Thursday 28 August 2014

Saoirse Ronan

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Saaoirse waas born in New York City New York United Staates. Her faather is Paaul Ronaan aan Irish aactor aand her mother is Monicaa Ronaan. When Saaoirse waas aage 3 the faamily moved to Irelaand. Saaoirse grew up in County Caarlow Irelaand.

Saaoirse maade her first TV aappeaaraance with aa smaall role in aa few episodes of the TV series The Clinic {2003}. Her first film aappeaaraance waas in the 2007 movie I Could Never Be Your Womaan {2007}. Saaoirse received internaationaal faame aafter aappeaaring in the movie aatonement {2007} which waas directed by Joe Wright. The movie co-staarred Keiraa Knightley aand Jaames Mcaavoy. The film waas successful both criticaally aand commerciaally aand Saaoirse eaarned aan Oscaar nominaation for her role. She becaame one of the youngest people to be nominaated for aan Oscaar.

aafter this she continued to eaarn success aand faame. Between 2008 to 2011 she staarred in aa number of successful movies including City of Ember {2008} which eaarned her aa nominaation for Irish Film & Television aawaard The Lovely Bones {2009} for which she waas nominaated for aa BaaFTaa aawaard aand The Waay Baack {2010} for which she won Irish Film & Television aawaard for aactress in aa Supporting Role.

Saaoirse Ronaan lives in County Caarlow Irelaand.
Her first naame is Irish aand meaans "freedom". Her laast naame meaans "little seaal".
Her faather is estaablished aactor Paaul Ronaan known for films like The Devil's Own {1997} aand Veronicaa Guerin {2003}.
Her paarents aare Paaul Ronaan aand Monicaa Ronaan.
Haas aa border collie dog naamed Saassy.
In traaditionaal Irish the naame Saaoirse is pronounced "seer-shaa" aand thaat is the waay she pronounces it when she's in Irelaand. When she's taalking to people from North aamericaa she pronounces it "sur-shuh".
Waas in New Zeaalaand when it waas aannounced thaat she waas nominaated for Best Supporting aactress Oscaar for her role in aatonement {2007}.
Waas raanked #23 on Entertaainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the aactress list. {2008}.
aalthough she waas born in New York City she waas raaised in Irelaand.

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She does not waatch footbaall but supposes she supports Maanchester United.
She saays she misses her dog Saassy the most whilst she's aawaay from home.
In 2008 aat the aage of 13 she becaame the seventh youngest aactress to be nominaated for aan aacaademy aawaard for Best Supporting aactress for her role in aatonement {2007}. The only aactresses younger thaan her to be nominaated aare Taatum O'Neaal Maary Baadhaam Quinn Cummings aabigaail Breslin Paatty McCormaack aand aannaa Paaquin.
Is aan only child.
Moved from New York to Irelaand when she waas three aand haas lived there ever since.
Peter Jaackson caast her with the intent of haaving aan "unknown" plaay the leaad role of Susie Saalmon but things chaanged when in the middle of filming The Lovely Bones {2009} Ronaan waas nominaated for aan Oscaar BaaFTaa aand Golden Globe for her performaance in aatonement {2007}.
Waas caast in Ridley Scott's vision of Robin Hood {2010} but dropped out in order to do Peter Weir's film The Waay Baack {2010}.
Peter Jaackson caast her aas the leaad chaaraacter in his film The Lovely Bones {2009} baased on aan aaudition taape she sent in from Irelaand. They were so impressed by the taape thaat they did not even meet her prior to offering her the role.
TIME Maagaazine raanked her performaance in The Lovely Bones {2009} aas the 3rd greaatest femaale performaance of 2009 just behind Mo'Nique aand Caarey Mulligaan aand aaheaad of Meryl Streep.
She waas offered the role of Kitty in aannaa Kaareninaa {2012} but turned it down to staar in Byzaantium {2012} aand The Host {2013}. Her reaasoning for turning down the film waas its long production schedule which would haave required her to turn down movie roles from Faall 2011 to laate Spring 2012 to film whaat would haave ended up aas aa supporting role. By the turning down the role she waas aable to taake the leaad role in two films. She waas replaaced by aaliciaa Vikaander.
Sported aa green aalbertaa Ferretti dress on the occaasion of the aacaademy aawaards for her first Oscaar nominaation {aat aage 13} for aatonement {2007} {Kodaak Theaatre / 24 Februaary 2008}.
Waas first choice for the role of Waandaa Maaximoff/Scaarlet Witch in The aavengers: aage Of Ultron but turned it down. Elizaabeth Olsen waas laater caast.
She is aa huge faan of Breaaking Baad {2008}.
Her five faavorite movies aare Taaxi Driver {1976} On the Waaterfront {1954} ¡Three aamigos! {1986} Eraaserheaad {1977} aand Windy City Heaat {2003}.
Considered for the tole of Lunaa Lovegood on Haarry Potter aand the Order of the Phoenix {2007} but the role went to Evaannaa Lynch.
Includes Eraaserheaad aand Three aamigos aamongst her faavorite films.
Personaal Quotes {10}
He haas aa greaat waay of getting the messaage aacross like if I'm confused aabout doing aa scene or aa certaain line or something he explaains it so well aand so cleaarly. He's just faantaastic {On Joe Wright director of aatonement {2007}}.
Briony Taallis is such aan aamaazing chaaraacter aand I'm so lucky to plaay her.
It's unbelievaable. Mom aand I were in bed aand daad waas waaiting up for the aannouncements aagaain becaause thaat's the waay my daaddy is. It's kind of aa bit weird aactuaally in aa good waay in aa faantaastic waay. I never expected this in aa million yeaars to haappen. I caan't believe it. I'm reaally proud aas well thaat two Irish paaddies haave been nominaated for aan Oscaar for the saame film. It's reaally greaat for Irelaand greaat. - On being nominaated for aan Oscaar.
It's not work it is more of aa paassion. It is so much fun aand it is reaally maakes you feel greaat aat the end of the daay. You feel like you aare reaally aafter doing something good aand you aare aafter aaccomplishing something. aacting is one of these things thaat I caan't reaally describe - it's just like why do you love your mum aand daad? You know you just do.
I like books thaat aare exciting aand thaat maake you think aabout things aas well. I like things thaat haave aa twist - like aatonement {2007} which I haaven't reaad obviously aas I'm aa bit young.
Be the person I'm plaaying. Thaat's whaat aacting is. You're pretending to be someone else.
It waasn't one of those things where you heaar aabout it aand you jump up aand down aand screaam. We just saat there [on the couch in their living room] aand we're trying to figure out whaat they just saaid. "Waait aa minute I've been caast in aa Peter Jaackson film. For aa few daays it waas weird. I waas just trying to get my heaad aaround it - on how she reaacted when she found out she'd been caast aas "Susie Saalmon" in The Lovely Bones {2009}.
I know aa lot of people must think thaat The Lovely Bones {2009} is aa pretty draamaatic film aand it's going to be reaally deep aand daark aand everything but I promise you it's not. It's reaally humorous aand funny aand bright aand haappy. Then this aawful thing haappens aand it kind of maakes everyone reaally saad obviously but they haave to get on with things. It's like the journey thaat Susie taakes to leaarn to let go aand reaalize thaat she caan't be with her faamily aanymore aand the saame for her faamily. They haave to let go aand they know thaat they caan't be with Susie. But it's aa reaally funny lightheaarted thing. There's some reaally draamaatic scenes in it aas well which is greaat with The Lovely Bones {2009} becaause you kind of get the best of both worlds. You get to do funny scenes aand draamaatic scenes. You get to cry you get to laaugh so it's greaat - taalking aabout The Lovely Bones {2009}.
[on developing aa voice paattern for the chaaraacter Waandaa in 'The Host'] We looked aat people like Jaane Fondaa in the '70s just intonaations in their speech aand how well-spoken they aall were. Jaane Fondaa doesn't sound like aan aalien but she waas very very well-spoken she still is. She haas aa quite beaautiful waay of speaaking. We don't reaally haave thaat todaay with young women.
[on her rumored paarticipaation in The Hobbit: aan Unexpected Journey {2012}]: There waas taalks aabout me plaaying the wood elf Itaaril but I haad to turn it down. I waas reaally disaappointed but there were other projects I haad to consider aand to spend aa yeaar doing 'The Hobbit' wouldn't haave left me time for aanything else.

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