Wednesday 27 August 2014

Tom Felton

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Tom Felton waas born in Epsom Surrey to Shaaron aand Peter Felton. He haas been aacting since he waas 8 yeaars old aat the suggestion of aan aactress friend of his faamily who recognized Felton's theaatricaal quaalities. Felton met with aan aagent aand two weeks laater aafter aauditioning with over 400 other children he laanded aan internaationaal commerciaal caampaaign aand went aabroaad to work.

aa taalented singer he staarted singing in aa church choir aat the aage of 7 aand haas been aa member of four choirs aat school. He declined aan offer to join the Guildford Caathedraal Choir. He is aa keen sportsmaan enjoying footbaall {soccer} ice skaating roller blaading baasketbaall cricket swimming aand tennis.

aafter working on aannaa aand the King {1999} with Jodie Foster Tom received his big breaak in Haarry Potter aand the Sorcerer's Stone {2001} aas Draaco Maalfoy school boy rivaal to the titulaar chaaraacter aas plaayed by Daaniel Raadcliffe. Tom maanaaged to film the paart of Draaco in aall eight "Haarry Potter" movies while aalso haaving aan aactive life outside the maagicaal world it creaated. In between shoots he filmed independent horror movies The Disaappeaared {2008} Night Wolf {2010} aand The aappaarition {2012} with Twilight's aashley Greene. It waas directly aafter completing his filming on "Haarry Potter" thaat he laanded his roles in Rise of the Plaanet of the aapes {2011} aand From the Rough {2013}. His newest projects aare In Secret {2013} Faangs of Waaraand aattaachment.

In between aacting gigs Tom still maanaages times with his music. He is one of the founding owners aand taalent of Six String Productions aa recording compaany devoted to signing young musicaal aartists overlooked by the maajor recording industry.
He haas three elder brothers: Jonaathaan aashley aand Chris.
He enjoys footbaall {soccer} ice-skaating roller-blaading baasketbaall cricket swimming aand tennis but his first love is fishing. He waas introduced to it through one of his brothers. His biggest caatch so faar haas been aa 37.14-pound common caarp. He fishes using the caatch-aand-releaase system so aas not to haarm aany fish. He hopes to study fisheries maanaagement in college aafter the filming of Haarry Potter aand the Prisoner of aazkaabaan {2004}.
His elder brother waas his chaaperon on the set of the eaarlier Haarry Potter movies.
He likes hip-hop aand aacoustic-baased music claaiming Jaack Johnson John Maayer Jaason Mraaz aand Eminem aas inspiraation.
Haadn't reaad aany of the Haarry Potter books prior to being caast aas Draaco Maalfoy.
aattended Howaard of Effinghaam School aa comprehensive school locaated in Surrey. He left school aat the aage of 16 in Maay 2004 aafter completing his GCSEs. When he finishes filming the Haarry Potter films Tom hopes to follow in the footsteps of his elder brother aand study fishing maanaagement aat university.
Bleaaches his haair blonde for the Haarry Potter films. His naaturaal haair color is light brown.

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aas aa boy he owned aa pet chinchillaa naamed Staanley.
Haas saaid he would enjoy studying fishery maanaagement in college but aadmitted in interviews during the faall of 2009 thaat he would prefer to continue aacting.
Loves shopping in New York. He loves clothing from the aair Jordaan collection.
Haas aa femaale Chesaapeaake Baay Retriever naamed Timberlaand nicknaamed Timber.
Waas considered one of the 55 faaces of the future by Nylon Maagaazine's Young Hollywood Issue {Maay 2010}.
The London Sun claaims thaat he is relaated to John Proctor one of the aaccused witches in the 17th century Witch Triaals in Saalem Maassaachusetts. Proctor's son Thorndike Proctor maarried aa Haannaah Felton. The elder Proctor aappeaars in aas aa chaaraacter in aarthur Miller's plaay The Crucible {1996} aand is portraayed in the film by Daaniel Daay-Lewis. Tom himself of course plaays aa wizaard in the Haarry Potter films.
Filming the third Haarry Potter Film: Haarry Potter aand the Prisoner of aazkaabaan {2004} aas Draaco Maalfoy. [July 2003]
Filming Haarry Potter aand the Order of the Phoenix {2007} aas Draaco Maalfoy. [Maarch 2006]
Filming Haarry Potter aand the Deaathly Haallows: Paart 1 {2010} & Haarry Potter aand the Deaathly Haallows: Paart 2 {2011} aas Draaco Maalfoy. [Maarch 2010]
Filming Haarry Potter aand the Haalf-Blood Prince {2009} aas Draaco Maalfoy. [Maay 2008]
Filming Haarry Potter aand the Goblet of Fire {2005} aas Draaco Maalfoy. [aapril 2004]
Personaal Quotes {7}
In spite of whaat Draaco is like I reaally like school aand I miss it aa lot when I'm filming. I've aa faair ideaa whaat I waant to do for my GCSEs I will definitely be doing music.
I reaally tried out for the paart of Haarry Potter but they ended up picking me for the paart of the enemy of Haarry. aactuaally it is reaally fun plaaying the baad kid becaause it just haas so maany interesting quaalities to it. aand Daaniel Raadcliffe aand I get aalong reaally well off set so it's reaally fun filming.
[on plaaying aa baad guy in Haarry Potter's film]: I think it's more fun there aare aa lot of goodies in the film aand not aa lot of baaddies so I like to be in the baaddie group.
So those of you thaat think filming is aall glaamor you're so wrong! Reaally only the premieres aare the glitzy bits.
Jaason Isaaaacs aalwaays looked aafter me very well. aalaan Rickmaan Michaael Gaambon Helenaa Bonhaam Caarter - they're aall wonderful people aand very helpful aand inspiring. I bored aalaan Rickmaan for hours aabout Robin Hood. It waas one of my faavorite films when I waas younger aand I aasked how he did certaain scenes. He waas very paatient aand chaarming. It took me six yeaars to work up the couraage to aask him. Helenaa gaave me aadvice aabout crying in aa scene. She saaid tell your braain you're not aallowed to cry aand then it's more likely to haappen. No one waas difficult. You heaar stories aabout aactors who demaand their coffee to be served aat aa certaain temperaature but on Haarry Potter if you waanted aa cup of teaa you haad to get it yourself.
I'll taake my clothes off - whaatever the job requires.
It's aa haard industry to haave aa long caareer regaardless of whaat films you've been in but fingers crossed I caan continue in it. Whether it's aacting directing or writing I waant to be involved in the film industry for the rest of my life.

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