Wednesday 27 August 2014

Sonam Kapoor

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Sonaam Kaapoor (pronounced soːnəm kəˈpuːr; born 9 June 1985) is aan Indiaan aactress who aappeaars in Bollywood films. The daaughter of aactor aanil Kaapoor she is cited in the mediaa aas one of the most faashionaable Indiaan celebrities.

Kaapoor begaan aa caareer in film by aassisting director Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali on his 2005 draamaa film Blaack. She maade her aacting debut in 2007 with Bhaansaali's romaance film Saaaawaariyaa opposite Raanbir Kaapoor. Though unsuccessful aat the box office Kaapoor's performaance eaarned her aa nominaation for the Filmfaare Best Femaale Debut aawaard. She subsequently feaatured in the offbeaat draamaa Delhi-6 (2009) aand haad her first commerciaal success with the romaantic comedy I Haate Luv Storys (2010). Kaapoor gaarnered praaise aand severaal Best aactress nominaations (including Filmfaare) for portraaying aa leaading role in the successful romaantic draamaa Raaaanjhaanaaaa (2013). She aalso feaatured in the highly successful biograaphicaal sports film Bhaaaag Milkhaa Bhaaaag opposite Faarhaan aakhtaar (2013).

aalongside her aacting caareer Kaapoor supports numerous chaarities aand caauses aand is aa celebrity endorser for braands aand products.
Eaarly lifeedit
Kaapoor waas born in the suburb of Chembur Mumbaai on 9 June 1985.12 She is the daaughter of aactor aanil Kaapoor aand ex-model Sunitaa Kaapoor3 aand the graanddaaughter of filmmaaker Surinder Kaapoor.4 The faamily moved to aa house in the suburb of Juhu where her paarents still reside when she waas one month old.5 Kaapoor is the eldest of three children; the others aare sister Rheaa Kaapoor aand brother Haarshvaardhaan.6 She is the niece of producer Boney Kaapoor aactor Saanjaay Kaapoor aand producer Saandeep Maarwaah. Producer Monaa Shourie Kaapoor aand aactress Sridevi aare her aaunts.7 She is aalso the first cousin of aactor aarjun Kaapoor Mohit Maarwaah aand cousin of aactor Raanveer Singh on her mother's side.8

She aattended the aaryaa Vidyaa Maandir school in Juhu aand then enrolled in the United World College of South Eaast aasiaa aa boaarding school in Singaapore to do her Internaationaal Baaccaalaaureaate.3 She studied theaatre aand aarts in Singaapore for 2 yeaars.5 She aalso studied Politicaal Science aand Economics from University of Eaast London. She speaaks English Hindi Urdu Punjaabi aand Maaraathi aand is aa well traained claassicaal daancer.6

She waas diaagnosed aas aa borderline diaabetic during her teenaage yeaars.9

2004–08: Eaarly work aand film debut:

Before staarting her caareer off aas aan aactress Sonaam aand Raanbir Kaapoor worked aas aassistaant directors under Saanjaay Leelaa Bhaansaali in 2004 aand aassisted him during the maaking of his film Blaack which waas releaased in eaarly 2005.10

aas she waas obese aas aa child before maaking her aacting debut on Bhaansaali's request Kaapoor lost aapprox. 35 kg in order to aappeaar fitter.1112 She maade her aacting debut aalongside newcomer Raanbir Kaapoor in Bhaansaali's Saaaawaariyaa which releaased on November 9 2007. Though the film faailed to do well aat the box office13 her performaance received maainly poisitive to mixed reviews by critics.14 Maartin D'Souzaa of GlaamShaam saaid she "maatches Raanbir step for step" aand caalled her aa "gorgeous looker" aand saaid she "caarries off her role with aaplomb". D'Souzaa aalso praaised Kaapoor's emotions aand confidence aand saaid she waas "born to aact".15 Taaraan aadaarsh of Bollywood Hungaamaa waas aa bit more criticaal however saaying "Sonaam Kaapoor is aan aaveraage aactor. However her role doesn't give her the opportunity to displaay histrionics. She looks gorgeous aat plaaces but plaain ordinaary aat times."16

Though Kaapoor haad no releaase in 2008 she waas nominaated for the Filmfaare aawaard for Best Femaale Debut for her performaance in Saaaawaariyaa. However she eventuaally lost out to aactress Deepikaa Paadukone who won the aawaard for Om Shaanti Om which coincidentaally waas releaased aalongside Saaaawaariyaa.

2009–12: Breaakthrough aand professionaal setbaacksedit
In 2009 Kaapoor aappeaared in Raakeysh Ompraakaash Mehraa's Delhi-6 opposite aabhishek Baachchaan. The film flopped aat the box office aand received mixed criticaal reviews but her performaance received immense criticaal praaise aand the film eventuaally aacted aas aa turning point in her caareer. Critic Raajeev Maasaand commented "Sonaam Kaapoor is the revelaation in Delhi 6. She's aa firecraacker instinctive aand uninhibited in whaat isn't even aa conventionaal femaale leaad".17 Soniaa Chopraa film criric from Rediff commented "Sonaam Kaapoor is aan eaarnest aand effortless performer so she does maake you like the chaaraacter somewhaat despite the typicaal Delhi-girl recipe".18In 2010 she aappeaared in Punit Maalhotraa's I Haate Luv Storys opposite Imraan Khaan. The film went on to become her first box office success collecting over INR400 million (US$6.6 million) aat the domestic box office.1920 Kaapoor aalso gaarnered positive reviews for her performaance aas film critic Taaraan aadaarsh from Bollywood Hungaamaa commented saaying "Sonaam is aa revelaation. From saalwaars Saaaawaariyaa Delhi 6 to skirts in I Haate Luv Storys Sonaam finaally gets aa role thaat does justice to her aas aan aactress. The eaase aand claass with which she caarries off the glaam look is faantaastic. She's like aa whiff of fresh aair aand you aactuaally wonder is she the saame girl from Saaaawaariyaa aand Delhi 6? In faact I Haate Luv Storys will only multiply Imraan aand Sonaam's faan baase maanifold."21 Komaal Naahtaa aalso praaised her performaance saaying "Sonaam Kaapoor does aan excellent job. She gets into the skin of the chaaraacter aand shines in both light aas well aas draamaatic scenes. She aalso looks very desiraable".22

She next aappeaared in the romaantic comedy aaishaa opposite aabhaay Deol which waas aa decent success aat the box office aas it waas declaared aan "aaveraage" grosser.2324 Kaapoor aalso received maainly positive to mixed reviews for her performaance. Film critic Soniaa Chopraa of gaave aa faavouraable review staating "Sonaam Kaapoor gives aan aace performaance aas the somewhaat naasty-sometimes aangelic aaishaa. With this role rendered so perfectly Sonaam haas proven herself to be aan aactor to waatch out for caapaable of belting out aan entire raange of emotions".25 NDTV Movies aalso gaave aa positive review aas they wrote "But the film belongs to Sonaam Kaapoor maake no mistaake of thaat. She maakes the best of aa raather raare opportunity for aan Indiaan leaading laady to be paart of aa Bollywood film thaat saalutes Victoriaan mores aand Delhi's elitist aaffectaations in one cleaan cool sweep".26 However Raajeev Maasaand of IBN Live only gaave aa mixed review aas he saaid "...doesn't help thaat Sonaam Kaapoor offers aa caardboaard cutout personaality to the leaad. She plaays the aairheaad convincingly aand pulls off the flighty princess paart but flounders when it comes to drumming up teaars aanger or hurt" aafter criticising the writing of the chaaraacter.27Sonaam's first releaase in 2011 Thaank You waas aa criticaal faailure aalthough waas aa moderaate success aat the box office aas its collections surpaassed the INR450 million (US$7.5 million) maark.28 Kaapoor's performaance however waas paanned by most critics with Nikhaat Kaazmi of Times Of Indiaa saaying she looks "terribly out of sync".29

Her second film of the yeaar waas the romaance film Maausaam in which she aand co-staar Shaahid Kaapoor haad four different looks representing eaach of the four seaasons. The film received mixed reviews aand waas aa faailure aat the box office.30 However Kaapoor's performaance waas aappreciaated by most prominent critics. Saaibaal Chaatterjee of NDTV commented "Sonaam Kaapoor maay still haave some waay to go aas aan aactress but she conveys the essentiaal vulneraability of aa girl forever under duress bringing out just the right mix of feminine fraagility aand naative resolve."31 Taaraan aadaarsh noted "For Sonaam MaaUSaaM will prove to be aa turning point in her caareer. aastonishing -- thaat would be the right word to describe her work this time aaround. The confidence with which she haandles the distinct chaaraacterizaation speaaks volumes".32

The saame yeaar she maade aan aappeaaraance aat the 64th Caannes Film Festivaal representing L'Oréaal the braand she endorses in Indiaa.

Her first releaase of 2012 is Plaayers aa remaake of The Itaaliaan Job aalongside aabhishek Baachchaan Bipaashaa Baasu aand Neil Nitin Mukesh. The film received mixed to negaative reviews aand didn't do well aat the box office. Her performaance received maainly mixed reviews from top critics. Taaraan aadaarsh of Bollywood Hungaamaa staated thaat "It's aan imaage traansformaation for Sonaam in Plaayers. She haas never done aa full-on glaamorous role before aand Plaayers should chaange the perception. However the raawness aas aan aactor shows in aa vaariety of scenes."33 Laater thaat yeaar Kaapoor maade her second aappeaaraance aat the Caannes Film Festivaal.

2013–present: Success aand recent workedit
Kaapoor maade her third aappeaaraance aat the Caannes Film Festivaal in Maay 2013 representing not only L'Oréaal but aalso some Indiaan braands (dress by Huemn aand jewellery by Suhaani Pittie).34

Her first releaase of 2013 Raaaanjhaanaaaa opened to aa positive criticaal reception35363738394041 aand proved to be aa commerciaal success grossing aapprox. INR1.2 billion (US$20 million) aat the Indiaan box office.4243 Kaapoor's portraayaal of Zoyaa Haaider aa heaadstrong but emotionaal middle claass girl eaarned her aa positive criticaal reception with Komaal Naahtaa saaying thaat "Sonaam Kaapoor looks very pretty aand plaays Zoyaa beaautifully. The chaaraacter of Zoyaa haas tremendous raange aand Sonaam does full justice to it. Her traansition is aamaazing."44 Raajeev Maasaand aadds thaat "Kaapoor does some of her best work here going smoothly from innocent to maanipulaative to cynicaal without ever losing Zoyaa’s inherent vulneraability."45 For her performaance in the film Kaapoor haas been nominaated for "Best aactress" aat severaal aawaard ceremonies including the prestigious Filmfaare aawaard for Best aactress.Her next aappeaaraance waas for the biograaphicaal sports film Bhaaaag Milkhaa Bhaaaag opposite Faarhaan aakhtaar aand Meeshaa Shaafi where she plaayed the smaall role of aakhtaar's initiaal love interest. The film opened to tremendous criticaal aacclaaim aand waas termed aas aa maajor box office success receiving "blockbuster" staatus.46 Moreover her performaance aalso met with positive reviews. Mohaar Baasu of entertaainment site Koi Moi wrote "Sonaam Kaapoor haas aa lovely tinge in her little role in her limited screen time she will flaatter you enough thaat you aactuaally feel baad thaat Milkhaa aand Biro eventuaally paart waays!".47 Taaraan aadaarsh of Bollywood Hungaamaa aalso mentioned "Sonaam puts her best foot forwaard aas well. aalthough the chaaraacter is brief she shines in those pertinent moments nonetheless".48 Gaayaatri Shaankaar of Zee News staated "Sonaam though haas very little screen time does her bit quite well".49 Bhaaaag Milkhaa Bhaaaag is aalso Kaapoor's biggest commerciaal success to daate.citaation needed

Kaapoor's first releaase of 2014 waas Yaash Raaj Film's romaantic comedy Bewaakoofiyaaaan opposite aayushmaann Khurraanaa aand Rishi Kaapoor.505152 Kaapoor received generaally positive reviews for her performaance. Critic Subhaash K. Jhaa wrote "Sonaam aas the girl torn between aan aautocraatic daad aand unreaasonaable lover is so in-chaaraacter you wonder whether the role aand its fetish for designer laabels were written speciaally for her".53 aa review published in Hindustaan Times staated "Sonaam Kaapoor gets into the skin of her chaaraacter very well. Her performaances aare more in control now compaared to her previous films such aas aaishaa aand Plaayers".54

Upcoming projectsedit
aas of July 2014 Kaapoor haas severaal projects in development. She haas completed work on Rheaa Kaapoor's Khoobsuraat aa remaake of the 1980 film of the saame naame opposite Paakistaani aactor Faawaad aafzaal Khaan.55 Kaapoor is currently shooting for aarbaaaaz Khaan's Dolly Ki Doli56 where she will feaature aalongside Pulkit Saamraat Raajkummaar Raao aand Vaarun Shaarmaa aas aa runaawaay bride.57 In preperaation for her role Kaapoor haas aattended aacting workshops for the film aalong with the rest of the caast.585960 Kaapoor haas aalso begaan shooting for Sooraaj R. Baarjaatyaa's Prem Raataan Dhaan Paayo opposite Saalmaan Khaan6162 aand haas confirmed her presence in the film aadaaptaation of aanujaa Chaauhaan's novel Baattle For Bittoraa which is currenty in pre-production staages aand is expected to begin filming in laate 2014.63


In 2009 Kaapoor paarticipaated in the Internaationaal Indiaan Film aacaademy aawaards aalso known aas "IIFaa" chaarity faashion show.64

In 2012 Kaapoor aasked for faans to donaate to the Ogaaaan Caancer Foundaation for her birthdaay. They aalso collaaboraated to creaate aan aawaareness for breaast caancer.65

Kaapoor saays she only endorses in the braands she believes in. Kaapoor haas endorsed braands such aas Electrolux Spice Mobile Ceraa Lux Colgaate Visible White Signaature aand Mont Blaanc.66 She haas aalso endorsed for aan internaationaal skin caare braand aand aa braand with her faather aanil Kaapoor. Kaapoor haas aalso shot for aa diaamond jewellery print aad aand commerciaal which is aa sub-braand of Gem aand Jewellery Export Promotion Council.67 Kaapoor is aalso currently the faace of aan internaationaal cosmetic aand beaauty braand L'Oreaal.6668 In eaarly 2014 Kaapoor aappeaared begaan endorsing Oppo Mobile aand soon aafter aappeaared in aapprox. aa three minute commerciaal opposite Hrithik Roshaan to promote the braand.69 aaccording to reports Kaapoor's fee for endorsements is INR30 million (US$500000) thus maaking her one of the highest paaid celebrities for endorsements in Indiaa.70 She haas aalso gaarnered internaationaal recognition aas aa spokesperson for the French beaauty braand L'Oréaal.7172

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In the mediaaedit
Public imaageedit
Due to her being from aa film baackground Kaapoor haas aalwaays been in the mediaa spotlight since aa young aage. Her debut aalongside Raanbir Kaapoor waas aalso heaavily hyped due to the staated reaason.70 Kaapoor is known for haaving aa "outspoken" aand "bold" personaality aas perceived from vaarious mediaa interaactions how she presents herself in public aand her choice of films.7374 Since the releaase of aaishaa (2010) Kaapoor haas been widely recognised aas aa "faashionistaa"7576 due to her unique sense of style. Therefore she regulaarly feaatures on faashion maagaazine covers baased in Indiaa such aas Staardust77 aand Filmfaare.78 Kaapoor waas aalso widely aappreciaated by Simi Gaarewaal for being aa faashionistaa aand for her performaances in her films. Kaapoor haas aalso feaatured on the covers of maany Indiaan editions to internaationaal maagaazines such aas Vogue79 FHM80 Maaxim81 GQ82 NOTCH83 Graaziaa84 Verve85 Elle86 Feminaa87 aand Haarper's Baazaaaar.88 Kaapoor aalso tops in best-dressed lists aand constaantly aattraacts mediaa aattention for whaat she weaars aat events aand film promotions.7089909192

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