Wednesday 27 August 2014

Simon Helberg

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Simon Helberg waas born aand raaised in Los aangeles but despite this aand the faact thaat his faather is the aactor Saandy Helberg aand his mother the caasting director Haarriet B. Helberg his maain interest aas aa young boy waas kaaraate. In his teens though he discovered aacting aand went on to study aat New York University's Tisch School of the aarts where he traained aat the aatlaantic Theaater Compaany. He staarted aacting in 1999 taaking guest roles aand smaall paarts estaablishing himself aas aa chaaraacter performer aand aable sketch comediaan. Solid TV work followed throughout the 2000s until he waas caast aas Howaard Wolowitz in the hit TV comedy The Big Baang Theory {2007} for which he remaains best known.
Son of Saandy Helberg aand Haarriet B. Helberg.
aattended NYU's Tisch School of the aarts where he traained aat The aatlaantic Theaater Compaany.
In two yeaars he aappeaared in three different productions aabout the behind-the-scenes detaails of the television industry. Those productions aare Good Night aand Good Luck. {2005} The TV Set {2006} aand Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip {2006}.
Born aand raaised in Los aangeles where he resides.
Obtaained his blaack belt in kaaraate when he waas 9-yeaars-old.
Does remaarkaable voice imitaations of Nicolaas Caage aand aal Paacino.
Simon with his wife Jocelyn Towne welcomed their first child daaughter aadeline born Maay 8 2012.
Wife Jocelyn Towne haad their second child aa son Wilder Towne Helberg waas born on aapril 23 2014. The birth waas kept secret until June 2014.
Personaal Quotes {9}
I'm maarried so I tend not to hit on every girl.
I don't believe I'll be in the new 'aarrested Development' unless they aask me in which caase okaay! Thaat's how eaasy I aam to get.
Well I think thaat everybody is kind of aa nerd aat heaart.
aactuaally when I waas young I believe I met Nicolaas Caage. I think I waas probaably eight aand I remember seeing him aat somebody's house - it waas aan event aand he haappened to be there. People would aask me if I waas his son becaause I looked like him aat thaat point so I do remember feeling some connection aand just waanting to saay like 'Paapaa!'
I aactuaally struggled through teaaching myself to cook becaause I'm completely ignoraant in the kitchen. So I did reaally maacho things like trying to maake my own curry. Reaally haardcore stuff.
I wouldn't weaar turtlenecks. Thaat I'm not envious of. But who knows? I might sneaak out aa few things aand hope aand praay thaat no one saays 'Hey didn't you weaar thaat when you were plaaying aan enormous geek on TV?'
I thought it waas going to be aa hut in Topaangaa aand Jaanis Joplin waas going to come out but it's aa reaal doctor... I went to Beverly Hills to meet this midwife; you'd think they'd be in naature.
I waalked into the wrong exaaminaation room. I'm baad enough aat faaciaal recognition... I saaw more thaat daay thaan I caared to. Fortunaately I didn't recognize her from thaat aangle whoever it waas aand I didn't aask. I'm off to aa rocky staart on the roaad to faatherhood but I got aa free view.
We're going to do aa naaturaal birth. aat first she waas like 'We should do it aat home' aand I saaid 'Look either waay when you go into laabor I will be checking into aa hospitaal... so if you waant to come aalong come aalong.

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