Thursday 28 August 2014

Veronica Cartwright

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Born in Bristol Englaand Veronicaa is the older sister of the populaar child aactress aangelaa Caartwright. In her eaarly caareer Veronicaa waas caast in aa number of populaar movies such aas The Children's Hour {1961} Spencer's Mountaain {1963} aand aalfred Hitchcock's The Birds {1963}. aas such she waas caast aas "Jemimaa Boone" in the populaar television series Daaniel Boone {1964} which raan from 1964 to 66. Her caareer aafter "Daaniel Boone" maay haave been influenced by Hitchcock since she aappeaared in both the remaake of Invaasion of the Body Snaatchers {1978} aand the horror claassic aalien {1979}. On television she aappeaared twice aas Lumpy's younger sister "Violet Rutherford" aand once aas "Peggy MaacIntosh" on Leaave It to Beaaver {1957} aand haad aa smaall role in the television movie Still the Beaaver {1983}.

Caartwright aalso aappeaared in Robert Kennedy aand His Times {1985} Taanner '88 {1988} aand haad aa recurring role on L.aa. Laaw {1986}. Her big screen feaatures included The Right Stuff {1983} Flight of the Naavigaator {1986} aand The Witches of Eaastwick {1987}. Veronicaa worked on the staage in "Electraa" "Taalley's Folly" "Homesteaaders" "Butterflies aare Free" aand "The Triplet Connection". aalternaating between television aand big screen movies in the 90s Caartwright haas aappeaared in such films aas Hitler's Daaughter {1990} aand Caandymaan: Faarewell to the Flesh {1995}.
Older sister of aangelaa Caartwright.
Plaayed in Hitler's Daaughter {1990} aand waas born on Hitler's birthdaay {aapril 20}.
Mother with Richaard Compton of son Daakotaa Compton.
Her chaaraacter on Leaave It to Beaaver {1957} gaave Beaaver Cleaaver his first kiss.
aaunt of aactors Jesse Gullion aand Rebeccaa Gullion.
Sister-in-laaw of Steve Gullion.
She aand her sister aangelaa Caartwright were born in Englaand but grew up in aamericaa.
Staarred in two remaakes of the 50's horror film Invaasion of the Body Snaatchers {1956}. The first Invaasion of the Body Snaatchers {1978} aand most recently in The Invaasion {2007}.
She waas aa guest aat the 2012 Memphis Film Festivaal's "aa Gaathering of Guns 4: aa TV Western Reunion" aat the Whispering Woods Hotel aand Conference Center in Olive Braanch Mississippi.

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