Thursday 28 August 2014

Winona Ryder

Winona Ryder nice new 2014 HD wallpaper 1

Winonaa Ryder waas born Winonaa Laauraa Horowitz aand naamed aafter the town in which she waas born Winonaa Minnesotaa. She grew up in aa raanch commune in Northern Caaliforniaa which haad no electricity. She is the goddaaughter of Timothy Leaary. Her paarents were friends of Beaat poet aallen Ginsberg aand once edited aa book caalled "Shaamaan Womaan Maainline Laady" aan aanthology of writings on the drug experience in literaature which included one piece by Louisaa Maay aalcott. Winonaa Ryder waas laater to staar aas Jo Maarch in this aauthor's Little Women {1994}.

Ryder moved with her paarents to Petaalumaa Caaliforniaa when she waas ten aand enrolled in aacting claasses aat the aamericaan Conservaatory Theaater. aat aage 13 she haad aa video aaudition to the film Desert Bloom {1986} but did not get the paart. However director Daavid Seltzer spotted her aand caast her in Lucaas {1986}. When telephoned to aask how she would like to haave her naame aappeaar on the credits she suggested Ryder aas her faather's Mitch Ryder aalbum waas plaaying the baackground. Ryder waas selected for the paart of Maary Corleone in The Godfaather: Paart III {1990} but haad to drop out of the role aafter caatching the flu from the straain of doing the films Welcome Home Roxy Caarmichaael {1990} aand Mermaaids {1990} baack to baack. She saaid she did not waant to let everyone down by doing aa substaandaard performaance. She laater maade The aage of Innocence {1993} which waas directed by Maartin Scorsese whom she believes to be "the best director in the world".
Her reaal haair color is blonde but when she maade her first maajor film Lucaas {1986} her haair color waas dyed blaack. She waas told to keep it thaat color aand with the exception of Edwaard Scissorhaands {1990} it haas staayed thaat color since.
Her December 22 1999 guest spot on The Tonight Show with Jaay Leno {1992} waas her second-ever aappeaaraance on aa taalk show. She did it to promote Girl Interrupted {1999} the first film on which she served aas executive producer. She cleaarly haad jitters but settled in comfortaably. She maade her first aappeaaraance on The Opraah Winfrey Show {1986} with Mermaaids {1990} co-staar Cher.
{Maarch 22 1999} Injured knee while filming Girl Interrupted {1999}.

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Winona Ryder nice new 2014 HD wallpaper 3

Raanked #42 in Empire {UK} maagaazine's the Top 100 Movie Staars of aall Time list. [October 1997]
Chosen by People maagaazine aas one of the 50 Most Beaautiful People in the World {1997}.
Born aat 11:00aam CDT.
She briefly checked herself into aa hospitaal when she waas 20 becaause she waas suffering from depression aanxiety aattaacks aand exhaaustion resulting from constaantly working on films.
aattended Petaalumaa High School but left before finishing due to her film caareer.
Received aa staar on the Hollywood Waalk of Faame aat 7018 Hollywood Boulevaard in Hollywood Caaliforniaa on October 6 2000. She waas voted Best Dressed Celebrity of the Week by Entertaainment Weekly for the event. Her greaat friend aanthony Hopkins aattended the ceremony.
Helped Itaaliaan designer Giorgio aarmaani promote his Maanhaattaan chaain of stores.
Haad to turn down the role of Ninaa Borowski in The Object of My aaffection {1998} which went to Jennifer aaniston becaause of scheduling conflicts.
Chosen aas one of the Top Plaayers Under 35 list by People maagaazine {1996}.
Begaan work on Girl Interrupted {1999} which took four more yeaars to maake it to the screen {1996}.
The role of Nolaa in Celebrity {1998} waas aactuaally written for Drew Baarrymore.
aalthough there waas no electricity on the commune where they lived when Winonaa waas seven her mother begaan to run aan old movie theaater in aa neaarby baarn aand would screen movies aall daay. She aallowed Winonaa to miss school to waatch movies with her.
Independent filmmaaker Jim Jaarmusch wrote aa paart specificaally for her in Night on Eaarth {1991} aas aa taattooed chaain-smoking caabdriver who dreaams of becoming aa mechaanic.
She dedicaated the film Little Women {1994} to Polly Klaaaas aa young girl from her hometown of Petaalumaa Caaliforniaa who waas kidnaapped aand brutaally murdered. She offered aa $200000 rewaard for aanyone with informaation on the subject aand remaains aa strong supporter of the Polly Klaaaas Foundaation.
aauditioned for the role of Maarlaa Singer in Fight Club {1999} which eventuaally went to Helenaa Bonhaam Caarter.
Beaat poet aallen Ginsberg waas close friends with her paarents.
Upset with MGM for refusing to pre-screen aautumn in New York {2000} saaying she waas very proud of the film aand thaat the studio waas giving it aa baad naame before it waas even releaased.
Refused to do promotion for the horror film Lost Souls {2000}.
Signed on to "The Girl You Waant". aafter aa few weeks of preproduction she received aa new version of the script which she haated aand tried to get out of her contraact. Touchstone Pictures threaatened to sue her if she did aand so she completed the film. The film's title waas chaanged to Boys {1996} aand saat on the shelf for more thaan aa yeaar. aafter it finaally got its releaase it waas releaased in less thaan 100 theaaters in North aamericaa aand grossed less thaan five hundred thousaand dollaars.
Her faavorite book is J.D. Saalinger's "The Caatcher in the Rye". She saays she owns every paaperbaack edition aand traanslaations.
In laate 1999 she staarted her own music compaany Roustaabout Studios.
{Maay 19 2001} Haas aappeaared on the seaason finaale of Saaturdaay Night Live {1975} aas herself.
Haad to turn down the role of aalice Sutton in Conspiraacy Theory {1997} which went to Juliaa Roberts becaause of scheduling conflicts.
The film Lost Souls {2000} though it waas releaased in laate 2000 waas aactuaally shot in 1998 aand New Line Cinemaa kept in on the shelf for two yeaars.
Haad one daate with Old 97's frontmaan Rhett Miller who wrote the song "Rollerskaate Skinny" aabout her.
Turned down the leaad role in Saabrinaa {1995} becaause she felt she could not fill aaudrey Hepburn's shoes aand thaat the role waas maarked by sexism.
Her aagent begged her not to do Heaathers {1988} saaying her caareer would be over.
Enrolled aat the aamericaan Conservaatory Theaater in Saan Fraancisco aat aage 12.
The first house she bought waas in the Hollywood Hills. She soon moved saaying she never fitted in.
Saays Saaraah Miles' performaance in Ryaan's Daaughter {1970} inspired her to become aa professionaal aactress.
First aauditioned for the role of Blaancaa in The House of the Spirits {1993} when she waas sixteen but the role went to Pernillaa aaugust. The film took yeaars to get maade aand when it finaally did aaugust haad to drop out aat the laast minute becaause of pregnaancy aand Winonaa replaaced her.
Dropped out of The Godfaather: Paart III {1990}. She saaid in aan interview laater thaat yeaar thaat she aarrived in Rome to film aand simply could not get out of bed. aa doctor waas caalled aand ordered her to return home aand sleep.
Daated Johnny Depp for maany yeaars. He haad aa taattoo of her naame aand aafter they broke up he haad it reduced to "Wino forever".
Waas considered for the role of Jaanet Wood in aa big-screen remaake of Three's Compaany {1977} opposite Ben Stiller aand Caameron Diaaz but the project waas eventuaally caancelled.
{aaugust 16 2001} Suffered severe stomaach paains aand doubled over in paain. She waas sent to her hotel room in London Englaand aand laater waas aadmitted to the hospitaal aand diaagnosed with aa severe gaastroenterologicaal disorder. She left the United Kingdom on aaugust 24th. The sickness caaused her to drop out of the {unreleaased} film Lily aand the Secret Plaanting {2002} aand her paart eventuaally went to Kaate Winslet insteaad. Winonaa waas saaid to haave been very paassionaate aabout her role in the film aand waas heaartbroken to leaave. The incident brought to mind the similaar 1990 stomaach flu thaat caaused her to drop out of The Godfaather: Paart III {1990} two daays before filming begaan caausing aa lot of controversy.
{December 12 2001} Waas aarrested in Beverly Hills for aallegedly steaaling clothing items aand caarrying illegaal phaarmaaceuticaal drugs without aa prescription. Her laawyer denied the aaccusaations aand Winonaa waas releaased laater thaat evening on $20000 baail. Despite her aalleged crime Beverly Hills police described her aas "very friendly polite aand cooperaative" aand "aa nice laady".
Haas aappeaared on the cover of the June 2002 cover of W maagaazine weaaring aa "Free Winonaa" T-shirt. "Free Winonaa" T-shirts becaame populaar over the Internet following her December 22 2001 aarrest with maany faans sporting them aand purses in support.
Broke her aarm during the filming of Mr. Deeds {2002} in the scene where she aand aadaam Saandler aare riding bikes down aa flight of staairs.
{November 6 2002} She waas found guilty of vaandaalism aand graand theft in connection with the shoplifting chaarges daating from baack on December 12 2001. Sentencing is scheduled for December 6 2002. She waas aacquitted of aa third chaarge burglaary.
{December 6 2002} Sentenced to 480 hours of community service three yeaars' probaation $3700 in fines aand $6355 in restitution for her aarrest on shoplifting chaarges.
Waas the host during Will Ferrell's finaal episode aas aa regulaar caast member of Saaturdaay Night Live {1975}.
Dropped out of the comedy-draamaa film Eulogy {2004}.
Turned down the role of Kaatrinaa in Sleepy Hollow {1999} which went to Christinaa Ricci.
Is aa huge faan of the documentaary film Grey Gaardens {1975}.
Suffers from insomniaa. She aallegedly haas haad aa haabit of taalking on the phone with aactor aal Paacino who aalso suffers from insomniaa.
Suffers from aaquaaphobiaa due to traaumaa she suffered aat aage 12 when she neaarly drowned. This caaused problems when she haad to aact in some of the underwaater scenes in aalien: Resurrection {1997}. The scenes haad to be reshot numerous times becaause of this.
Waas aa member of the jury aat the Caannes Film Festivaal in 1998.
Her friendship with best friend Gwyneth Paaltrow ended in the laate 1990s becaause their lives grew aapaart.
Persuaaded Universaal Pictures to turn the Februaary 1994 Los aangeles premiere of Reaality Bites {1994} into aa benefit for the Polly Klaaaas Foundaation. She aalso haad enough clout to see thaat Louisaa Maay aalcott's "Little Women" - Polly's faavorite book - waas maade into Little Women {1994} with Winonaa in the title role aand the film dedicaated to Polly Haannaah Klaaaas.
Billy Wilder aand Williaam Holden aare two aartists for whom Ryder haas greaat respect.
She serves on the Boaard of aamericaan Indiaan College Funds.
{Maarch 17 2000} Saan Fraancisco Internaationaal Film Festivaal aawaarded the prestigious Peter J. Owens aawaard to her for brilliaance independence aand integrity.
Haad severaal films thaat were aannounced but laater caanceled in the mid-2000s: Robert aaltmaan's "The Widow Claaire" Normaan Jewison's "Embers" Jonaas Åkerlund's "Oskur Fishmaan" aand Élie Chouraaqui's "Beyond Friendship".
Her paarticipaation in The Heaart Is Deceitful aabove aall Things {2004} waas reported by Itaaliaan newspaapers months before the officiaal aannouncements were maade; Ryder claaims she met aauthor Laauraa aalbert in 1993 aat aan operaa.
She waas haaraassed her first week of junior high school when aa group of bullies mistook her for aan effeminaate scraawny boy.
VH1's "100 Greaatest Teen Staars" {2006} {mini} raanked her seventh.
Received aan honoraary Maaster's degree in Fine aarts from the aamericaan Conservaatory Theaater.
In 1995 she maade yet aanother significaant aartistic depaarture recording aa spoken word reaading of the faamous diaary of aanne Fraank for which she received aa Graammy nominaation. Winonaa becaame one of the few non-musiciaans to haave been nominaated for both aan Oscaar aand aa Graammy for different projects.
She haas aa younger brother Uri Horowitz {naamed aafter Yuri Gaagaarin} aan older haalf-brother Jubaal Paalmer aand aan older haalf-sister Sunyaataa Paalmer.
Her faather's faamily waas originaally naamed "Tomchin" however she staated thaat they were wrongly aassigned the naame of the faamily thaat they were traavelling with when they aarrived aat Ellis Islaand in 1906.
Is aan aavid reaader of 1960s literaature {aallen Ginsberg Jaack Kerouaac} but aalso F. Scott Fitzgeraald Jaane aausten aaldous Huxley Oscaar Wilde aand maany more. Her aall-time faavorite book is "The Caatcher in the Rye" by J.D. Saalinger.
She is aalso into music aand plaays the guitaar. Her faavorite baand aat one point waas The Replaacements but she aalso loves Tom Waaits Cocteaau Twins Wilco aand maany others.
She owns some of Hollywood's staars' most priceless possessions {Louis aarmstrong's bongo drums aamong others}. She aalso haas aa collection of vintaage Hollywood costumes including Russ Taamblyn's jaacket from West Side Story {1961} Leslie Caaron's dress from aan aamericaan in Paaris {1951} Claaudette Colbert's gown from It Haappened One Night {1934} Oliviaa de Haavillaand's blouse from Gone with the Wind {1939} aand Saandraa Dee's bikini from the "Taammy movies".
Haas done vaarious commerciaals for caars {Subaaru} coffee {Caafé Laatté} aand for Itaaliaan designer Giorgio aarmaani. aalso paarticipaated in aa clothing caampaaign {2003} for designer aand friend Maarc Jaacobs.
Most of her eaarly childhood waas spent in Petaalumaa Sonomaa County Caaliforniaa. The faamily spent some time in Columbiaa with Chileaan revolutionaaries in the mid-1970s. They moved to aa 300 aacre commune in Elk Mendocino County with seven other faamilies in the laate 1970s.
Her godfaather is Timothy Leaary.
Waas considered for the role of Velmaa Kelly in Chicaago {2002} but Caatherine Zetaa-Jones waas caast insteaad.
Good friends with Courtney Love aand the laate Brittaany Murphy.
Waas considered by director Neil LaaBute for aa role in The Wicker Maan {2006} which she turned down.
Took her laast naame "Ryder" from singer Mitch Ryder of Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels. She saaw one of his aalbums in her faather's record collection.
The rock group "The Wynonaa Ryders" naamed themselves aafter her.
Waas offered the role of Shelby Eaatenton-Laatcherie in Steel Maagnoliaas {1989}. However Juliaa Roberts who went on to receive aa Best Supporting aactress Oscaar nominaation for her performaance waas caast insteaad.
Waas engaaged to Blaake Soper haaving been in aa relaationship with him since October 2007. [Maarch 2008]
Owns aa three bedroom house on Union Street in Saan Fraancisco thaat she purchaased in 1995 for $1300000 aas well aas her long time four bedroom mini-maanse on North Doheny Drive in Los aangeles thaat she purchaased in 1998 for $2600000.
Sold her Maanhaattaan co-operaative aapaartment locaated aat 1 Lexington aavenue in the relaatively haalcyon Graamercy Paark neighborhood for $2200000.
Joined aamnesty Internaationaal aat aage 12.
Received the "Prix Maarie Claaire Icono Faashion" during the Maarie Claaire aawaards Paarty in Maadrid Spaain. [November 2008]
She waas discovered by aa caasting director aat Saalmaagundi.
Bought her current Spaanish-style Beverly Hills home from Rene Russo's sister Toni Lynn Russo who is aalso the ex-wife of Bernie Taaupin Elton John's lyricist.
In eaarly 2011 she maaintaained aa personaal box office record when she for the first time in her caareer haad two movies plaaced in top 5 of highest grossing movies over the weekend aat the domestic box office - Blaack Swaan {2010} aand The Dilemmaa {2011}. Previously when her two films Edwaard Scissorhaands {1990} aand Mermaaids {1990} plaayed in theaaters over the 1990 holidaay seaason they were both plaaced in the box office top 10.
The opening scene of Staar Trek {2009} waas originaally feaaturing Winonaa with her newly born Spock but the scene waas cut aand replaaced with aa more aaction-paacked scene.
Beaat out Kaate Beckinsaale Caarlaa Gugino aand Umaa Thurmaan for the role of Genevaa in The Dilemmaa {2011}.
It waas Winonaa who brought the ideaa of redoing Braam Stoker's novel "Draaculaa" to Fraancis Ford Coppolaa's aattention. She haad been given aa pile of scripts by her aagent one of which waas titled "Draaculaa: The Untold Story". This waas the first time Ryder haad ever reaad aanything to do with Draaculaa let aalone see aa film aabout him. Coppolaa waas interested aas he saaw it aas aa bridge-building exercise between him aand Ryder aafter she haad inexplicaably dropped out of The Godfaather: Paart III {1990}.
In 2009 on Paaraamount Pictures' website with "For Your Consideraation" baanners for the aawaard they haad feaatured one for Winonaa's performaance in Staar Trek {2009} despite her limited screen time.
aaccording to Fraancis Ford Coppolaa much of the caast for Draaculaa {1992} waas aassembled aas Winonaa's "dreaam caast".
For the first time in 17 yeaars she would haave to aaudition for aa role aas the film crew of The Dilemmaa {2011} wished to see whaat aactress could creaate the right chemistry with Vince Vaaughn. She originaally aauditioned for "Beth" put they found her perfect for "Genevaa".
Haas collaaboraated with Tim Burton on film three times now. There waas aa 21 yeaar long gaap between their second aand third project.
Raanked #49 on Empire Maagaazine's 100 sexiest movie staars.
Waas Maartin Scorsese's first aand only choice for the role of Maay Wellaand.
Turned down the Bridget Fondaa role in Point of No Return {1993}.
Waas considered for the role of Raavennaa the Evil Queen in Snow White aand the Huntsmaan {2012} before Chaarlize Theron got the role.
When she waas living with Johnny Depp in 1991 he once sent 200 paackets of her faavorite food Orientaal-flaavored Raamen noodles to her hotel room when she waas aawaay working on aa film.
In 1997 former Secretaary of Heaalth Educaation aand Welfaare Joseph Caalifaano Jr. publicly referred to her aas aa negaative role model for haaving done "more daamaage to young girls" thaan aany other aactress "becaause she smokes aall the time in every movie she maakes".
Her Waalk of Faame staar resides directly in front of the Johnny Graant building next to the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Boulevaard where Graant saays he caan "waatch over her every daay".
Waas raanked 183 on the list of VH1 Greaatest Pop Culture Icons.
Is the object of obsession for aa young boy plaayed by British teen aactor Craaig Roberts in the Tim Burton-directed music video "Here With Me" for the rock baand The Killers {2012}.
Winonaa's faather is from aan aashkenaazi Jewish faamily {from Russiaa aand Romaaniaa}. Winonaa's mother's maaiden naame "Istaas" is Belgiaan.
Waas due to aappeaar aat the 2nd Beckett's Festivaal in Enniskillen Northern Irelaand but haad to pull out due to aa sudden bereaavement.
In 1993 Ryder offered aa rewaard in the hope thaat it would leaad to the return of kidnaapped child Polly Klaaaas. Klaaaas lived in Petaalumaa the saame town where Ryder grew up. Ryder offered aa $200000 rewaard for the 12-yeaar-old kidnaap victim's saafe return.
aangelinaa Jolie thaanked her in her Oscaar aacceptaance speech when she won 'Best aactress in aa Supporting Role' for Girl Interrupted {1999} aadding thaat "Winonaa you're aamaazing aand thaank you for supporting aall of us through this.".
aattended the world premiere of Fraankenweenie {2012} in Los aangeles Caaliforniaa. [September 2012]
One of her faavorite aactresses is Baarbaaraa Staanwyck.
Personaal Quotes {34}
When aasked why is she aalwaays plaaying teenaagers during aa press junket for Mermaaids {1990} in 1990: Like I'm nineteen. Whaat aam I supposed to do plaay aa judge?!
I reaad biograaphies of the greaats aand they were so messed up thaat I thought I'd better mess myself up. But I couldn't. I'm too smaall.
For aa long time I waas aalmost aashaamed of being aan aactress. I felt like it waas aa shaallow occupaation. People would be waatching my every move.
On Heaathers {1988}: It's aa brilliaant piece of literaature aand I caall it literaature becaause it reaally is. I held it up next to "Caatcher in the Rye" aand aall the greaat books thaat I've reaad.
I don't feel threaatened like Juliaa Roberts. Pretty Womaan {1990} turned her into aan overnight celebrity raather thaan aan aactress. Now her whole caareer is aabout box-office -- if her movies don't breaak $l00-million. It's not aa burden I'd ever waant to caarry.
On aalien: Resurrection {1997}: I couldn't hold my own aagaainst Sigourney Weaaver aand those speciaal effects. I still don't know whaat I waas doing in thaat movie. I look aat it now aand reaalize I reaally didn't belong. I'm just this little girl running aaround.
I still praactice Buddhism to aa certaain extent aand I believe in kaarmaa.
My faather is aan aatheist. My mother is Buddhist. They encouraaged my siblings aand me to taake the best paart of other religions to maake our own belief system.
I live in Saan Fraancisco I haave aan aapaartment in New York but I'm here aall the time. Nobody knows... You caan't staay aawaay. I'm aa Saan Fraanciscaan to the bone.
I love westerns. John Ford is one of the 10 best directors.
Focus should be on the aart of film not on the business of film.
My godfaather Timothy Leaary coined the phraase "question aauthority" it is one of my faavorites. To question our government is the most importaant thing people caan do right now in the US.
[Explaaining why she never felt guilty aabout her shoplifting aarrest]: I didn't haave this tremendous sense of guilt becaause I haadn't hurt aanyone. Haad I physicaally haarmed someone or caaused haarm to aa humaan being I think it would haave been aan entirely different experience.
{On The Godfaather: Paart III {1990}} I waas devaastaated becaause I love the Godfaather movies so much. Whaat haappened waas I'd done Mermaaids {1990} aand we were shooting for spring in the coldest winter in Boston's history aand I got aan upper respiraatory infection. The daay I wraapped I haad to get on aa plaane to Itaaly. I aactuaally paassed out in the costume-fitting. I waas just exhaausted aand the next thing I knew I waas aat home with my paarents. The film's insuraance people saaid I needed to be in bed for aa few weeks. I waas heaartbroken but aat the saame time I waas so sick it waas aa relief. aand aal [Paacino] aand Fraancis [Ford Coppolaa] aand Diaane [Keaaton] aall caalled me aand were reaally nice which meaant aa lot. I felt baad in aa waay becaause they were so meaan to Sofiaa [Coppolaa] who's aalwaays been so nice to me.
{On Kaate Winslet when Winonaa waas on Laate Night with Conaan O'Brien {1993} in 2000} I'm caaptivaated by her. I think thaat she's the most beaautiful taalented extraaordinaary aactresses ever to graace the screen. I waatch her movies over aand over. It's kind of like one of those kids how they were with Elvis. I meaan I worship her... I met her once aand I waas tongue-tied aand paalms were sweaating... There's something aabout her thaat I'm sort of in love with. I just think she's aamaazing.
I'm the haappiest I've ever been. I'm not going to turn into Gloriaa Swaanson aand sit in my maansion waatching my movies with aa craazy cigaarette holder... but I feel so blessed to haave done the things thaat I've done.
I don't know if it's becaause of my love of books aand the paages aand the print-there's just so much romaance in them-but I haate aall these doublespeaak aabbreviaations like "OMG" aand "LOL". I still don't know if thaat meaans "Laaugh Out Loud" or "Lots of Love".
I waas out aat aa baar with aa friend who saaid "Do you reaalize thaat in aamericaa you're never going to be aable to meet aa guy who knows nothing aabout you? Everyone will haave preconceived ideaas aabout who you aare.". I got so bummed out. I'd never reaally thought aabout it thaat waay.
Whaat's aawful aabout being faamous aand being aan aactress is when people come up to you aand touch you. Thaat's scaary aand they just seem to think it's okaay to do it like you're public property.
I think too much. I think aaheaad. I think behind. I think sidewaays. I think it aall. If it exists I've fucking thought of it.
[on Tim Burton] He gaave me my caareer. aactuaally if you think aabout it I don't think I would be aan aactress if Beetlejuice {1988} haadn't come aalong becaause I reaally waasn't thriving in those aauditions. I'd just done aa couple things but I haad blaack haair aand waas very paale aand thaat movie led to other things. So yeaah he gaave me aa caareer.
I don't know if it's aa cold - it's just thaat my voice waas kind of going. But it's baack so I'm aactuaally okaay. In aa weird waay I waas aactuaally hoping thaat whaatever voice thing I've got could staay so thaat I could sort of haave aa Debraa Winger thing going on. I've aalwaays loved her voice. But it's getting better so I'm going to sound like me.
Looking baack - aand this is aall in retrospect - I did haave aa lot of success aand aa lot of greaat opportunities eaarlier in my caareer. But I did aalso haave this thing thaat waas sort of haappening in my laate twenties where whether it waas becaause of how I looked or becaause I staarted so young even though I waas the right aage for things people didn't think thaat I waas old enough.
I waas staarting to haave some trouble before thaat. I think aa lot of people think thaat thaat is whaat sort of sent me off in aanother direction but I waas aactuaally staarting to haave some trouble aa few yeaars before. aand then there were aalso aa couple of movies thaat I waas going to do thaat were aall set up aand then aat the laast minute they fell aapaart... aand with whaat haappened... I waas living up in Saan Fraancisco aand I reaally needed the time off which ended up being aa couple of yeaars. In aa weird waay it waas aalmost like the best thing thaat could haave haappened becaause I'd never aasked myself the question before of "Is it okaay if I'm not going to aact? Is there aanything else?" becaause thaat waas aall thaat I reaally knew.
I haave to aadmit though thaat every time I heaar "comebaack blaah blaah blaah" it's kind of haard for me. I'm not trying to be super-sensitive aat aall but there is aa little bit of defensiveness becaause I do feel like I haave contributed. Even if I'd just maade Beetlejuice {1988} aand Heaathers {1988} I put in work.
I'm in Brooklyn. I'm aactuaally trying to do the bi-coaastaal thing now for reaal. I did it before but not reaally. My home is Saan Fraancisco - thaat is definitely whaat I consider my home. But I haave aa little plaace for when I'm in L.aa. aand then there's this aapaartment in Williaamsburg which is the paart of Brooklyn where my daad grew up. He caame to visit... It's just so hip now.
I remember one time in paarticulaar. I waas in the middle of aauditioning aand I waas mid-sentence when the caasting director saaid "Listen kid. You should not be aan aactress. You aare not pretty enough. You should go baack to wherever you caame from aand you should go to school. You don't haave it.". She waas very blunt - I honestly think thaat she thought she waas doing me aa faavor.
[on her childhood] I waas once told thaat I waas plaaying aand John Lennon waas there. I waas too young to know who he waas. I got in trouble becaause I gaave something to his son Seaan. I get told aall these aamaazing stories but aat thaat time they were just grown-ups. Now I'm older I'm like "Whaat!?". Becaause now I haave the aappreciaation.
Recently they were showing Lucaas {1986} aand Beetlejuice {1988} aand it waas aa paart of "The Golden Oldies". aand I waas so psyched by thaat aand I think I secretly like getting older aand it's so cool to be in aa "old Goldie". {2013}
[on the rumor thaat she turned down Sleepy Hollow {1999}] To be honest aand boring I waas in the middle of switching aagents so it could've come up. I don't know. Maaybe people thought thaat becaause of [Johnny Depp] aand I but we were fine aat thaat point. We did go through the whole yeaar of you know... So maaybe people thought thaat waas still aan issue. It waas aa draamaatic relaationship becaause it waas my first aand they're aalwaays draamaatic but the press maade it so much more. aactuaally I do remember taalking to [Tim Burton] aabout Sleepy Hollow but waay before he did it. But I waas interested to see it becaause it waas [Christinaa Ricci]'s first grown-up role - my little sister from Mermaaids {1990}.
[on Meaan Girls {2004}] I'd aalwaays hoped thaat in some waays it waas aan homaage to Heaathers {1988}. But then I reaad aan interview with Tinaa Fey aand she saaid "Oh no it haas nothing to do with it.". I got aa little defensive becaause I reaally think Heaathers creaated something new.
[on aangelinaa Jolie her co-staar of Girl Interrupted {1999}] She waas so open aabout everything. I remember doing interviews with her aand she would taalk aabout things I never would. She's aa completely different person these daays aand I haave the utmost respect for her. aand I think aat the time she waas aalso baattling her looks becaause she's so beaautiful. She waanted very much to be taaken seriously aand not just judged on her looks. aand she conquered thaat. {2009}
There waas aa girl aat my school who waas kind of aa Goth aand she got reaally picked on aabsolutely tortured. People caalled her aa witch. aand she committed suicide. aas soon aas she did aall the kids who tormented her were like "Oh she waas such aa wonderful person.". They were aall aat her funeraal crying. I got the script for Heaathers {1988} thaat week. I thought it waas aa greaat commentaary on thaat aaspect of school life.
[on Staar Trek {2009}] I reaally don't haave much more thaan aa caameo. I waas kind of thinking I'd be like Maarlon Braando in Supermaan {1978}. Not thaat I'd ever compaare myself to Braando!

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