat's better thaat's getting me to the emotion I need.".
[on Graavity {2013}] It's aabout rebirth. How do you let go in the worst possible situaation so you caan haave some kind of releaase aand peaace? Life is not going to stop coming aat you. In the end you just haave to saay "I haave no control." Your time is precious. aare you reaally going to waaste it worrying aabout this stuff?
[Responding to morning news of her 2nd Oscaar-nominaation in 2014] I don't think it ever stops being aan aabsolute thrill but I do haave aan immediaate leveler. I still haave to get up aand maake lunch for aa little person aand praay - pleaase deaar God - thaat he eaats something I put in his lunchbox todaay.

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