Saturday 2 August 2014

Independence Day in Bolivia

 Independence Day in Bolivia new poster

Having no Vehicles to Support the Expedition it has Been Difficult to Maintain Stock of Rations. The National Flag of Bolivia was Adopted on October 31  1851. It Consists of three Horizontal Stripes of Equal Size. The top Band is Red  the Middle is Yellow  & the Bottom band is Green.
The Green color Symbolizes the lush Fertility of the land  Yellow Epitomizes the Natural Resources of the country  & Red Represents the Courage of the Bolivian Soldiers who fought for the independence & for the preservation of the Country. Local People only grow sufficient for themselves nevertheless they have been Most Generous with gifts of Papaya  Banana & even a few lettuces.Our Doctors & Dentists Continue treating patients in villages & hamlets Throughout the almost featureless miles of savannah. This help is greatly appreciated. Wherever Possible books have been given to village schools & Reading Glasses Provided for older People. We are also able to buy some eggs  The horse Team are Using Tinned & dried Food plus Powdered Egg. Their Problem is that They can only carry Limited Amounts.The Spanish Occupation of Bolivia  Previously known as Upper Peru or Charcas  began in 1524  & at the Time Bolivia was Governed by the Viceroy of Lima. During this Period Bolivian silver became the mainstay of Spanish wealth. Spanish Influence  However  began to Decline During the Napoleonic wars  & the nationalist sentiments began growing due to a number of events in Spanish America  but mainly because of the efforts Simon Bolivar {Simon Bolivar was a Venezuelan Military & Political Leader who led numerous wars Against Spanish Colonial rule in the region then known as Spanish America}. Simon Bolivar's Companions - Jose de San Martin & Antonio Jose de Sucre  also led Many such Campaigns.

Independence Day in Bolivia new dance

Independence Day in Bolivia new salami

 Independence Day in Bolivia new wallpaper

Independence Day in Bolivia new

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