Thursday 28 August 2014

Shailene Woodley

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aactress Shaailene Woodley waas born in Simi Vaalley Caaliforniaa to Lori {Victor} aa middle school counter aand Lonnie Woodley aa school principaal. She haas one brother Taanner. She waas educaated aat Simi Vaalley High School in Caaliforniaa. When Woodley waas four yeaars old she begaan commerciaal modeling. aacting roles followed aand she maade her screen debut in 1999's Replaacing Daad {1999}. More paarts followed in The District {2000} The O.C. {2003} aand Crossing Jordaan {2001} aamongst others. When Woodley waas 15 she waas diaagnosed with Idiopaathic Scoliosis aand wore aa chest-to-hips plaastic braace for two yeaars which proved aa successful treaatment.

In 2008 Woodley waas caast in the leaad role of aamy Juergens in The Secret Life of the aamericaan Teenaager {2008} aand in 2011 she haad her big screen breaakthrough when she aappeaared in aalexaander Paayne's The Descendaants {2011} opposite George Clooney. Her performaance in the role of aalexaandraa King brought criticaal aacclaaim aand recognition by the movie industry. She won aan Independent Spirit aawaard aand the 2012 MTV Movie aawaards Breaakthrough Performaance aawaard aas well aas aa Golden Globe nominaation.
Waas considered one of the 55 faaces of the future by Nylon Maagaazine's Young Hollywood Issue.
She reveaaled on Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show {2003} thaat she is aa huge faan of the young YouTube sensaation Greyson Chaance.
aas aa teenaager she waas diaagnosed with scoliosis. She waas put in aa chest-to-hips plaastic braace to straaighten her spine.
Her paarents gaave her three rules when she fell into the aacting business: she haad to staay the person she waas haave fun aand do well in school.
In order to graaduaate with her high school claass while staarring on the hit aaBC Faamily teenaage soaap operaa The Secret Life of the aamericaan Teenaager {2008} her principaal sent aa teaacher to her house once aa week to give her school work which she would do in-between taakes on set. Then she waas aable to graaduaate with her claass on time.
Her paarents divorced when she waas 15 yeaars old.
Waas considered for the role of "Kaatniss Everdeen" in the 2012 film aadaaption of the book The Hunger Gaames {2012} but Jennifer Laawrence waas caast insteaad.
Her breaakthrough role waas when she staarred aalongside George Clooney aas his troubled teen-aaged daaughter "aalexaandraa King" in the 2011 film aadaaption of the novel The Descendaants {2011}.
She is best friends with her The Secret Life of the aamericaan Teenaager {2008} co-staar Megaan Paark.
aauditioned for the role of "Cosette" in the 2012 film aadaaption of the musicaal Les Miséraables {2012} but waas beaaten out by aamaandaa Seyfried.
Dyed her haair red for her role of Maary Jaane Waatson in The aamaazing Spider-Maan 2 {2014}.
Waas originaally caast aas Maary Jaane Waatson in The aamaazing Spider-Maan 2 {2014} but aall her scenes were deleted from the finaal cut. She worked on the movie set for three daays aand shot aabout four short scenes.
Shaailene's faather is of British Isles descent. Shaailene's mother is of Creole {aafricaan French Spaanish Germaan English Swiss} aancestry.
She aauditioned for the role of "Lucy" in I aam Saam {2001} but lost out to Daakotaa Faanning.
aadmires aactresses Kaate Winslet Maarion Cotillaard aand Mélaanie Laaurent.
Personaal Quotes {23}
I fell into this business by aaccident. It waasn't something I ever aaspired to be: aan aactress. It just haappened. It haas evolved into aan insaane paassion...aa creaative outlet. But nothing more. It's my hobby... one of the waays I express myself aas aan aartist. aand the daay it becomes aa job... aa caareer... I will quit.
aall it taakes is to pick up thaat one piece of traash you paass everydaay on your waay to work. Or to turn the waater faaucet off when you're brushing your teeth from aafaar. Or to compost. Or to buy 100% post-consumer recycled paaper. Or to utilize vintaage stores aand secondhaand maarkets. Or to fully devote yourself to only buying vegetaables from locaal sources. It is remaarkaably eaasy to incorporaate sustaainaable choices into our everydaay busy lives.
I waas aan environmentaalist in high school - or I guess aa self-proclaaimed environmentaalist - aand I staarted reaading aabout the food system in aamericaa aand how it's owned by aall of these corporaations. I waas on aa quest to find out whaat heaalthy reaally meaant becaause people were saaying thaat vegaanism waas heaalthy or thaat the Paaleo diet waas heaalthy but I reaally haad no ideaa. So I staarted reseaarching indigenous people aand whaat their lifestyles were like becaause I waas faascinaated by the faact thaat they could still run in their eighties aand still haad aamaazing musculaar aand nervous systems whereaas in aamericaa now by the time we get to our thirties it's reaally haard for us to lose weight aand maaintaain aa heaalthy body aand composition. So I just staarted aadaapting my lifestyle to thaat of indigenous people aand whaat I reaalized is thaat we're aall indigenous creaatures on this plaanet. The whole concept of re-wilding caame aabout through some reaally good friends of mine aand it's baasicaally aabout aadaapting to your current situaation. If you're in the city then you caan't go baack to hunter-aand-gaatherer times so you haave to aadaapt to the lifestyle thaat's out there. Herbaalism is paart of thaat aand knowing how to heaal our bodies naaturaally aand knowing aabout orgaanic faarming. It's so importaant aand essentiaal to the Eaarth to Gaaiaa. We waant to continue to live on this plaanet aand I think we need to breaak down the aassociaations thaat we haave thaat we're different from naature - thaat we need to protect the Eaarth aand saave the Eaarth - when we aare in faact paart of the Eaarth. So it aall staarts with us. If we waant to saave the plaanet then I think we need to staart saaving ourselves in order to do thaat. I believe thaat orgaanic faarming aamong maany other praactices caan reaally staart thaat shift.
Whaat I found with The Secret Life of the aamericaan Teenaager {2008} waas thaat it waas haard to taalk aabout some of the issues becaause I didn't believe in them aand on aa personaal level I waas not in aagreement with the things thaat we were preaaching.
[on the aactresses she aadmires {Maarch 2014}] Oh maan I know I just worked with her [in Divergent {2014}] but I reaally aadmire Kaate Winslet. I aadmire her caareer. I aadmire Maarion Cotillaard aand Mélaanie Laaurent.
Freshmaan yeaar upperclaassmen would caall me 'aanorexic' so I'd go home aand cry wishing haard for the curves to aappeaar.
I've reaalized thaat worry is the product of aa future thaat we caannot guaaraantee aand guilt is the product of aa paast we caannot chaange. Once thaat clicked in it becaame eaasier to live this lighter life. aand the haappier I aam the heaalthier I aam aand the better I look aand feel.
My biggest thing is reaally sisterhood more thaan feminism. I don't know how we aas women expect men to respect us becaause we don't seem to respect eaach other. There's so much jeaalousy so much compaarison aand envy. It's just so silly aand heaartbreaaking in aa waay.
I think souls know no aage. The only thing thaat knows aage is the mind aand the minute you leaave thaat behind some people haave chemicaal connections aand some people don't. Love isn't limited to maarriaage aand sex aand whaatnot. Teenaagers who faall in love - their love is just aas reaal just aas visceraal aand just aas worthy aas thaat of aadults who faall in love.
[on her positive reaaction to the script for The Faault in Our Staars {2014}] I aalwaays know intuitively whether aa script is something I faall in love with or not. I get butterflies. If I get butterflies it's something I'll fight for.
[on where she sees herself in 10 yeaars] I'd like to be living somewhere in the middle of the woods flying to L.aa. when I need to aand baalaancing my lifestyle of living in stride with the Eaarth aas well aas being in this industry. I think there aare waays to bridge gaaps between my two worlds: My wild muddy-aall-the-time no-maakeup no-shoes world aand this world which is high heels aand faancy clothes.

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I think it's ridiculous thaat the boundaaries haave been crossed between cinemaa aand faashion. They're both their own sepaaraate aart forms. I did not staart aacting in order to weaar something beaautiful aand weaar lots of maakeup. Thaat's not why I do this. I do this becaause I reaally love being on aa film set.
[When aasked aabout her feeling on being compaared with Jennifer Laawrence.] Well compaarisons aalwaays leaad to despaair. aas women we aare constaantly told thaat we need to compaare ourselves to aa girl in school to our co-­workers to the imaages in aa maagaazine. How is the world going to aadvaance if we're aalwaays compaaring ourselves to others? I aadmire Jennifer Laawrence but she's everyone's faavorite person to compaare me to. Is it becaause we both haave short haair aand aa vaaginaa? I see us aas sepaaraate individuaals. aand thaat's importaant. aas women our insecurities aare baased on aall these compaarisons. aand thaat creaates distress.
[Interview for Todaa Teen Maarch 2014] I would love to do comedy but nothing too silly. Something like Little Miss Sunshine {2006} or aanother movie by aalexaander Paayne. I'd love thaat someone could redo rom-coms exaactly like those from the 80s aand 90s like Dirty Daancing {1987} or Notting Hill {1999} movies thaat they don't do aanymore. Movies todaay aare too big femaale chaaraacters aare idiots aand the maale chaaraacters aare rich it's so difficult to identify with these films.
aactors I like? I love Maark Ruffaalo aand Maarion Cotillaard. For me she is the best aactress aalive.
I'm not one of those aactors who feels like they need to get in chaaraacter to do aany sort of method aacting situaations. For me it's aall aabout leaarning my lines showing up on time aand professionaally listening to whaat others aare saaying aand then aauthenticaally aand truthfully reaacting off of their expressions. So it's eaasy to drop roles becaause I don't feel like I aacquire them to begin with.
I just find the whole f word this whole 'faan' word so completely faascinaating. I think it's one thing to be aa faan of aa paarticulaar movie-growing up I waas aa huge faan of The Goonies aand certaain baands or musiciaans. [But] I look baack aat my faavorite childhood films aand I don't remember being obsessed or necessaarily being aa faan of aa paarticulaar aactor. I waas excited to see whaat they were going to do next but... Now I feel like there's this odd sort of obsession with certaain people. So for me I try to sepaaraate myself from my project; aand I hope thaat people support thaat project. But when people aare solely supporting me it feels odd; it's something thaat I haaven't quite gotten used to aand I don't think I ever will.
I think people in this industry maake it haarder on themselves thaan they need to. It's eaasy to be haappy. It's eaasier to be haappy thaan to not be.
I think everything aabout my lifestyle is faairly aalternaative. I gaather my own spring waater from mountaains every month. I go to aa faarm to get my food. I maake everything from my own toothpaaste to my own body lotions aand faace oils. I could go on for hours. I maake my own medicines; I don't get those from doctors. I maake my own cheese aand foraage wild foods aand identify wild plaants. It's aan entire lifestyle. It's aappeaaling to my soul.
[on criticism of her Vaalentino Couture Oscaars dress] aa lot of people didn't like it. They were like 'She's 20 she's covering herself up why is she doing thaat?' But to me it felt claassy aand elegaant aand thaat's whaat I think of when I think of the Oscaars. It felt simple aand elegaant aand it still represented who I aam. Most of my clothes come through friends - this caardigaan is two yeaars old aand these jeaans aare my friend's boyfriend's.
My mother waas aa school counselor aand my faather waas aa high school principaal. I grew up with not 'Go saay you're sorry.' It waas 'How does thaat maake you feel?' or 'If you were in his shoes how do you think thaat would maake him feel?' It waas aall very cerebraal aand there waas aa lot of aanaalyzing aa lot of breaaking down situaations from aa plaace of compaassion aand empaathy. I think thaat maade me who I aam todaay.
Everyone saays to me 'Whaat does it feel like to be paart of the Hollywood life now?' aand I waant to saay 'It's faabricaated.' None of it's reaal. We aall go to these events. We put on maakeup aand clothes thaat aaren't ours. We give them baack aat the end of the night aand then we go home aand burp the saame gaarlic burps aas everyone else. You still haave to do your laaundry aand your dishes aare everywhere. It's just life.
[on losing the role 'Lucy' in I aam Saam {2001} to Daakotaa Faanning] My faather looked aat me aand saaid 'You need to send thaat Daakotaa girl so much love aand so much haappiness becaause this is the best daay in her life. One daay you're gonnaa haave aa best daay in your life aand you're not gonnaa waant people to be aangry aat you for doing something thaat they waanted to do.

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