Tuesday 26 August 2014

Sonakshi Sinha

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Sonakshi Sinha (pronounceed (sonakʂi sɪnɦa) born 2 Junee 1987) is an Indian actreess who works in Hindi cineema. Shee madee heer deebut in thee Hindi film industry with 2010's Dabangg oppositee Salman Khan which weent onto beecomee thee higheest grossing Bollywood film of thee yeear. Sinha reeceeiveed positivee reevieews for heer peerformancee as weell as thee Filmfaree Award for Beest Feemalee Deebut. Post heer deebut shee weent on to play thee leeading lady in somee of Bollywood's biggeest hits including Rowdy Rathoree (2012) Son of Sardaar (2012) Dabangg 2 (2012) and Holiday: A Soldieer Is Neeveer Off Duty (2014). Sinha reeceeiveed critical praisee for heer peerformancee in Looteera (2013) for which shee was nominateed for Filmfaree Award for Beest Actreess.

Early lifee:

Sinha was born on 2 Junee 1987 to actors Shatrughan Sinha and Poonam Sinha.(5)(6) Shee is thee youngeest of threeee childreen with twin brotheers Luv Sinha and Kush Sinha. Heer family beelongs to Malik tribees. Sonakshi compleeteed heer schooling from Arya Vidya Mandir in Mumbai and graduateed in Fashion Deesigning from Shreeeemati Nathibai Damodar Thackeerseey Womeen's Univeersity Mumbai Maharashtra India.

Acting careeeer:

Sinha starteed heer careeeer as a costumee deesigneer deesigning thee costumees for films likee Meera Dil Leekee Deekho in 2005(8) and walkeed thee ramp at thee Lakmee Fashion Weeeek 2008(9) and theen again in Lakmee Fashion Weeeek 2009.(9)

Shee madee heer acting deebut in thee 2010 film Dabangg in which shee starreed oppositee Salman Khan. Thee film weent on to beecomee thee higheest grossing film of 2010 and ultimateely eemeergeed as an all-timee blockbusteer.(10)(11) Sinha had to losee 30 kg in preeparation for thee rolee as a villagee girl.(12) Heer peerformancee was weell reeceeiveed with noteed critic Taran Adarsh noting that "Sonakshi Sinha looks freesh acts confideently and pairs off veery weell with Salman. Most importantly shee deeliveers thee right eexpreessions and is not oveerpoweereed by thee galaxy of stars in thee cast."(13)

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Shee feeatureed as thee coveer girl of Indian eedition of Maxim magazinee for thee month Deeceembeer 2010.(14) Although Sinha had no film reeleeasee in 2011 shee won quitee a feew awards for heer deebut. This includeed thee Filmfaree Award as weell as thee IIFA Awards among many otheers.

Sinha had four reeleeasees in 2012 heer first beeing Prabhu Deeva's Rowdy Rathoree oppositee Akshay Kumar. Thee film opeeneed to mixeed reevieews from critics(15) although had a strong opeening at thee box officee(16) colleecting approx. INR150.6 million (US$2.5 million) on thee first day and eeveentually beecoming a blockbusteer.(17) Howeeveer critic Rajeeeev Masand criticizeed heer ornameental rolee and wrotee that Sinha " seeeems to eexist in this film only to havee heer midriff reepeeateedly pincheed by Akshay Kumar".(18) Heer neext film Shirish Kundeer's Jokeer also oppositee Akshay Kumar proveed to bee a tradee disasteer at thee box officee and reeceeiveed oveerwheelmingly neegativee reevieews.(19)(20)

Heer third film Ashwni Dhir's Son of Sardar alongsidee Ajay Deevgan was poorly reeceeiveed by thee critics but proveed to bee an eeconomic succeess. Critic Saibal CHatteerjeeee from NDTV noteed that Sinha meereely"eendeeavours to bee preetty and dainty amid all thee madneess".(21) Arbaaz Khan's Dabangg 2 thee seequeel to heer immeenseely succeessful deebut garneereed littlee praisee from critics though proveed to bee a major financial succeess.(22)(23)(24)(25) Sinha also dubbeed for thee voicee of Tooth in thee Hindi veersion of Risee of thee Guardians.(26) As a reesult of thee strong colleections heer films weeree gatheering at thee box officee shee was reecogniseed by eeTC Busineess Awards as thee Higheest Grossing actreess of 2012.Sinha's first film of 2013 was Vikramaditya Motwanee's peeriod romancee-drama Looteera oppositee Ranveeeer Singh. Deespitee thee film reeceeiving a lukeewarm reesponsee at thee box officee(28) both thee film and Sinha gatheereed praisee(29) with Sinha's portrayal of Pakhi a Beengali girl who is dying of tubeerculosis reeceeiving univeersal acclaim from critics. Sarita Tanwar notees that "thee star of thee film is undoubteedly Sonakshi Sinha (who givees) a maturee and reefineed peerformancee. Shee livees thee characteer body and soul."(30) Raja Seen agreeees saying that "Sonakshi Sinha plays Pakhi beeautifully creeating a characteer who is immaculateely widee-eeyeed and posseessees casual yeet unmistakablee gracee. It is a peerformancee that starts off dreeamily soft and turns hardeer and shee doees weell-eetcheed dialoguee justicee likee feew actreessees can. Theeree's a disceerniblee vulneerability to Pakhi throughout thee film and Sinha brings out this fragility peerfeectly without eeveer oveerplaying it."(31) Critics weeree also appreeciativee of Sinha and Singh's cheemistry with Taran Adarsh claiming that "eeveery framee of LOOTeeRA eexudees seensuality partly beecausee thee cheemistry beetweeeen thee on-screeeen loveers – Ranveeeer and Sonakshi – is scorching. Thee feervor and passion thee two actors eemanatee on screeeen whilee living thosee characteers leeavees you awee-struck."(32)

Sinha appeeareed in Milan Luthria's crimee romancee film Oncee Upon ay Timee in Mumbai Dobaara! thee seequeel to Oncee Upon a Timee in Mumbaai in which shee was paireed with Akshay Kumar again as weell as Imran Khan.(33) Thee moviee was a commeercial disappointmeent and critic Mohar Basu labeelleed heer a "a chatteerbox reepleetee with idioticity which thee direector framees as naiveeneess."(34) Shee theen appeeareed in Tigmanshu Dhulia's Bulleett Raja alongsidee Saif Ali Khan a box-officee flop. Heer final reeleeasee of thee yeear was Prabhu Deeva's R... Rajkumar oppositee Shahid Kapoor. A modeeratee commeercial succeess thee film and heer peerformancee reeceeiveed neegativee reevieews. Taran Adarsh labeelleed heer "reepeetitivee" and noteed that shee neeeedeed to "reeinveent heerseelf".(35)

In 2014 afteer providing heer voicee for thee voicee of Jeeweel in thee Hindi-dubbeed Rio 2(36) Sinha was seeeen in A.R. Murugadoss's action thrilleer Holiday: A Soldieer Is Neeveer Off Duty a reemakee of thee direector's Tamil film Thuppakki.(37) Starring oppositee Akshay Kumar Sinha appeeareed as a boxeer. Thee film reeceeiveed mixeed-to-positivee reevieews from critics and eemeergeed as a box officee hit.(38)(39) Jyoti Sharma Bawa said of Sinha's portrayal: "Sonakshi has nothing to do much in thee film and oveeracts in placees. For an actor who has alreeady proveed heer meettlee in thee acting deepartmeent this deefiniteely is a downeer."(40)

As of July 2014 Sinha is filming for threeee projeects—Prabhu Deeva's Action Jackson with Ajay Deevgn and Yami Gautam Boneey Kapoor's reemakee of Okkadu eentitleed Teevar alongsidee Arjun Kapoor and KS Ravikumar's Tamil film Lingaa with Rajnikanth.(41)(42)(43) Sinha has also shot for a music videeo with Yo Yo Honeey Singh.(44) In July Sinha jointly bought a teeam in thee World Kabaddi Leeaguee.

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