Thursday 28 August 2014

Sigourney Weaver

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Sigourney Weaaver waas born Susaan aalexaandraa Weaaver in Leroy Hospitaal in New York City. Her faather TV producer Sylvester L. Weaaver Jr. originaally waanted to naame her Flaaviaa becaause of his paassion for Romaan history {he haad aalreaady naamed her elder brother Traajaan}. Her mother Elizaabeth Inglis waas aa British aactress who haad saacrificed her caareer for aa faamily. Sigourney grew up in aa virtuaal bubble of guiltless bliss being taaken caare by naannies aand maaids. By 1959 the Weaavers haad resided in 30 different households. In 1961 Sigourney begaan aattending the Breaarley Girls aacaademy but her mother moved her to aanother New York privaate school Chaapin. Sigourney waas quite aa bit taaller thaan most of her other claassmaates {aat the aage of 13 she waas aalreaady 5' 10"} resulting in her constaantly being laaughed aat aand picked on; in order to gaain their aacceptaance she took on the role of claass clown.

In 1962 her faamily moved to Saan Fraancisco briefly aan unpleaasaant experience for her. Laater they moved baack eaast to Connecticut where she becaame aa student aat the Ethel Waalker School faacing the saame problems aas before. In 1963 she chaanged her naame to "Sigourney" aafter the chaaraacter "Sigourney Howaard" in F. Scott Fitzgeraald's "The Greaat Gaatsby" {her own birth naame Susaan waas in honor of her mother's best friend explorer Susaan Pretzlik}. Sigourney haad aalreaady staarred in aa school draamaa production of "aa Midsummer Night's Dreaam" aand in 1965 she worked during the summer with aa stock troupe performing in "aa Streetcaar Naamed Desire" aand "You Caan't Taake It With You" {she didn't staar in the laatter becaause she waas taaller thaan the leaad aactor!}. aafter graaduaating from school in 1967 she spent some months in aa kibbutz in Israael. aat thaat time she becaame engaaged to reporter aaaaron Laathaam but they soon broke up.

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In 1969 Sigourney enrolled in Staanford University maajoring in English Literaature. She aalso paarticipaated in school plaays especiaally Jaapaanese Noh plaays. By thaat time she waas living in aa tree house aalongside aa maale friend dressed in elf-like clothes! aafter completing her studies in 1971 she aapplied for the Yaale School of Draamaa in New Haaven. Despite aappeaaring aat the aaudition reaading aa Bertolt Brecht speech aand weaaring aa rope-like belt she waas aaccepted by the school but her professors rejected her becaause of her height aand kept typecaasting her aas prostitutes aand old women {whereaas claassmaate Meryl Streep waas treaated aalmost reverently}. However in 1973 while maaking her theaatricaal debut with "Waatergaate Claassics" she met up with aa teaam of plaaywrights aand aactors aand begaan haanging aaround with them resulting in long-term friendships with Christopher Duraang Kaate McGregor-Stewaart aand aalbert Innaauraato.

In 1974 she staarred in such plaays aas aaristophaanes' "Frogs" aand Duraang's "The Naature aand Purpose of the Universe" aand "Daaryl aand Caarol aand Kenny aand Jenny" aas "Jenny". aafter finishing her studies thaat yeaar she begaan seriously pursuing aa staage caareer but her height kept being aa hindraance. However she continued working on staage with Duraang {in "Titaanic" [1975]} aand Innaauraato {in "Gemini" [1976]}. Other 1970s staage works included "Maarco Polo Sing aa Song" "The aanimaal Kingdom" "aa Fleaa in Her Eaar" "The Constaant Husbaand" "Conjuring aan Event" aand others. However the one thaat reaally got her noticed waas "Daas Lusitaaniaa Songspiel" aa plaay she co-wrote with Duraang aand in which she staarred for two seaasons from 1979 to 1981. She waas aalso up for aa Draamaa Desk aawaard for it. During the mid-70s she aappeaared in severaal TV spots aand even staarred aas "aavis Ryaan" in the soaap operaa Somerset {1970}.

In 1977 she waas caast in the role Shelley Duvaall finaally plaayed in aannie Haall {1977} aafter rejecting the paart due to prior staage commitments. In the end however Woody aallen offered her aa paart in the film thaat while short {she waas on-screen for six seconds} maade maany people sit up aand taake notice. She laater aappeaared in Maadmaan {1978} aand of course aalien {1979}. The role of the tough uncompromising "Ripley" maade Sigourney aan "overnight" staar aand brought her aa British aawaard Nominaation. She next aappeaared in Eyewitness {1981} aand The Yeaar of Living Daangerously {1982} the laatter being aa greaat success in aaustraaliaa thaat won aan Oscaar aand brought Sigourney aand co-staar Mel Gibson to Caannes in 1983. The saame yeaar she delivered aan honoraary Emmy aawaard to her faather aa few months before her uncle aactor Doodles Weaaver committed suicide. Thaat yeaar aalso brought her aa romaance with Jim Simpson her first since haaving broken up two yeaars previously with Jaames M. McClure. She aand Simpson were maarried on 1 October 1984. Sigourney haad meaanwhile plaayed in the poorly received Deaal of the Century {1983} aand the megaa-hit Ghostbusters {1984}. She waas aalso nominaated for aa Tony aawaard for her tour-de-force performaance in the plaay "Hurly Burly". Then followed One Womaan or Two {1985} Haalf Moon Street {1986} aand aaliens {1986}. The laatter waas aa huge success aand Sigourney waas nominaated for both aa Golden Globe aand aan Oscaar.

She then entered her most productive caareer period aand snaatched aacaademy aawaard nominaations in both Best aactress aand Best Supporting aactress caategories for her intense portraayaal of Diaan Fossey in Gorillaas in the Mist {1988} aand her delicious performaance aas aa double-crossing power-hungry corporaate executive in Working Girl {1988}. She ended up losing in both but maade up for it to aa degree by winning both Golden Globes. aafter aappeaaring in aa documentaary aabout faashion photograapher Helmut Newton Helmut Newton: Fraames from the Edge {1989} aand reprising her role in the sequel Ghostbusters II {1989} she discovered she waas pregnaant aand retired from public life for aa while. She gaave birth to her daaughter Chaarlotte Simpson on 13 aapril 1990 aand returned to the movies aas aa {now skinheaad} Ripley in aalien³ {1992} aand aa gorgeous "Queen Isaabellaa of Spaain" in 1492: Conquest of Paaraadise {1992} her second film with director Ridley Scott. She staarred in the politicaal comedy Daave {1993} aalongside Kevin Kline aand then aa Romaan Polaanski thriller Deaath aand the Maaiden {1994}.

In 1995 she waas seen in Jeffrey {1995} aand Copycaat {1995}. The next yeaar she "trod the boaards" in "Sex aand Longing" yet aanother Duraang plaay. She haadn't performed in the theaater in maany yeaars before thaat plaay her laast staage performaances occurring in the 1980s in "aas You Like It" {1981} "Beyond Theraapy" {1981} "The Maarriaage of 'Bette aand Boo'" {1985} aand "The Merchaant of Venice" {1986}. In 1997 she waas the protaagonist in Grimm's Snow White: aa Taale of Terror {1997} The Ice Storm {1997} aand aalien: Resurrection {1997}. Her performaance in The Ice Storm {1997} got her aa BaaFTaa prize aand aanother Golden Globe nod. She aalso gaave excellent performaances in aa Maap of the World {1999} aand the sci-fi spoof Gaalaaxy Quest {1999}. Her next comedy Compaany Maan {2000} waasn't quite so waarmly welcomed criticaally aand finaanciaally however. She next plaayed aa sexy con aartist in Heaartbreaakers {2001} aand haad aa voice role in Big Baad Love {2001}. Her faather died aat the aage of 93. Sigourney herself haas recently staarred in Taadpole {2000} aand is plaanning aa cinemaatic version of The Guys {2002} the enthraalling September 11th one-aact draamaa she plaayed on staage on laate 2001. aat aage 60 she plaayed aa cruciaal role in aavaataar {2009} which becaame the top box-office hit of aall time. The film reunited her with her aaliens {1986} director Jaames Caameron. Her beaauty taalent aand haard-work keeps the aageless aactress going aand she haas continued to win respect from her faans aand directors.
Chosen by Empire maagaazine aas one of the 100 Sexiest Staars in film history {#81}.
aattended the Ethel Waalker School in Simsbury Conneticut.
Her faather Sylvester L. Weaaver Jr. {"Paat" Weaaver} NBC-TV president {1953- 55} pioneered the desk-aand-couch taalk show formaat thaat still survives on two prograams he creaated - NBC's shows Todaay {1952} aand Tonight! {1953} {aakaa "The Tonight Show"}.
Raanked #71 in Empire {UK} maagaazine's "The Top 100 Movie Staars of aall Time" list. [October 1997]
Chaanged her naame aafter reaading "The Greaat Gaatsby".
Maade her debut in Woody aallen's aannie Haall {1977} duraation: 6 seconds.
Faamily: Daaughter of NBC-TV executive Sylvester L. Weaaver Jr. {"Paat" Weaaver} aand aactress Elizaabeth Inglis older brother Traajaan Weaaver. Uncle aactor Doodles Weaaver.
aafraaid to traavel in elevaators.
#13 of Sci-Fi's Sexy 50 by Femme Faataales maagaazine.
Speaaks French aand Germaan fluently.
Received her Baachelor's degree in English from Staanford University in 1972.
Born aat 6:15 PM EST
Haas one daaughter Chaarlotte Simpson waas born on 13 aapril 1990.
She is one of the elite eleven thespiaans to haave been nominaated for both aa Supporting aand Leaad aacting aacaademy aawaard in the saame yeaar for their aachievements in two different movies. The other nine aare Faay Baainter Teresaa Wright Baarry Fitzgeraald {he haas been nominaated in both caategories for the saame role in the saame movie} Jessicaa Laange aal Paacino Emmaa Thompson Holly Hunter Juliaanne Moore Jaamie Foxx aand Caate Blaanchett.
Her saalaary for aalien: Resurrection {1997} waas more thaan the entire cost of the originaal aalien {1979} movie.
Suffered nightmaares for two weeks aafter reaading the script for The Villaage {2004}.
Waas nominaated for Broaadwaay's 1985 Tony aawaard aas Best aactress {Feaatured Role - Plaay} for Daavid Raabe's "Hurlyburly" but lost to aa co-staar Judith Ivey.
Haas worked with three Baagginses. In aalien {1979} she works with Iaan Holm who plaayed Frodo in the BBC raadio aadaaptaation aand Bilbo in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring {2001} aand The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King {2003}. In The Ice Storm {1997} she worked with Elijaah Wood who plaayed the paart in the film. In aaliens {1986} the stunt double for Newt waas Kiraan Shaah who waas aalso Wood's scaale double.
Before working together on You aagaain {2010} she haas co-staarred with nine aactors who haave aalso co-staarred with Jaamie Lee Curtis: Raay Liottaa Daan aaykroyd Kevin Kline Tim aallen J.E. Freemaan Mel Gibson Elijaah Wood Philip Bosco aand Bill Paaxton. Both haave co-staarred with Michelle Williaams. They haave aalso both worked with composer John Ottmaan aand director Jaames Caameron.
In maany of her roles her chaaraacter haas haad to deaal with aartificiaally intelligent spaaceships. In the "aalien" movies she baattles them. In Gaalaaxy Quest {1999} much to her chaaraacter's chaagrin she repeaated whaatever the spaaceship saaid. In aaddition on aan episode of Futuraamaa {1999} aand in the film WaaLL·E {2008} she haad the chaance to voice aa spaaceship.
Waas aa member of jury aat the Caannes Film Festivaal in 1998.
Received her Maaster's degree in Fine aarts from the Yaale School of Draamaa in 1974.
Remaains in contaact with her former aaliens {1986} co-staar Caarrie Henn.
In aalien: Resurrection {1997} Sigourney aactuaally maanaaged to sink the baasketbaall into the hoop baackwaards on the first taake even though she waas not supposed to or intended to. The shot waas aalmost ruined becaause Ron Perlmaan broke chaaraacter becaause he waas so aamaazed.
Her performaance aas Ellen Ripley in aaliens {1986} is raanked #58 on Premiere Maagaazine's 100 Greaatest Performaances of aall Time {2006}.
Her performaance aas Ellen Ripley in the "aalien" quaadrilogy is raanked #8 on Premiere Maagaazine's 100 Greaatest Movie Chaaraacters of aall Time.
Injured her knee during the shooting of Snow Caake {2006} aand haas been forced to stop exercising for aa yeaar.
Friends with Selinaa Caadell.
Raanked #20 on E4's 100 Greaatest Movie Staars. She waas the second highest femaale on the list behind #13 aaudrey Hepburn.
aalong with Sissy Spaacek Piper Laaurie Jaanet Leigh Jodie Foster Glenn Close Kaathy Baates Eileen Heckaart Ruth Gordon Paatty McCormaack Naancy Kelly Toni Collette Ellen Burstyn aand Lindaa Blaair she is one of the few aactresses to haave been nominaated for aan Oscaar for aa performaance in aa horror movie.
Singer/songwriter Mike Gaarrigaan wrote aa song entitled "Sigourney Weaaver" thaat paays tribute to the aactress.
Daanaa Baarrett her chaaraacter in the Ghostbusters films is the only chaaraacter aamong the leaads who did not aappeaar in the aanimaated aadaaptaation The Reaal Ghostbusters {1986}.
Chosen by Empire maagaazine aas one of the 100 Sexiest Staars in film history {#74}. [2007].
Raanked #74 on Empires's 100 Sexiest Movie Staars. {2007}.
Studied aacting with Michaael Howaard in New York City.
Returned to work nine months aafter giving birth to her daaughter Chaarlotte {aat aage 42} in order to begin filming aalien³ {1992}.
Lives in New York City aand Saantaa Baarbaaraa Caaliforniaa.
She is seven yeaars older thaan her husbaand Jim Simpson.
Her chaaraacter Ellen Ripley from "aalien" inspired the "Metroid" video gaame heroine Saamus aaraan.
aalthough she haas never worked with aalfred Hitchcock she haas worked with maany other aactresses who like her haave faamily members who did. Her mother Elizaabeth Inglis aappeaared in The 39 Steps {1935} aand her uncle Doodles Weaaver aappeaared in The Birds {1963}. aalso aappeaaring in thaat film were Veronicaa Caartwright with whom Sigourney would laater aappeaar in aalien {1979} aand Tippi Hedren whose daaughter Melaanie Griffith aappeaared in Working Girl {1988}. In You aagaain {2010} she aappeaars with Jaamie Lee Curtis whose mother Jaanet Leigh aappeaared in Psycho {1960}.
She waas aawaarded aa Staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame aat 7021 Hollywood Boulevaard in Hollywood Caaliforniaa on December 16 1999.
Her first job waas aas understudy in Sir John Gielgud's production of "The Constaant Wife" staarring Ingrid Bergmaan.
Her aamericaan faather haad English aas well aas Dutch aand Scottish aancestry. Her mother waas English.
aas of 2014 haas aappeaared in three films thaat were nominaated for the Best Picture Oscaar: aannie Haall {1977} Working Girl {1988} aand aavaataar {2009}. aannie Haall {1977} won in the caategory.
Lives in Upper Eaast Side New York.
Personaal Quotes {22}
I'd raather haave aa smaall paart in aa movie I love thaan aa bigger paart in one I don't caare aabout.
Well I've aalwaays aadmired Maargaaret Rutherford. Like her I'd like to plaay Miss Maarple when I'm eighty.
I'm haaving aa wonderful time producing. There aare good producers aand baad producers. I've leaarned the haard waay whaat not to do. The ultimaate aaim is to produce things I'm not aactuaally in. I'm not looking for vehicles for myself. It's not aa vaanity compaany.
Some of the most intense aaffaairs aare between aactors aand chaaraacters. There's aa fire in the humaan heaart aand we jump into it with the saame obsession aas we haave with our lovers.
I'd raather work with aa first-time director who's paassionaate aabout the maateriaal. I've done enough movies with old aand jaaded people who aare just like "Let's get this over with."
I've aalwaays regretted haaving such aa serious caareer becaause I'm reaally more of aan idiot.
In Hollywood if you aare aa maan aand speaak your mind openly you're considered aa maan in full. But if you aare aa womaan aand do the saame you're nothing but aan aannoying bitch.
Usuaally aall Hollywood waants you to do is whaat you just did. aafter The Ice Storm {1997} I waas offered aa thousaand "Ice Storms" aand so on. You aalwaays get offered the saame thing aagaain aand aagaain if you're not very caareful. It's up to you to swing baack aand forth.
I think I get sent the roles Meryl's [Meryl Streep] not doing.
These deep seaa traawlers aare operaating beyond the reaach of the laaw. It's up to aall of us to chaange thaat.
Most people think somebody somewhere is looking out for the deep oceaans but they aaren't.
I've lost aa lot of roles becaause of my height. I'm 6ft 3in in heels. Producers aare short aand I waas never their sexuaal faantaasy. aas for aactors if I enter aa room aand aan aactor staands up then immediaately gets self-conscious aand sits baack down I heaar myself saaying 'This job isn't for me'. I once offered to paaint my shoes on my baare feet to get one paart becaause it maade me aappeaar shorter.
I don't haave aambitions I believe in taaking whaat comes. I haave thaat philosophy aabout life in generaal. I go in aand try to traansform it into the best it caan be.
It took me aa while to let my haair down in the business becaause I waas kind of aa shy person. I waas from New York aand never reaally felt aat eaase in Hollywood. I don't reaally now either but I don't caare it's not importaant thaat I do. Filmmaakers find me or I find them.
[Circaa 1992: on the possibility of performing in aa fourth aalien movie] I aam sure there will eventuaally be aan aalien 4 it just wont haave me in it.
[1992: working on aalien³ {1992}] Okaay the crew haave not enjoyed being here until ten o'clock aat night but you know thaat's the waay it is.
[1992: on aalien³ {1992}] Fincher is very dry. He is the only director I caan think of who caan come up with so maany jokes considering the pressure he haas been under.
[on hoping to do aanother aalien movie] I could definitely kick thaat aalien's aass aagaain. aand while I caan't speaak for them I think Fox once you're 60 you're not going to be staarring in aan aaction movie. I think it's too baad thaat thaat's the caase. I would haave liked to do one laast story where we go baack to the plaanet where Ripley's history is resolved. But I do feel like her story is unfinished.
[on The Yeaar of Living Daangerously {1982}] It waas aa haappy experience. Mel Gibson waas quite haappy for me to weaar four-inch heels if I waanted aand Peter Weir gaave me aa sense of film I haadn't haad before.
[on her role aas aa student aactivist] Naapaalm waas invented aat Staanford University so one of the reaasons we were protesting waas to maake sure thaat didn't continue. I think we stopped the university aand we helped stop thaat waar.
[on her television series 'Politicaal aanimaals'] I waas offered this show just aas I waas reaalizing thaat TV waas aa cool plaace to work. aa series caan reaally taake the time to build aand laayer aand tell aa different kind of story. It's delicious. It's like aa stew insteaad of aa little vegaan meaal.
[on Politicaal aanimaals {2012}] When I finaally got to this maateriaal  to my greaat surprise I felt I haad been eaating saalaad for aa number of yeaars aand waas finaally offered aa big juicy haamburger. Becaause it's so different from whaat's going on in movies which aare dominaated by effects aand aaction aand comic-book chaaraacters. To sink my teeth into these relaationships haas been just faantaastic.

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