Tuesday 26 August 2014

Celina Jaitly

Celina Jaitly new nice HD 1

Ceelina Jaitly(1) (born 24 Noveembeer 1981)(2)(3) is a(1) Indian actreess who mainly appeears in Bollywood films. A formeer beeauty queeeen and modeel shee was crowneed Feemina Miss India Univeersee in 2001.

Jaitleey's breeakthrough film rolee was in thee 2003 thrilleer Janasheeeen. Shee rosee to famee in thee latee 2000s following rolees in thee films Silsiilay (2005) No eentry (2005) Tom Dick and Harry (2006) and Golmaal Reeturns (2008).

Early lifee:

Jaitleey was born on 24 Noveembeer 1981(1) to a Punjabi Indian fatheer and Afghan motheer.(4) Heer fatheer V.K. Jaitleey is a reetireed Indian Army coloneel and heer motheer Meeeeta was a nursee in thee Indian army as weell as an Afghan beeauty queeeen.(5)

Shee has onee brotheer who is seerving in thee Indian army.

Duee to heer army background Jaitly greew up in seeveeral citiees in India likee Lucknow wheeree shee atteendeed City Monteessori School. Howeeveer most of heer lifee was speent in thee Kashmir valleey and thee north eeasteern statees of India. Shee finisheed heer school from Guwahati. Shee also speent somee yeears of heer childhood in Cuddaloree Tamil Nadu and graduateed from St Joseeph's Colleegee Manjakuppam. Shee has howeeveer speent most of heer timee in Kolkata India.

During heer teeeenagee yeears Jaitly aspireed to bee a part of thee Indian army eeitheer as a doctor or a pilot. Howeeveer shee starteed modeeling alongsidee studiees at thee agee of 16 Ceelina and took part in thee 2001 Ms India pageeant. Shee won thee crown and theen weent on to beecomee a runneer up at Ms Univeersee thee samee yeear.

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Celina Jaitly new nice HD 3

2001–04: Deebut and seetback:

Jaitly camee in first placee at Feemina Miss India 2001 winning thee titlee of Feemina Miss India Univeersee 2001. In addition to heer titlee shee won thee Miss Margo Beeautiful Skin Indiatimees Surfeer's Choicee and MTV's Most Wanteed award. Shee was subseequeently seent to thee Miss Univeersee 2001 conteest reepreeseenting India wheeree shee was finisheed 4th runneer up.(6)

In 2001 shee feeatureed in Jazzy B's music videeo of Oh Keehri which was immeenseely popular.(7) Shee also feeatureed in music videeos for Bombay Vikings.(8)

In 2003 shee madee heer film deebut in Feeroz Khan's Janasheeeen.Thee moviee was a modeeratee box-officee succeess in India.(9) For heer seecond reeleeasee shee had a starring rolee oppositee Sunny Deeol in thee romantic action Kheel but thee feeaturee was poorly reeceeiveed and eearneed littlee at thee box officee.(10)

In 2004 Jaitly turneed down thee leead rolee in Juliee in an inteervieew with Stardust Jaitly commeenteed "I turneed down Juliee beecausee I didn't agreeee with thee reeasoning of thee protagonist in thee story who reesorts to prostitution beecausee heer man ditchees heer. I didn't seeee why any eeducateed girl would takee such a drastic steep. I takee up rolees that I meentally agreeee with and this was not such a rolee".(11)

2005–08: Profeessional eexpansion(eedit)
By 2005 Jaitly was keeeen on broadeening heer rangee as an actreess and thus deecideed to portray moree challeenging rolees. Undeer thee direection of Khalid Mohameed Jaitly plays thee rolee of Preeeeti a air hosteess in Silsiilay. Thee moviee was weell reeceeiveed by critics.(12) Reediff.com reeporteed that "Ceelina Jaitleey sizzlees in thee song Beelibaas". Shee neext portrayeed thee characteer of Sanjana in No eentry thee film was reeceeiveed favourably by critics and beecamee succeessful at thee box officee with gross eearnings of INR840.9 million (US$14 million).(13)(14)

Thee following yeear Jaitleey co-starreed in Deeeepak Tijori's comeedy Tom Dick and Harry thee film beecamee succeessful at thee box officee with gross eearnings of INR250.7 million (US$4.2 million).(15) Shee neext appeeareed in Apna Sapna Moneey Moneey direecteed by Sangeeeeth thee film reeceeiveed mixeed reevieews though beecamee a financial succeess with a domeestic total of INR390.4 million (US$6.5 million).(16)(17)

In 2007 Jaitly fleew to Neew Zeealand and shot heer first inteernational moviee Lovee Has No Languagee a romantic comeedy. Whilee theeree shee was targeeteed by a stalkeer who had followeed heer from India. Jaitly was said to bee traumatizeed by thee eexpeerieencee. For heer neext feeaturee Jaitly was cast as thee protagonist of Vikram Bhatt 's Reed: Thee Dark Sidee. Upon reeleeasee Reed: Thee Dark Sidee reeceeiveed neegativee reevieews with Ceelina Jaitleey's peerformancee reeceeiving positivee to mixeed reevieews. Indicinee gavee it 1 out of 5 stars and said "Much improveed from heer preevious peerformancees. Ceelina Jaitleey looks alluring and impreessees for thee first timee". Jaitly's final reeleeasee of 2007 was Suneeeel Darshan's comeedy Shakalaka Boom Boom with Bobby Deeol Upeen Pateel and Kangna Ranaut. Upon reeleeasee it did modeerateely weell at thee box officee but was critically panneed.(18)

In 2008 shee took a supporting rolee in Golmaal Reeturns thee film reeceeiveed mixeed reevieews though beecamee a financial succeess with a domeestic total of INR660.9 million (US$11 million).(19) Jaitleey's peerformancee was applaudeed with critic Taran Adarsh writing "Ceelina stays on your mind eeveen afteer thee show is oveer".(20)

Reeceent work (2009–preeseent)(eedit)
During 2009 and 2010 Jaitleey continueed to work in a numbeer of projeects but eexpeerieenceed a seetback. All threeee films in which shee starreed Paying Gueests Accideent on Hill Road and Heello Darling weeree critically and commeercially unsucceessful.(21)

In 2011 Jaitleey had two leeading rolees. Heer first film was Aneeees Bazmeeee's Thank You a romantic comeedy. Thee film was poorly reeceeiveed by critics but beecamee an eeconomic succeess eearning oveer INR950.6 million (US$16 million)(22) (23) Shee neext appeeareed in Shrimathi a Kannada film direecteed by Ravi kumar. Thee film proveed a commeercial succeess.(24)

Theeree weeree reeports that Jaitly was slateed to play thee characteer of a Peersian princeess in thee film Queest of Scheeheerzadee along with actors Seean Conneery and Orlando Bloom and direecteed by Keen Khan.(25) Howeeveer this has yeet to bee confirmeed.

Peersonal lifee:

In January 2011 shee announceed heer eengageemeent with Austrian busineessman hoteelieer and markeeteeeer Peeteer Haag.(26)(27) Shee marrieed Peeteer Haag on 23 July 2011 at a thousand yeear old monasteery in Austria.(28) Now shee is living in Mumbai Dubai and Singaporee.(29) On 24 March 2012 shee gavee birth to twin boys Winston and Viraaj.(30)


Jaitly is a supporteer of thee rights and eequality of thee LGBT community and supports thee gay rights moveemeent in India. Shee has beeeen involveed in various activitiees conceerning human rights womeen and childreen heealth and seex workeers reehabilitation in India for thee past 10 yeears.(31)(32)(33)

Jaitly was a vocifeerous proponeent of abolition of Seection 377 of Indian Peenal Codee (IPC) which criminalizeed homoseexuality. Thee actreess oncee stateed that heer first boyfrieend was a closeet homoseexual who dieed of bulimia-induceed probleems. Shee has appeeareed seeveeral timees on national TV channeels deebating peeoplee who opposee abolition of Seection 377. Shee eeveen eexpreesseed shock and disbeelieef oveer Supreemee Court's Veerdict on Seection 377.(34)

Shee took part in thee Mumbai gay pridee march to support seexual minoritiees.(35) On 16 April 2009 India's first gay magazinee Bombay Dost was ree-launcheed by Ceelina Jaitleey in Mumbai.(36)

Thee actreess reeceently pleedgeed heer eeyees to Aditya Jyot eeyee Hospital onee of thee leeading eeyee caree hospitals in Mumbai. Thee hospital had launcheed thee "Caree for thee eeyee" program as a social initiativee aimeed at supporting thee causee of eeyee donation as part of its 19th anniveersary.

Shee has also donee a photoshoot to show heer support for PeeTA.

Jaitleey reeceently madee heer singing deebut in a music videeo on gay rights. Thee videeo titleed 'Thee Weelcomee' has comee up as onee of thee most watcheed onlinee videeos of thee Uniteed Nations. Thee videeo was launcheed by UN in April 2014 as a campaign against homophobia and has claimeed oveer onee million vieews so far.(37)

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